Melon | zh

There are 4 or more artists use this name. *Japanese pop unit founded by Toshi and Chica(former members of Plastics). Their unfixed sessions of begging bore Water Melon Group(their side unit) and Mute Beat. ----- *Jeroen Hofer, a DJ from Amsterdam who owns the ratio?music label. ----- *Melon was founded by David Doyen and Shawn Pratzner in 2003 in Wilmington, Delaware originally operating as the homemade recording project "Throat Wobbler Mangrove and the Post Nasal Drips" an eclectic mix of esoteric lo-fi goofy weirdness that eventually evolved into the more rock oriented project "Melon". In 2005, they recruited drummer Ernest...
Blind Melon   风 格:Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) American Trad Rock(美国传统摇滚)   介 绍:   在昔日的嘻皮之都,1989年美国西岸的洛杉矶,阳光还是依然充足、明媚,空气中照旧撒发着那种自由、和谐的味道。在这懒洋洋、而使人感到万分惬意的地方,一群年轻人的笑声似乎使整个城市都有些好奇,他们笑的是如此的开心。来自于西点的吉他手和贝斯手Rogers Stevens和Brad Smith,结识了成长在东部的Shannon Hoon,以及宾夕法尼亚的吉他手Christopher Thorn和他的同伴鼓手Glen Graham。于是,顺其自然的,即将重塑嘻皮精神的Blind Melon由此诞生。而各自不同的成长环境和背景好像从一开始就注定了Hoon和“盲瓜”们音乐经历中的戏剧性和艺术的交融性。   当他们把只有四首作品的demo集The Goodfoot Workshop寄到各个唱片公司后,随即就引发了Capital唱片公司的注意,而最终在Blind Melon成军后的两年签下了他们。然而,在经历他们的第一张正式录音的唱片时,情况到真的是一波三折。与老牌艺人Neil Young长期合作的制作人David Briggs担任了他们的首张EP :The Sippin’ Time Sessions的录制工作。但是,对于一个崭新的富有嘻皮精神、满腹想法的年轻乐队,老Briggs好像也有些束手无策,成品的风格和乐队格格不入,远远的背离了Blind Melon那种饱满的热情和朴实无华的乐风,在失望和不满的情况下,Hoon和Blind Melon迎来了一个苦闷的时期。   在这段唱片出版裹足不前的时期,Hoon通过其姐姐的关系熟识了经典摇滚乐团Gun N’ Roses的Axl Rose。Axl深深地为Hoon的才能所感动。随即邀请Hoon为他们的专辑Use Your Illusion中的一些歌曲做背景和声。其中,就包括那首日后被广为传唱Don’t Cry。甚至到了最后,Hoon的身影就干脆出现在Gun N’ Roses的音乐录影带中,如果Blind Melon就此告一段落的话,也许Gun N’ Roses真的会完全的吸纳Hoon。接下来的1992年,还没有专辑作品的Blind Melon还是凭借着良好的口碑和在音乐圈中不可忽视的影响力,被力邀参与了“MTV 120分钟”的演出。好像这就意味着他们的好运气从此开始。   同年,随着Temple of the Dog,Pearl Jam等乐队的王牌制作人Rick Parashar的到来,乐队重新投入到的专辑录制工作中。然而这次合作,Hoon和“盲瓜”们终于找到了自己的感觉,他们的心情也随着天气一样进入了无比风光的9月——Blind Melon的处男同名专辑正式问世。这张才华横溢的作品中,Parashar对他们的出色洞悉打开了Hoon的内心和才华的大门。Hoon独特的嗓音以及对于歌词的天赋使Blind Melon看起来是那么的出众。在Dear Ol’ Dad中,是Hoon对于未来美好的向往 “I'm like a pigeon that’s spreading its wings to fly away to better things”。歌曲Change则被认为预言着Hoon的死亡,大致是因为包含着这样的词句:“when your deepest thoughts are broken, keep on dreamin boy ,cause when you stop dreamin its time to die”以及“When life is hard you have to change”等等。专辑中最出色的歌曲(不用说,也是Blind Melon最经典的作品!)No Rain和我们分享的是关于九十年代嘻皮精神现实生活的故事,Hoon出生在(对他来讲)是一个错误的年代,一切都得不到理解,只有孤独和不断逃避 “All I can say is that...
Bill Homans, a.k.a "Watermelon Slim", has a storied past from which he draws experience and fodder for the fourteen tracks on the new Watermelon Slim & The Workers CD. The record is Slim's third in four years and his debut release for Toronto-based NorthernBlues Records, where it's the latest in a string of critically acclaimed projects by artists such as Otis Taylor, David Jacobs-Strain, Janiva Magness and others. Despite playing his first paid gig at 18 and spending more than 30 plus years as a musician, it was only recently Bill 'Watermelon Slim' Homans manifested his life pursuit. With the...
Melonman is the name of three different artists/bands: 1.) MelonMan is a funny "parodic" project created by a crazy French artist (also in other bands/projects). He does mostly French parodies/humouristic sounds based on various artists. He has made 4 albums so far: Parodisiaquement vôtre (2003), Le pire contre-attaque (2004) Le retour du Ju d'ail (2006) and Quatrième chat pitre (2007). A 5th album is currently in progress... 2.) Melonman was a 1996 side-project of Melbourne rock identity Joel Silbersher (Hoss, Tendrils). 3.) MelonMan was a Japanese rock band, now disbanded. .