World Under Blood | zh

UVERworld 新时代日本mixture,pop,rock乐队。 2005年夏出道。 在富有透明感的旋律里,夹杂着酷酷的rap,刮碟,human beat box,还有重重的吉他重奏,创作出“日本摇滚流行混合体”全新的音乐风格的5人乐队。 2003年结成,制作demoCD。单靠自销就卖出了3000张。 2004年由于举行小型concert的地方被其他乐队占去,加上唱片公司之间的争夺战,加入orange range所属的gr8!唱片公司。决定在2005年强势出道。 UVER=OVER(德语)。UVERworld=OVER THE WORLD。“成为超越世界的乐队”,他们怀着这一信念,乐队名也由此而来。 .
History Vocal harmony trio The New World are one of the genuine curiosities of Australian pop. If they're remembered at all today, it's most likely for their 1971 hit "Tom Tom Turnaround". However, they scored an impressive run of chart success in the early Seventies, their story intersects with some of the biggest names in British music, and they were instrumental in launching the career of one of the most successful writer-producer teams in pop history. The group formed in Brisbane in 1967. In 1968 they signed with Albert Productions, whose recordings were released on EMI's Parlophone label. They achieved...
ColdWorld was created in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany in the year 2005 by G.B., the only member. ColdWorld's first demo, "The Stars Are Dead Now", was released via Ancient Dreams Prod. and limited to 100 copies. "Melancholie²", ColdWorld's debut album, was released in April 2008 via Cold Dimensions. ColdWorld combines atmospheric black metal with influences from ambient and electronic music, the centre stage takes the music with its sweeping melodies and icy atmosphere. ColdWorld's music forces fine-tuned listening and allows the listener submerge his/herself within a very special, cold world. ColdWorld leaves behind conventional, traditional black metal and brings forth new...
BAD BLOOD From Beijing China. BEIJING -- Casper Markus is slouching against the wall of a Beijing nightclub, sizing up the stage where his hip-hop group will perform that night. "It's too small," he complains. "I could fall off. I want a big stage." He's a sullen 22-year-old kid with a bandana around his head, a former car thief from a Scarborough, Ont., immigrant ghetto who spent eight months inside Toronto's Mimico Detention Centre for drug possession and robbery. It was a rough stretch in a notoriously violent and gang-ridden jail. He survived by writing rap lyrics, reading Malcolm X,...