Amber Rae | zh

亚当·兰伯特 Adam Lambert   美国偶像第八季选手Adam Lambert是美国偶像举办八年以来最受关注和最受争议的选手之一。Adam Lambert出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,成长于圣迭戈,10岁开始表演音乐剧,高中毕业后独自在好莱坞闯荡,拥有扎实的唱功和丰富的舞台经验。   在2009年美国偶像选秀还未决出年度冠军之时,他的名气就已经远远超过了其他参赛选手。每一周的美国偶像电视直播中,他都给观众带来全新的体验。他极度华丽挥霍的嗓音,富于变化的舞台表演,吸引了全球观众和媒体的眼球。他用一场又一场演唱会级别的表演证明自己的实力。博彩公司为他夺冠开出的赔率甚至小于1。 Adam Lambert是第一个在美偶参赛阶段就荣登美国《娱乐周刊》封面的歌手,也是第一个未出首张专辑便成为著名音乐杂志《Rolling Stone》封面人物的美偶选手。在2009年6月11日出版的《Rolling Stone》中,Adam Lambert第一次公开自己的性取向,为同志。 个人资料   英文全名:Adam Lambert   中文译名:亚当·兰伯特   生日:1982.01.29   身高:6英尺1英寸/185.4厘米   体重:170磅/77千克   家乡:San Diego,CA   现居地:Hollywood,CA   2009年 参加美国FOX电视台的真人秀节目《美国偶像》比赛,已进入决赛。 美国偶像参赛历程    2009.01.20 三藩市海选      表演曲目 Bohemian Rhapsody   以其富于变化的演唱技巧得到全票通过进入好莱坞周选拔。他的阳光清纯的形象以及绅士风度给评委和观众留下了深刻印象。海选背景音乐"Viva la Vida",FOX电视台对他寄予厚望。    2009.02.03 好莱坞周第一轮      清唱曲目 What‘s Up   Adam称,他来参赛的目的,就是把耳熟能详的歌进行再创作。Simon称"Good”表示赞赏,而Adam以"I can"作为回应。事实证明,他确实有能力这样做。    2009.02.04 好莱坞周第二轮      表演曲目 Some Kind of Wonderful(小组合唱)   精彩的和声令评委好评连连,Kara说"You`re an incredible singer,you are."    2009.02.10 好莱坞周第三轮      表演曲目 Believe   将Sher的Disco曲目改编为抒情歌曲。精彩的编曲和表演使Paula连连点头,一向严苛的Simon则对他竖起了大拇指。    2009.02.11 好莱坞周第四轮      终裁之日   Simon:It`s not good news.   Adam:It isn't?   Simon:It`s great news.   至此,Adam Lambert顺利通过了初选,晋级美国偶像第八季的36强。   Satisfaction     2009.02.25 36进12第二组      表演曲目 Satisfaction   宽广音域惊艳全场,Paula称她不是在观看美偶比赛而是在欣赏Adam的演唱会,Simon认为表演有绝佳之处也有糟糕之处,Adam以"Love it,or hate it"评价自己的音乐,赢得全场观众"I love it"的欢呼。    2009.03.10 13进11 迈克尔·杰克逊主题周      表演曲目 Black or White   卓越的舞台表现力令全场歌迷沸腾。Paula直言Adam将与另一位选手Danny Gokey会师决赛,并惊叹于为何Adam这样出色的选手居然在好莱坞沉寂了五年。Simon笑称“他还有10周比赛要比呢”,似乎也默认了Paula的观点。   评委点评   Simon:That was in a totally different league than...
Mary Lambert is good at two things: crying and eating. Nowhere is this better reflected than on her debut EP ‘letters don’t talk’ released in July of 2012. Burrowed away with her friends in the woods of Sequim, Washington recording with the production team of Dungeness Records, she spent 2 years finessing and crafting the poignant and earnest collection of songs. Resembling the subdued softness of artists like Feist and Bon Iver, Lambert has carved a niche for herself, winding profound lyricism around breathy, haunting melodies. As a performer, Lambert exemplifies the traditions of a singer/ songwriter while melding a...
In 2008 guitarist Mary founded Frantic Amber with the idea to have a band that could deliver more attitude and brute force than what is normally seen in all-girls-band. Members has changed several times since that first idea and the quest for the right singer took quite a long time. But in 2009 Frantic Amber finally found a true metal vocalist in Elizabeth from Denmark, and since there was no point in wasting time the band recorded a few promosongs with her. In late 2009 fate would have it so that Mary and Elizabeth were the only two members still...
Franz Lambert (born March 11, 1948 Heppenheim, Germany) is a German composer and organist. He is an avid Hammond organ player but however is more noted in later years for playing the Wersi range of electronic organs and during his career has released over 100 albums. His first notable public appearance was in 1969 in the German TV show Zum Blauen Bock, after which he received his first publishing contract. He has played with several celebrities, including Prince Charles and Helmut Schmidt. One of his works is the FIFA Anthem, which was first played at the 1994 FIFA World Cup...
Amber Run is a band made up of five members called Will, Joshua, Tom, Henry and Felix.The members of Amber Run became friends at a University in Nottingham. This is where they formed the band. They were initially just called Amber but wanted to change it to something more memorable and also for legal reasons. The band were quickly invited to the Reading/Leeds festival which was one of their first gigs. They also supported Kodaline in their March 2014 tour. .
找到了 17 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:10:14
Can't Bring Me Down
Darker Skies
Another Shot
Ghost Town
Come a Little Closer
Picket Fence Memories
Red Wine Stains
Ride Or Die
A Heart Don't Break
someone else feat. amber rae