Sean Tyas | zh

Sean Paul Joseph (born May 7, 1979) known by his stage name Sean P (formerly Sean Paul), is an American rapper and one half (with J-Bo) of the group YoungBloodZ. Born in Decatur, Georgia, Sean P has performed, without J-Bo, on various singles by other artists. He is currently signed to LaFace Records. .
美国嘻哈歌手Big Sean原名Sean Michael Leonard Anderson,1988年3月25日出生于加州的圣莫妮卡,不过出生两个月后就搬去了密歇根州的底特律居住。2007年Big Sean签约Kanye West的GOOD Music唱片公司,并于2008年签约Island Def Jam唱片公司。 从小就没有父爱的他在母亲和外公外婆的关心下长大,而在高中学习阶段,他与底特律当地的一家嘻哈电台102.7FM建立起了良好的关系,之后他经常登上电台参加他们的说唱即兴比赛。 2005年,来自芝加哥的说唱明星Kanye West恰好来到底特律的102.7FM做客接受采访,而Big Sean自然不会放过这次机会,由于和电台保持着良好的关系,他得到了会见Kanye West的机会,而他也给Kanye West留下了深刻的印象。2年之后,Big Sean终于签约了Kanye West的GOOD Music唱片公司。 2007年Big Sean发行了他的个人第一张官方混音辑《Finally Famous: The Mixtape》,主打歌“Getcha Some”为他获得了很大的关注,也让他登上了著名的嘻哈杂志《The Source》和《底特律地铁时报》。而公司还为他邀请到了嘻哈大导演Hype Williams拍摄“Getcha Some”的音乐录影带。2009年4月,他的第二张混音辑,由Mick Boogie主持的《U Know Big Sean》发行。 而他的正式处子专辑《Finally Famous》目前正在积极准备中,计划于2010年春季发行,客串嘉宾将包括Pharrell Williams, Kanye West, Mr. Hudson, The-Dream, Drake和Wale,而制作团队则包括No I.D., Kanye West和Pharrell Williams。 而就穿着品味方面,Big Sean同样是一个对时尚具有敏锐嗅觉的年轻艺人,在一次采访中他称自己最喜欢的品牌是10 Deep, Billionaire Boys Club和Bape,而他还为Billionaire Boys Club的2008年冬季系列拍摄过宣传大片。 .
According to NY-born, Switzerland-based trance man Sean Tyas, the electronic storm over the US Billboard Charts won't influence the music he makes one iota; he does, however, find it extremely encouraging. As main players of the scene jump ship to collaborate with artists Simon Cowell probably still has wet dreams about having discovered, Tyas' game-plan is to continue doing his own thing and wait for the kids to follow, as minds across the super-nation yield to electronic styles travelling from across the Atlantic. “In America, if you look at the average of people at dance music festivals, it's clear kids...
Hailing from East Palo Alto, California, Sean T (born Sean Thompson) started out as a DJ in 1989. By 1992, he was producing and rapping. He released his first solo album "Straight From the Streets" in 1993, then followed up with "Pimp Lyrics & Dollar Signs" in 1996, "Heated" in 2000, "Can I Shine?" in 2001, "Familiar Ground" in 2002, "Terrain Boss" in 2003, and "Ain't Playin" in 2005. Sean T has been a part of nearly 300 professional music projects and is one of the mainstays in Bay Area hip-hop. .
Sean Kingston 嘻哈雷鬼资优生 17岁跳级拿冠军,英美传媒惊为天才尚金斯顿Sean Kingston 首张个人专辑,惊为天才 2007英美最受瞩目嘻哈新人,资优包办整张专辑创作演唱,运用Dancehall、Reggae、Pop、Doo-Wop元素混入Hip- Hop/Rap领域,首支单曲〈Beautiful Girls〉跳级蝉联全美单曲榜四周冠军、英国单曲榜冠军、下载榜+手机铃声+iTunes单曲冠军! 由布兰妮、蕾哈娜、五角专辑幕后制作人Jonathan “J.R.” Rotem惊为天才力捧背书! 原名Ka’Shon Anderson的Sean Kingston,出生于迈阿密佛罗里达州,成长在亚买加,祖父则是亚买加传奇制作大师Jack Ruby,从小身处音乐环境下长大的Sean,六 岁开始就会创作,运用Dancehall、Reggae、Pop、Doo-Wop等元素混入Hip-Hop/Rap领域中。11岁的年纪曾因犯错而吃了21天牢饭,从进监历程、无家可归流落街头、 过于早熟被迫面对残酷世界的种种场景,都是Sean创作笔下的写实纪录。与生俱来的音乐天赋,让Sean在迈阿密才艺选秀上大出锋头。直到布兰妮、蕾哈娜、五角畅 销专辑幕后制作人Jonathan "J.R." Rotem被他的DEMO带深深吸引住,以年仅17岁的稚龄,幸运的签下一纸合约,为他的音乐事业跨出一大步。 由恩师Jonathan坐镇制作的首张同名专辑《Sean Kingston》,Sean撰写所有歌词的部份。第一支踩着愉悦阳光气息的主打〈Beautiful Girls〉,随着乐音响起,似乎 身旁有着致命的美女穿着火辣比基尼,在你身旁搔首弄姿的撩人图像全然浮现,熟悉且令人怀念不已旋律则是取样Ben E. King经典作〈Stand By Me〉,以锐不可挡 之势蝉连全美流行单曲榜四周冠军,同时也是下载榜+手机铃声+iTunes单曲NO.1以及英国金榜冠军;第二波蓄势待发且快速飙入前十名的动人佳音,依循前曲雷鬼步 伐的〈Me Love〉,取样伟大经典摇滚团Led Zeppelin于1973年缔造之大作〈D’yer Mak’er〉;别以为Sean只有这些能耐,精采献上能唱能饶舌的演出本事,〈Take You There〉 淋上大量Dancehall音符,散射出蠢蠢欲动的电气音场,势必能引起舞池骚动的大热门;最令人动容的抒情小品〈Dry Your Eyes〉,则是满溢对家人思念与不舍之情; Arista厂牌力捧节奏蓝调小公主Paula DeAnda在〈There’s Nothing〉中甜蜜对唱;取样菲尔柯林斯1981年亚军经典〈In The Air Tonight〉之〈I Can Feel It〉;散 发大爱频率的〈Change〉,以雷鬼饶舌调调配入Funky-Soul之暖色泽声韵;〈Colors〉虽是雷鬼混音版本,却透着南岸饶舌的独特韵角,街头帮派鼓噪气流充斥回荡。 .
找到了 180 歌曲, 持续时间: 18:14:48
Start Over [TMR 097](NavidN2M Remix)
Temper Temper (Sean Tyas Remix)
Start Over(Receptive & New World Remix)
Lift(Chris Voro & Ode ReChill)
Swimming in Acid(Symbolic Remix)
Drop (Original Mix)
Казантип (Sean Tyas Remix)
Feel Alive (Extended Mix)
Degenerate Radio Show EP. 117 [26.04.2017]
Matter of Time(Original Mix)
Cycles (Extended Mix)
Verano 2010
Lift(Sean Tyas)
Airwave (Sean Tyas Remix)
Degenerate Radio 097
Grotesque 250 (CD 2)
Fly Away (Sean Tyas Remix)
36 Years of Technoclub Celebration (12.12.2020)
Souvenir de Chine (Sean Tyas Rework)
The Box
Now You See
Degenerate Radio 095
Drop Two
Lift (Estigma Remix)
Degenerate Radio 098
Anywhere (Extended Mix)
Lift (Sean Tyas Live 2011 Rework)
Record Club # 185 (18-02-2013)
9am (Original Mix)
Got Love (Original Mix)
The Box
Degenerate Radio 133