Brandon Calhoon | zh

原名 Brandon Richard Flowers 出生 1981年6月21日 (1981-06-21) (28岁) 职业 音乐家 音乐类型 合成摇滚 独立摇滚   演奏乐器 键盘 歌唱 贝斯  出道地点 美国内华达州拉斯维加斯 活跃年代 2001年—至今 相关团队 The Killers  布兰登在1981年6月21日出生于美国内华达州拉斯维加斯,他的父母分别是苏格兰和立陶宛血统,之后他们在犹他州尼法市将布兰登抚养长大。布兰登的父亲在拉斯维加斯的赌场担任传达员(bellman)以及商品小贩,他的母亲则是一位家庭主妇。布兰登认为他对流行的品味是受到他姊姊的影响。他的父母曾要求他去上钢琴课,但布兰登自己表示他的音乐技巧都是来自他的哥哥夏恩(Shane),夏恩播放了The Smiths的音乐录像带,以及U2的《Rattle and Hum》电影给他看。此外,布兰登也提到夏恩经常会询问他对于音乐和相关事物的看法。   在2005年8月2日,布兰登和交往已久的女友塔娜·蒙布罗丝姬(Tana Munblowsky)在夏威夷与行婚礼。布兰登和塔娜是在拉斯维加斯的成衣零售店“Urban Outfitters”认识,塔娜在杀手乐团获得商业成功之前在该店工作。在塔娜加入摩门教和与布兰登结婚前,两人交往期间长达四年。 .
Brandon Sanderson was born in December of 1975 in Lincoln, Nebraska. As a child Brandon enjoyed reading, but he lost interest in the types of titles often suggested for him, and by junior high he never cracked a book if he could help it. This all changed in 8th grade when an astute teacher, Mrs. Reader, gave Brandon Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly. Brandon thoroughly enjoyed this book, and went in search of anything similar. He discovered such authors as David Eddings, Melanie Rawn, Robert Jordan, Anne McCaffrey, and Orson Scott Card. Brandon continued to be an avid reader through junior...
Brandon Rogers grew up in Altadena, CA, a quiet suburb just outside Los Angeles. Though his first group, Sounds Of Harmony, failed to be his ticket to superstardom, he has embarked on a unique journey that few could dream of. He has toured the world and shared the stage alongside iconic pop superstars including Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera and Anastacia. He was a a crowd favorite and emerged as one of the TOP 12 Finalists in American Idol’s Season Six Finale seen by over 35 million viewers. Brandon is excited to share his new music with all of his adoring...
New York-based multi-instrumentalist /composer Brandon Evans was born in San Francisco in 1972. He began playing music as a teenager while a student at the San Francisco Art Institute, and later began studying and performing with jazz saxophonist Sonny Simmons. Eventually, Evans relocated to Connecticut to study composition with Anthony Braxton at Wesleyan University. Even after moving to New York in 1994, Evans continued to work closely with Braxton: he has appeared on over twenty of Braxton's recordings, was featured as a solo instrumentalist both on Anthony Braxton's Composition No. 173, and Braxton's opera, Trillium 'R'. Throughout the 90's, Evans'...