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电台司令(英语:Radiohead),亦译作收音机头、收音头,是英国牛津郡阿宾顿的另类摇滚乐团。而在乐团成立初期,即1985年至1991年,乐团曾名为On A Friday。乐团由Thom Yorke(主唱、节奏吉他、钢琴、节奏),Jonny Greenwood(主奏吉他、键盘、其他乐器),Ed O'Brien (吉他、合声),Colin Greenwood(贝斯、合成器),与Phil Selway(鼓、打击乐器)组成。 1992年,电台司令发行了他们的首张单曲Creep,初时并不太受欢迎,但在他们数个月后发行了首张专辑pablo honey(1993年)后,便成为全世界的热门歌曲。电台司令在英国人气大涨,随后便发行了第二张专辑the bends(1995年)。电台司令结构特殊的吉他演奏,与Thom Yorke独特的假音,受到评论家与歌迷的热切喜爱。电台司令的第三张专辑ok computer(1997年),辽阔的歌声与现代疏离的题材,为他们赢得了更高的国际声誉,并被赞赏是1990年代的里程碑唱片。 kid a(2000年)与amnesiac(2001年)则记录了电台司令乐风的发展,结合了实验的电子音乐、Krautrock、post punk与jazz(爵士乐)。尽管kid a在发售初期颇受媒体争议,但现在已经成为公认的21世纪最重要的一张专辑之一。hail to the thief(2003年),压迫吉他(guitar-driven)摇滚与电音的混合,以及灵感来自战争的歌词,是电台司令与他们主要的唱片公司EMI uk合作的最后一张专辑。电台司令独立发行了他们的第七张专辑in rainbows(2007年),发售初期电台司令采用数位下载,由消费者定价(可以无需付费)的方式发行,之后才出版实体唱片,此举为电台司令带来了好评。2011年乐队独立发行了第8张专辑the king of limbs,而这是一张有探索性的节奏和平静的结构的专辑。 电台司令最初的6张专辑由EMI发行,至2007年已合计卖出超过3000万张,无论在上世纪九十年代还是在二十一世纪,电台司令的作品经常性的出现于听众票选与乐评名单中。2005年,电台司令在Rolling Stone的“史上最伟大的歌手”中排名第73名,同时,Jonny Greenwood、Ed O'Brien入选了“史上最伟大的吉他手”列表,Thom Yorke入选了“史上最伟大的歌手”列表。电台司令早期的专辑,对英国的摇滚和流行音乐有着很大的影响;而他们后期的音乐,如kid a与ok computer,也影响着各种不同风格的音乐表演者。 .
There are at least 2 bands named White Rabbit. Early Days. White Rabbit were formed in Huyton, suburb of Liverpool around 2001/2002. They formed out of the ashes of what were to become known as 'hell jams', featuring such local music legends as James Connor (vocals), Owen Murphy (drums), and Thomas Kenny (bass). They soon realised the limitations of this line up, with numerous drummers playing with the band, before eventually settling with Connor on drums. The last of the famous international playboys, Tom Kenny, had his bass playing position occupied by bass virtuoso Alan 'the Fingers' Breen. Rumours have...
For the American dubstep artist, go to J. Rabbit. J Rabbit is a South Korean duo with 정다운 (Dawoon Jung) and 정혜선 (Hyesun Jung) (known as J Dawoon and J Hyesun) as its members. J Rabbit writes its own songs and lyrics and it sang and played all of the musical instruments for its first album, It's Spring, which was released in March 2011. In addition, the duo has released several covers of songs ranging from Michael Jackson, Alan Menken, ABBA, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, and Earth, Wind & Fire. J Rabbit started posting its performances on YouTube...
Radio Moscow is an American psychedelic rock band from Story City, Iowa. Formed in 2003 by vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Parker Griggs, the band currently calls San Diego home and features bassist Anthony Meier and drummer Paul Marrone. The band is heading back to Europe in September 2013 and plans to begin recording their 4th studio album shorly after. -3 and 3 quarters DEMOS (2003 re-released 2012) -S/T (2007) -Brain Cycles (2009) -The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz (2011) -Rancho Tehama Airport SINGLE (2013) .
Formed in July 2007, 99RadioService (pronounced nine-nine-radio-service and not ninety-nine) is a five-piece inspired by The Beatles, Buddy Holly, The Hollies, and The Byrds. Founded by members Ko-hey (Vocals, Guitar), Ko-ta (Guitar, Chorus), Ne-gi (Drums), Go-i (Keyboard), and Katsu (Bass) - In November 2011, Katsu withdrew from the group and was replaced by support bassist Jigen. homepage http://99radioservice.com/ .