Melinda Schneider | zh

Maxwell George Schneider (born June 21, 1992) is an American singer, dancer, actor, model, and musician. .
Frank Bretschneider已是电子乐的行家里手了,他1956年生于东德,在Karl-Marx-Stadt (即现在的Chemnitz)长大,目前驻扎在柏林。他起初接受了成为图像设计师和画家的相关训练,但1984年他开始用循环带,一个Korg合成器和treated guitars进行电子乐实验。1986年他组建了现在已不复存在的AG.GEIG,这是一支实验乐队,借用达达主义和超现实主义的先锋表演理念进行流行音乐混音。 1995年Bretschneider与从前的队友Olaf Bender创立了Rastermusic厂牌,发行实验电子乐。Rastermusic于1999年与Noton Archiv für ton und nichtton (经营者为既是艺术家又是音乐家的Carsten Nicolai)合二为一,创造了现在著名的Raster-Noton厂牌。由于旗下有如Bretschneide,Nicolai和Ryoji Ikeda等艺术家,Raster-Noton一直以发行不妥协的音乐抽象作品出名。这一厂牌还很关注音乐与视觉艺术的交互,旗下的艺术家常常进行视音一体的表演或是发明这类装置。 Bretschneider的音乐常常被描述为极简主义,虽然他在回答相关问题时更喜欢简单地说这只是为了更经济更有效。无论用什么词描述,他音乐的一大特色是高度结构化,以极小处的准确性和对微小部分的把握为标志。他的原始素材是正弦波和白噪音,会产生极其数字化和合成化的声音,但绝不是冷冰冰的声音。 Bretschneider的合成理念强调软件使用中的意外和误用。他会不断尝试着模块合成系统的不同连接方法直至找到有趣的声音序列,这被他称为“懒惰”。这些声音序列保存起来后会被进一步处理,最后的曲子就由这些音乐元素如积木般堆积而成,当然还会加入循环和滤波效果以营造更出乎意料的效果。 Bretschneider的视觉艺术背景使他很自然地对声音的视觉展示有很大兴趣。通过光谱分析和相应软件,他从音乐软件中寻找视觉线索(点,线,条等等),再将这些线索转换为对音乐结构的展示。这些视觉效果跟Bretschneider的声音配合的极好,催眠式的重复和精确的小事件将观众引入合成化的视觉空间。他在这里再次强调他只使用有限的视觉词汇,如一定的形状和颜色,是为了更经济有效,而非极简主义。 观看Bretschneider的视音表演就是将自己放入合成的逻辑空间中去,同时听到也看到这种逻辑。但这种高度结构化的环境有时会限制即兴表演的可能性,结果表现为声音和图像极为精确的连接。为了克服缺乏即兴化的问题,Bretschneider正在为实时视觉表演寻找新的软件解决方案。 .
Melinda Schneider's journey across an engaging emotional terrain - which began with the confident and promising My Oxygen album in 2000 and gained inexorable momentum with the accomplished Happy Tears in 2002 and the triumphant Family Tree in 2004 - continues with album four, Stronger - her first recordings since taking out the two most prestigious gongs at the Tamworth Country Music Awards for her brash, sassy blended country - Song Of The Year (for Real People) and Album Of The Year, having previously picked up the Golden Guitar for Female Vocalist Of The Year. .
EARLY HISTORY Schneiderman's entertainment career began in high school where she merged an interest in singing and theater, which included lead roles in musicals and plays, as well as mastering piano, guitar and french horn. By age 18 she was fronting a cover band and went on to perform with Body and Soul, the region's top Motown/old school funk act. Despite performing for crowds of up to 15,000, Schneiderman was dreaming about starting a solo career and in 1999 left to become a full-time singer/songwriter. During that first year Schneiderman won the grand prize in The Lilith Fair competition and...
找到了 7 歌曲, 持续时间: 28:52
Melinda Schneider - Big World Small World
Bridle on the Wall
The Story Of My Life (Happy Tears, 2002)
Wish You Were Here
The Story Of My Life