Mitchy Slick | zh

Slick Rick本名Ricky Walters,1965年1月14日在英国的伦敦出生,70年代晚期从伦敦搬到NYC的BRONX,在NYC的La Guardia High School学习Music&Art.后来认识了当时已经是RAPPER了的Dana Dane,于是俩人在一块儿组了个叫" Kangol Crew"的组合,然后又遇见并认识了Doug E.Fresh,就开始跟着一起在Get Fresh Crew里做表演.当时Get Fresh Crew的成员还有Chill Will和Barry Bee. 他总是带着粗大的金链子和独眼眼罩(他的童年时期被玻璃刺瞎了一支眼睛),而他的歌曲里,总是充满歧视女性的文字,真怀疑当年是不是因为女人才瞎一支眼的-___-.他在89年发行的首张专辑<>得到了白金销量的成绩,也算是他最经典的作品了.在他打算出第二张唱片的时候,被指控蓄意杀人,并被警方以蓄意杀人和谋杀未遂的罪名遭到逮捕,也因此差点无法继续他的演艺生涯,后来在紧要关头,多亏他的老友,也就是Def Jam Records的创始人兼老板Russell Simmons助他了一臂之力,才在1991年发行了的第二张专辑<>.在他蹲了2年的监狱后,于1994年在Prince Paul的帮助下,又发了张<>,02年的时候不知又犯了什么事儿, INS的官员发出指令要遣送他和他的妻子,孩子,家人离开美国,送他们回England,但事实上他和他的妻子还子父母都已经是美国的正式公民了,在法庭上INS的指令被撤消,但Ricky Walters不知道怎么得罪人家了,INS一直想着办法遣送他全家回去,这种状况一直持续了十年(90年就开始了).他的老友Russell Simmons和Will Smith总是在想着办法帮他,可是没用,目前仍旧一身麻烦.他的音乐的特点呢,就是类似说故事的手法,表示对社会时事的批评和叙述人类真实的感情. (转自网络) .
The Great Society was a 1960s San Francisco rock band in the burgeoning Haight Ashbury folk-psychedelic style pervasive during the time of its existence, 1965 to 1966. Remembered as the original group of model turned singer Grace Slick, the initial line-up of the band also featured her then-husband Jerry Slick on drums, his brother Darby Slick on guitar, David Minor on vocals and guitar, Bard DuPont on bass, and Peter van Gelder on saxophone. Minor and DuPont would not remain with the band for the duration. In the late summer of 1965, after seeing a new band called Jefferson Airplane...
Lindley Armstrong "Spike" Jones (1911–1965) was a popular musician and bandleader specialising in performing satirical arrangements of popular songs. Ballads and classical works receiving the Jones treatment would be punctuated with gunshots, whistles, cowbells, and ridiculous vocals. Jones was born on the 14th December 1911 in Long Beach, California. He got his nickname by being so thin that he was compared to a railroad spike. At the age of eleven he got his first set of drums. As a teenager he played in bands that he formed himself. A railroad restaurant chef taught him how to use pots and pans,...
Mitchy Slick is a American rapper from Lincoln Park neighborhood in the community of Southeast San Diego. He is a member of the group Strong Arm Steady, along with rappers Phil Da Agony and Krondon. He performs solo with three albums already released in addition to many collaborations. Mitchy Slick is CEO of Wrongkind Records. Slick grew up in Lincoln Park, a neighborhood in the community of Southeast San Diego. He lived briefly in Lubbock, Texas, and had attended college at Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, Texas. Slick is a member of the Lincoln Park Bloods, a Blood...
Formed 1993 in Switzerland Full length albums -Keep crawlin` in the mud 1993 -Mud Slick EP 1995 -Into the nowhere 1998 What`s Mud Slick about is Women, Love, Partying, Fast Cars. That unbeliavable guitar work and crushing tight vocals keeps you going all night long. Pinch harmonics and fast solos. Heavy Metal meets Hard Rock. Last known line-up: Vocals: Ronnie Fontana Guitar: Serge Christen Bass: Dan Lee Drums: Buddy Knox Split up in 1998? .