Higgins Waterproof Black Magic Band | zh

Throughout the month of May 2007, Yasu and Acid Black Cherry went on a secret nationwide tour of Japan, culminating in a show in Shinjuku which was webcast live to the world. Their first single, SPELL MAGIC, released on July 18, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Oricon Singles Charts in Japan. ABC's second single, entitled Black Cherry, was released on September 26, 2007, followed by a third single (November 28, 2007), Aishitenai. Their fourth single, entitled Fuyu no Maboroshi, was released on January 16, 2008, to the number one spot on the Japanese Oricon Singles chart. All the singles...
Sin Bandera was formed spontaneously: Leonel García (from Mexico) had the idea to be soloist, he showed talent on guitar and voice, but his project never took off with the record companies. At the same time, Noel Schajris (from Argentina) was preparing a solo album after making his debut in 1999. Both being musicians, composers and singers, they discovered the ideal formula to unite their talents and personalities in 2000. Noel Schajris was born in 1974 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Leonel García was born on January 27, 1975 in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. In 2007, the duo decided to split and...
Black Beat (블랙 비트) was a boy band from South Korea formed in 2000. Black Beat belonged to SM Entertainment. A few of their members have appeared elsewhere, but for the most part their public appearances (and subsequent popularity) have been limited. This can be attributed to a number of things: the waning popularity of poppy rap and the decreasing amount of SM Entertainment's PR power (which since 2004 has focused on a few core groups and singers). Their last appearance was the 2006 Winter SMTown. Their disbandment was confirmed in 2007 when lead vocalist, Jang Jin Young teamed up...
【基本资料】   姓名:the Black Eyed Peas   译名:黑眼豆豆   成员:will.i.am、Fergie、apl.de.ap、Taboo   国家:美国   城市:洛杉矶 【生平介绍】   2003年从洛杉矶初出茅庐的黑眼豆豆合唱团(Black Eyed Peas),是一支深受灵魂乐、爵士乐与拉丁节奏与现场演唱精神所启发的放克/嘻哈队伍,will.i.am、Fergie、apl.de.ap、Taboo四位团员组成,在1998年与2000年先后发行了两张获音乐评论网站All Music Guide四颗星喝彩的专辑《Behind The Front》与《Bridging The Gap》,他们跨越类型音乐,并多元采撷拉丁、印地安、亚洲民族旋律的音乐地球村创作态度深获音乐人肯定,第2张专辑《Bridging The Gap》就吸引了难民营合唱团(The Fugees)创作主将怀克里夫金(Wyclef Jean)与DJ Premiere携手掌舵制作大任,葛莱美奖最佳女歌手得主梅西葛蕾(Macy Gray)、嘻哈名团De La Soul、Mos Def、Jurassic 5、法国节奏蓝调/爵士女子乐团Les Nubian也来助阵,其中与梅西葛蕾合唱的"Request Line"攀登饶舌单曲榜亚军。   不断在创新的黑眼豆豆合唱团,2003年乐团亮出了全新力作《Elephunk放克大象》,乐团有了新朋友—来自洛杉矶的Stacy ’Fergie’ Ferguson,Fergie原本只是单纯的在现场演唱场合以乐会友,却因大家在录音室磨出惊人的火花,进而获邀加入黑眼豆豆合唱团。此辑中团长will.i.am在节奏铺排上花尽巧思,像是请来超级男孩合唱团单飞巨星贾斯汀(Justin Timberlake)友情献声,呼吁世人抛开成见、散播真爱关怀的TOP 40单曲"Where Is The Love",还有崭露快嘴饶舌步调的"Hands Up",仿佛人声乐器传奇路易斯阿姆斯壮(Louis Armstrong)唱法的歌曲"Smells Like Funk",还有运用现场乐器、乐曲取样、鼓器等配套结构,全新的节奏变装佳作包括:与专辑销售超白金的蟑螂老爹乐团(Papa Roach)合作的"Anxiety",与葛莱美奖五项大奖新贵艾莉西亚凯斯(Alicia Keys)合作的"Let’s Get Retarded",取样麦当娜(Madonna)成名作"Holiday"改编而成的趣味大作"Labor Day (It’s A Holiday)",以及团员apl.de.ap纪念在菲律宾过世的兄弟的歌曲"The apl Song"。黑眼豆豆合唱团人气直窜,超级男孩贾斯汀跟克莉丝汀(Christina Aguilera)2003年夏季巡回演唱会就邀请黑眼豆豆作为热门嘉宾。   可以看出,Black Eyed Peas并非一个单纯的唱说组合,他们将多种音乐元素融合,创作出自己独特的hit-hop风格,构成了非商业性嘻哈音乐的中流砥柱。   2003年至2004年,他们与Justin Timberlake合作的一首歌《Where Is The Love》火爆亮相,专辑《Elephunk》也在美国卖出超过两百五十万张。之后的《M Business》,主打曲是《Don`t Phunk With My Heart》,新专辑中继续找Justin合作,创作出《My Sytle》,另外又与朋克老将James Brown合作了《They Don`t Want Music》、还与摇滚男歌手Jack Johnson合作了《Gone Going Gone》。   黑眼豆豆合唱团人气直窜,持续发烧,频频被热门电视节目邀请为受欢迎的嘉宾。2005年夏天,Black Eyed Peas推出第四张专辑《Monkey Business》。对一个歌手来说,每张专辑都是一段旅程,实际上,录制这张专辑的过程就是一段疯狂的旅程———他们穿过伦敦,来到巴西,去到美国,在机场里,在旅馆里,在公车大厅里,在博物馆里,甚至在浴室里录制各种声音来完成这张专辑。 低音吉他、拉丁节奏、嘻哈节拍、抢耳旋律,堪称一场疯狂而绚丽的音乐旅程。   黑眼豆豆(The Black Eyed Peas)是一支来自美国洛杉矶的嘻哈(Hip-hop)流行音乐团体,在全球都广受欢迎。该团体现在由will.i.am,apl.de.ap,Taboo及Fergie四位成员组成。   目录   1 发展时期   1.1 专辑《Elephunk》   1.2 专辑《Monkey Business》   1.3 2006全球巡回演唱会   1.4 豆荚基金会(The Peapod Foundation)   2 专辑列表...