Sting, Edin Karamazov | zh

Visceral Bleeding is a technical Death Metal band from Sweden. They were founded in the late nineties by Peter Persson on Guitar and Niklas Dewerud behind the Drums to perform what they thought was lacking in the Swedish death scene. A mixture of raw brutality and technical skill. With Calle Löfgren on Bass, Dennis Röndum on vocals and Marcus Nilsson joining in as a solo guitarist they had found the right mixture to play their extreme metal. The first demo "Internal decomposition" was recorded at studio Moonshine fall 2000 and received only good reviews. Chris at Retribute Records picked up...
Natasha Bedingfield,一位真材实料的新人:她的歌声有超强吸力;她的形象靓中带劲;她对创作和歌唱的专情始终如一;她复兴了沉寂许久的“女力”;她对於“流行”的国际通行密码了若指掌;她甚至还怀抱著成为萨克斯风大师的梦想…,总之,Natasha是位多才多艺的创作歌手。这位才女在发表自己的首张个人专辑前,她的其他作品就已经好到藏不住,先被其他艺人─像是美国新进团体Cherie Amour等等─相中,选为他们的主打歌曲。 以上是介绍Natasha出场的暖身动作。现在,请准备好来迎接这波流行新潮流,迎接这位不但当下最火、以后也将继续延烧耀人光彩的顶级艺人。 1981年11月26日生长於伦敦的Natasha,父母来自“魔戒”的故乡-新西兰,先天上来看,她天生就流著爱好自由的血液,后天上来说,她的父母对家里四个小孩的教育更是鼓励他们朝自己的爱好自由发展,先后交互作用,使得Natasha和她的兄弟姊妹─包括她的名歌手哥哥丹尼尔(Daniel Bedingfield)-从小就都快乐地徜徉在自己的创意天地里。青少年时期的Natasha选择了吉他、钢琴和乐谱作为她发挥创意的工具,到了中学毕业后,Natasha面对著该选择艺术还是学术的难题,她原本想要申请就读艺术学院主修绘画,但由於她似乎对画里所包含的意识与潜意识世界比画面本身更有兴趣,艺术学院的老师就建议她不妨试试看主攻艺术治疗。这个建议为Natasha打开了另一扇大门,她想到心理学可能才是她的真正兴趣所在,於是她决定她要一头钻进别人的脑袋:「除了对心理学真的有兴趣,我也想说念心理学可能可以对我的音乐创作有所帮助,让我写出真正反映人心灵深处的歌曲。我很受不了那些空荡荡没营养的歌-他们只是先把旋律写出来,再把一些无所谓的词塞进去。我没兴趣干这种事。要写我就要写出可以感动我也可以感动听众的歌。」 经过两年兼顾学业、写歌和唱歌的生活,Natasha有天终於下定决心要暂别校园,把心思从别人的脑袋里抽出来再钻进录音室里。其实从小到大她已经不知道被称赞过几万次歌声很好听了,只是她一心只想唱自己的歌:「我不要当唱片公司的泥娃娃,我知道我是谁,我对我的才华很有自信,所以我要等到我自己完全准备好了才要出唱片。这些日子以来不管我是在录音室还是在家里,我都一直埋头写歌录歌写歌录歌,就是想把功给磨到水准以上的程度。」 等到Natasha好不容易确定她的创作数量已经够了,并且下定决心要把原本的兴趣转为主业之后,她的作品马上被隶属於BMG系统的Phonogenic厂牌给发掘,挖到宝的Phonogenic对於小妮子的音乐创作和自信态度欣赏得不得了,而且也很同意Natasha想要创作真实、自然作品的企图:「我不要变成某某人的接班人,我就是我,我跟别人不同。」商业市场的狭隘分类没有办法定义Natasha,她就是她,这种坚持注定会让她在不久的将来成为超级巨星。 2004年的西洋歌坛至少有三百位新进女歌手加入战局,要在这些人中间脱颖而出的机率,要比现在在台湾考到一所大学还难。所以要有真功夫,才不怕比,Natasha就证明了这一点,她出道后所推出的第一首单曲“Single”很快就在英国大街小巷传染开来,迅速地获得全英单曲榜季军、电台点播榜冠军,而且成为英国MTV频道点播率最高的作品。“Single”这首歌恰如其分地把Natasha给引介给世人,因为歌曲中强调的独立自信作风,正是Natasha的最佳写照。 其实在正式出道前,Natasha就已经花了半年多的时间在洛杉矶的录音室里和一些乐坛顶尖的音乐人为她的首张个人专辑一起绞尽脑汁激汤出最棒的作品,其中包括名制作人Andy Frampton和Steve Kipner(他们曾与克莉丝汀和珍娜(Janet Jackson)合作过)以及Mike ‘Spike’ Stent(他曾为不要怀疑合唱团(No Doubt)、U2合唱团以及碧玉(Bjork)等国际巨星操刀)…等等。她的歌手哥哥也可以算是这张专辑的功臣之一,因为Natasha用来记录她歌曲创作的工具,就是丹尼尔送她的一台iBook。 “Single”为这张「Unwritten」专辑的调性做了最佳的预告,整张专辑展现出Natasha独立且阳光的个性-不愧是新西兰儿女。「我希望大家听了我的音乐有什么反应哩?我希望他们能认同这些歌,能被这些歌启发,还有能跟著这些歌一起跳舞。」Natasha表示。从狂欢纵舞的“I’m a Bomb”,到希望能启发听者思考人生意义的“Unwritten”,再到强调女性独立自主寻求自我认同的“Single”,Natasha显然已经达到了她的目标。 Natasha特别解释了对她而言别具意义的“Unwritten”的创作动机:「这是我给我弟的14岁生日礼物。我用这首歌告诉他,你才刚要转大人,你的生命还是一张白纸,要怎么填满它,那支决定性的笔就握在你手中,没有其他人可以在你的青春白纸上乱涂。你要自己去体验很多等在你面前的事,你要跨出去,勇敢面对一切。」这样的励志主题也是Natasha其他歌曲的灵感主轴-把握生命,做生命的主人,尽情发挥你的人生。顺道一提,Natasha在这首歌曲里也让她的另一位家人参与演唱…错,不是丹尼尔,是她的妹妹。所以这样看来,Natasha所有的兄弟姊妹对这张专辑全都有所贡献。 至於让她被大家所熟知的首支单曲“Single”则是强调女人当自强的理念:「有些女性杂志会告诉你,你一定要有个男人生命才完整。可是我觉得,你不需要找个所谓的“强壮的男人”来让你靠,对我而言,单身反而让我更坚强。而且在我以后谈恋爱的时候,因为我自己已经把自己培养得够成熟了,所以我也会为对方付出更多。」 此外,像是阐明约会准则的“Frogs And Princes”、讨论恋爱时彼此信赖程度的“I Bruise Easily”、带有日本人“甘芭爹”拼命精神的“If You’re Gonna…”…等等作品,都让大家对这位年纪轻轻却很有主见的女孩留下深刻的印象。至於在音乐部分,这张专辑里的乐风横跨了多样不同畛域,从华丽的“Silent Movie”到活力放克劲曲“Single”,再到以漂亮管弦乐编织衬底的“Wild Horses”,Natasha的多元的才华尽现其中。 历年作品 Natasha Bedingfield Pirate Bones I Wanna Have Your Babies Unwritten Who KnowsStill Here When You Know You Know / I Think Theyre Thinking - Interlude Tricky Angel Say It Again How Do You Do Soulmate Smell The Roses (No More) What Ifs Natasha Bedingfield 最新歌曲 Smell The Roses试 (No More) What Ifs Pirate Bones I Wanna Have Your Babies Who Knows Still Here When You Know You Know /...
This is a pretty good late period hard rock psych concept LP that few people know about. Poe originally were the Playboys of Edinburg, a McAllen Texas band who began releasing singles in 1965. The Playboys of Edinburg released 7 or 8 singles in various pop rock styles (garage, beat, folk-rock and hard rock) throughout the 1960’s and eventually relocated to Houston. For this 1970/71 UNI release the Playboys of Edinburg changed their name to Poe and created this concept lp. Many of the songs were written and arranged by band members McCord and Williams. The album chronicles the life...
THE CONCLAVE: Hellscream - Vocal Infernal K. - Bass guitar Angelus - Guitar Occultus - Guitar Lexecutioner - Drums Bleeding Fist; name that spread sickness and fear among whom tasted what inglorious presence lurks behind it’s malevolent aura spreading cancerous heroin under the sign of the most brutal Slovenian act without compromises. Spawned in 2004, trespassed through line-up changes, various recordings and overall shocked audience, Bleeding Fist from blackened thrash evolved the sound into something which can be compared to the devil itself and in 2009 it’s unique liturgy lead them forward to bloodstain a deal with the legendary American...
Formed in 2006 in the United States by composer Justin Curfman, Feeding Fingers began as an experimental post-punk trio and has since evolved into an inter-disciplinary and international music project with intermittent members and contributors from Germany, Austria, Italy, Serbia, Japan, China and elsewhere. Nearly impossible to classify, Feeding Fingers adeptly merge dark-wave, indie rock, avant-garde, electro, jazz, world music and more into something all its own. The group's restless process of reinvention has spanned 6 studio albums and three intercontinental tours, including shows with acts such as IAMX, David J. (Bauhaus, Love & Rockets, etc.), Nitzer Ebb, Steve Mackay...
找到了 17 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:06:45
The Lowest Trees Have Tops. music by John Dowland
End Of The Game
Fields Of Gold (Lute)
Flow my tears (Lachrimae)
Fantasy. music by John Dowland
Windmills Of Your Mind
Message In The Bottle (Acoustic Version)
Brand New Day (Murlyn Mix)
Message In A Bottle
In darkness let me dwell
Hellhound On My Trail
Flow My Tears. music by John Dowland
Have you seen the bright lily grow
The lowest trees have tops