Oscar Peterson Trio | zh

Oscar Lopez (born 1954 in Santiago, Chile) is a Chilean-Canadian folk guitarist. Lopez moved to Canada in 1979 and settled in Calgary, Alberta. He began pursuing music as a career, becoming a popular draw on the Canadian folk festival circuit, and released his debut album, Hola, in 1989. Several of his albums have been nominated for Canada's Juno Awards, and 2000's Armando's Fire was his first Juno win, for Best Instrumental Album. He has recorded on the Narada label. Although he has continued recording, Lopez has not toured or performed in several years due to a battle with depression. As...
There are multiple artists known as Patriot: 1. Patriot is a four piece alternative/indie band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina 2. Patriot is a rock band formed by Cove Reber, who is formally from the band Saosin 1. "Patriot is, and always will be, a non-political and anti-racist band!" --Eddie Bastard Patriot is a four piece Oi! band, first formed in October of 1990 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina (USA), a town known far more for its post-granola hippie and elitist alternative/indie music scene - not the most fertile soil to grow Oi! and streetpunk in, but as they say,...
ShinSight Trio is a hip-hop group that consists of Insight (Andre Todman), Shin-Ski (Shinsuke Taoka) and DJ Ryow (Ryo Yoshihara). Insight, the landmark bel-esprit who has taken over the hard-and-fast No. 1 spot in popularity and recognition in the global underground scene, Shin-Ski of Martian Gang, the jewel of Japan who has close ties with Insight and is melting the hearts of good music lovers all over the world with the variety of musicality and his unique sense of beautiful melody, and DJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth Current, who has become a charisma in the underground scene through music activities as...
加拿大籍爵士钢琴好手奥斯卡.皮特森以华丽流畅的指法与对音乐的完全投入,不止在个人独奏事业上屡创高峰,与其他乐手的合作也因默契绝佳而独步乐坛。 奥斯卡.皮特森出身于音乐家庭,七岁开始正式习琴,父母,三个妹妹与一个弟弟,组合起来便是一个现成的小乐团。奥斯卡.皮特森原主修古典乐,后因兴趣亦兼修爵士乐。高中时代,他便获得蒙特婁当地电台C KAC一纸表演合约,之后加入Johnny Holme乐团,由于与该乐团的合作表现出色,名字逐渐被乐迷熟知,也为自己往后的表演历程奠下基础。 之后奥斯卡.皮特森自组乐团表演,他先与贝斯手Ray Brown,吉他手Barney Kessel及Herb Ellis组成坚强的合作阵容,颇获好评。除了弹有一首好琴外,奥斯卡.皮特森偶尔也客串吟唱几首歌曲。六十年代初他以鼓手替代吉他手,E d Thigpen,Louis Hayes,Bobby Durham等人都与他合作过,当时最为人熟知的专辑便是“In Concert”,奥斯卡.皮特森在其中淋漓尽致的表演,令人击节赞叹。七十年代的代表性专辑“History of An Artist”更成为经典之作。 一九四九年、奥斯卡.皮特森参加Norman Granz在卡内基音乐厅举行的“Jazz at the Philharmonic”音乐会,一鸣惊人,才华倍受肯定,从此事业一帆风顺。奥斯卡.皮特森最为乐迷称颂的是曾与数位著名的小喇叭手合作演出乐器对谈,如R oy Eldrige,Clark Terry,Harry Edison等人都与他留下精彩的录音作品。此外,奥斯卡.皮特森与Dizzy Gillespie,Jon Faddis,Joe Pass等名家亦录制了相当可观的重量级作品,足以让乐迷大饱耳福。 以奥斯卡.皮特森在乐坛上的盛名与地位,他的独奏作品以及与他人合作的专辑,都充分流露出其人文精神,这种精神也就是奥斯卡.皮特森不断强调的“根”对音乐或人的重要性。 .
找到了 139 歌曲, 持续时间: 06:25:23
Fly Me to the Moon
I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good
Laurentide Waltz
Hogtown Blues
My Heart Belongs To Daddy
I Got Plenty O' Nothin'
Night and Day
The Windmills of Your Mind
Love For Sale
Alice in Wonderland
Blues For Big Scotia
Stan Getz And The Oscar Peterson Trio
A Jazz Portrait Of Frank Sinatra (Full Album)
The Trio (1974, Bop)
Vancouver, 1958
Sometimes I'm Happy
Sometimes I'm Happy
All the Things You Are
Eloquence (1965, Jazz)
Another Day (1971, Bop)
Sometimes I Happy
Boogie Blues Study
The Shadow of Your Smile
Down Here On the Ground
Canadiana Suite (1965, Bop)
A Jazz Portrait of Frank Sinatra
Parkhotel (Bremen, Germany; 11.05.1964)