Disarm | zh

There is more than one band that goes by the name Disarm, the two most prominent being a Swedish Hardcore/Punk band and a sleaze band from the UK. 1) The Swedish Disarm was formed in Gothenburg, Sweden in the early eighties. They started under the name Total Armsvett but changed their name to Disarm under the recording of their first ep Regerings Stödda Mord. They played both in Sweden and in Finland with contemporary bands like Kaaos, Anti Cimex and Mob 47 to name a few. The band made two official ep´s "Regerings Stödda Mord" and "Dömd" and also appeared...
Battle of Disarm is an anarchist crust punk band from Isigawa, Japan. They originally formed over rising concerns on the cruel treatment of animals, & high usage of vivisection by major corporations. Since they first formed in 1989, they have refused to release any material on compact disk, in protest of the technological advances that has swept across Japan, which they say has lead to worldwide "corruption and murder". Other issues they have focused on is the disarming of nuclear weapons, by releasing songs like Disarm or Die! and , in concern that more bombings, like the atomic bombings of...
British heavy metal band from Birmingham. They released a full-length album in 1999 called "Only The Devil Can Stop Us". .