colored mushroom and the medicine rocks | zh

Infected Mushroom为psychedelic trance最受欢迎的先驱之一, 这也是因为他们常以此风格呈献出。而且他们大部分的作品都倾向于使用更加吸引人, 更加容易接近的曲调, 而非古怪的[ tripped-out ]。Erez及Amit (Duvdev)都曾接受过古典音乐的薰陶, 这也许也解释了曲调上的不同。The Gathering (1999)为团体的首张专辑, 而里头包含了[ psycho ]这首歌。这张专辑已成为现今Israeli Psytrance的主流, 并也被听众们渐渐的接受。   到了隔年, 他们以最为人知的风格发行了知名的专辑, Classical Mushroom (2000) 。 此专辑里的一首歌经常被援引作为他们最风靡的作品, 并也成了团体最具天分的最佳创作;[ Bust A Move ]。他们所散发的风格也成了许多乐评们分享心得的例子。2001年的BP Empire更得到许多听众及乐评的掌声。然而这张专辑也打破了传统的音乐类型, 许多psytrance纯正主义者也踏出了限定的范围而探索出不同的领域, 且并非一定要有progressive的感觉。   关于先前的专辑因非常相似而受到一些批评, 而Infected Mushroom也因此开始寻求来证明自己的音乐史[ Dancing With Kadafi ]; 他们连续演奏出不同风格的音乐, 最值得一提的是他们在中间段落以中东音乐的型式及古典风格表现出, 并加上他们钢琴及小提琴的技巧。然而团体最具争议的专辑为2003年的双CD [ Converting Vegatarians ], 而最不让人讨厌的为[ Trance Side ], 有著最具trance风格的舞池音乐, 而命名为[ The Other Side ]的作品可听出Infected在其他音乐方面的技巧, 包括以Hiphop及R&B为主的专题歌[ Converting Vegetarians ]是Duvdev第一次以自己具独特风格的歌声唱出。这首歌也反应出对嬉皮祖先们典型psytrance哲学本质的对比, 以咏唱音乐的能力及Infected自己少许的New Age哲学来抟斗听众们天真的想法。其他的创作也展现出许多不同的音乐类型, 包括以人声为主的[ I Wish ]。更包括了在英国psytrance知名的主唱Michele Adamson的合作, 有[ Blink ],[ Illuminaughty ]及[ Ballerium ], 收录于网路电玩配乐里。   他们在音乐事业中最另人渴望与期待的专辑为2004年的IM The Supervisor (通常被人错误的认为是I The Supervisor), 为另一个影响音乐界最大并让听众们大开眼界的Trance元素作品 (通常被批评认为有点太商业化), 且受到许多人的尊崇。在2005年初, Infected Mushroom从原本的Tel Aviv移到加洲洛杉矶的新录音室, 他们在结束世界巡回 (从1999年便开始不间断巡回) 后会在那里开始创作他们的新专辑。 .
Medicine is a shoegaze/dream pop band from Los Angeles, USA. They have had two distinct incarnations. The band was first formed in 1991 by guitarist and programmer Brad Laner (aka Electric Company) and signed to Rick Rubin's American Recordings label the following year. Medicine was/is considered the American response to shoegazing bands such as My Bloody Valentine, Ride and Chapterhouse. With a signature guitar tone, created by running Brad Laner's guitar through a Yamaha 8-track recorder, Medicine's music managed to distinguish itself from some of the more noisy and ambiguous endeavours of the shoegazing movement. The band made a brief...
There are several artist named RockStar or Rockstar: 1. Rockstar is a cover band featuring Tim Ripper Owens (Judas Priest, Iced Earth, ...), Keri Kelli (Alice Cooper, Slash's Snakepit), James Kottak (Scorpions), Rudy Sarzo (Whitesnake, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, ...) and Teddy "Zig Zag" Andreadis (Guns N' Roses). 2. A Hard Rock/Sleaze band from Italy. 3. A group from the Philippines. 4. Jony Rockstar 5. An alias for Martin Sponnich. 6. An alias for Michael Dowell. 7. Bollywood 2011 Movie Rockstar It may also be in incorrect artist tag for video game soundtracks like the Grand Theft Auto titles. If so,...
"WOW, such an uproar over the name people!! Perhaps this resistance to change is bred from a place of genuine curiosity (because the unknown is our greatest fear, right?!?). So.... it’s my job in the next few paragraphs to alleviate your panic, here it goooooooes. First of all, stop freaking out. You’re being ridiculous. Thank you. Secondly, this name change was born because of some transitions in the members of this band. The dynamics of tightly-knit groups can become incredibly emotional. A Verse Unsung was started with a different group of four great musicians that pursued goals and a musical...
Hanoi Rocks was a Finnish glam rock band formed in 1979, whose most successful period came in the early 1980s. The band broke up in 1985 after their drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley died in a car accident a year earlier. Original members vocalist Michael Monroe and guitarist Andy McCoy reunited in 2001 and were active with the new line-up of Hanoi Rocks until 2009. In the 80s, Hanoi Rocks were the most successful Finnish band internationally and are still popular in the United States, Japan, and the UK. They were also one of the first rock bands to tour in...
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The Last Chapter (Make Up An Ending)
Every Morning (They Aren't The Same)