Bobby Tinsley | zh

This rapper is from Helena-West Helena .
Bobby Lewis (born 17 February 1933 in Indianapolis, Indiana) is an African-American early rock and roll and R&B singer. Raised in an Indianapolis orphanage, he learned to play the piano by age six. Adopted at age twelve, he moved to a home in Detroit, Michigan, growing up with the influences of the pioneer blues musicians until the advent of Rock and Roll. Lewis began to build a musical career in the 1950s and in 1960 appeared at the Apollo Theatre in New York City. He recorded a 45rpm single called "Tossin' And Turnin'" that went to No.1 on the Billboard...
Dunn composes paradoxical and haunting pieces for classical instrumentation and guitar and often processes digitally with tinted elements of droning feedback and blissful harmonies. His favorite composers consist of Richard Wagner, Valentin Silvestrov, Arvo Pärt, and György Ligeti. .
Bobby O, (aka Bobby Orlando), is an American record producer, dance music artist, musician, and songwriter. The son of a suburban New York schoolteacher, Orlando declined a classical music scholarship to pursue his then current musical interest, glam rock. In the late 1970s, his professional interests turned to disco and shortly thereafter, he established his own record label, "O" Records. During the 1980s he produced, composed and performed on hundreds of music productions that he released under a myriad of record labels, including: "O" Records, Bobcat Records, Memo Records, Telefon Records, MenoVision Records, Beach Records, Plastic Records, Eurobeat Records, Obscure...
1992年7月18日, 一向有“坏孩子”之称的Bobby Brown,与美国歌坛最具实力的歌手惠特尼・休斯顿在新泽西大登市一所小教堂里举办婚礼,几乎所有的人都对这桩婚事感到惊讶。 Bobby原名Robert Beresford Brown,1969年2月5日出生于波士顿一个贫穷的黑人家庭。Bobby是欧美歌坛有名的“坏孩子”,以粗野而性感的形象着称,是十八九岁的男孩子崇拜的偶像。他小时候游手好闲,整日与人在街头瞎混。在一次街头斗殴中,他最好的朋友被打死了。这个教训使他走上了正途,他与朋友在“波士顿”乐队的舞蹈设计布鲁克・佩恩的帮助下,组成了“新版本”五人乐队。 1986年,Bobby离开“新版本”乐队,以新的风格独闯乐坛。他的首张专辑《舞台之王》销量不错,一曲《女朋友》成为黑人排行榜第一名。第二张专辑《别太残酷》成了1988年最抢手的唱片之一,一举登上了美国流行歌曲排行榜榜首。这张专辑反映了年轻人和成年人当时的心声和关注焦点,使他们的内心产生了共鸣。1993年的专辑《Bobby》也有不错的成绩。鲍比创作的洞悉现代人心灵的歌词和他低沉的嗓音极富挑逗性,加上他性感的舞蹈动作和舞台形象,使无数年轻歌迷叹为观止。 .