There Is a Light That Never Goes Out | zh

There are 7 groups with this name; 1: Dreamtone & Iris Mavraki's NEVERLAND - the collaboration between Turkey's progressive power metal band Dreamtone and Greek artist Iris Mavraki. See Dreamtone & Iris Mavraki's Neverland and 2: NEVERLAND: A melodic rock band similar to bands like Journey, Bad English, and Tyketto. Their self-titled debut album is a near-flawless collection of upbeat rockers and memorable ballads, all written by the band members. The lyrics are your basic love song material, but they seem to be a bit more personal and emotional than what most other bands from this era produced. (...)...
There is more than one artist with this name: 1. An Indie rock band formed in Sydney, Australia in 2008 and currently touring (the page pic is for this band). 2. A melodic art punk band based in Chicago, USA in 2003 and disbanded in 2007. Some members have gone on to form Bird per Hour 1. Sydney-based Greenlight's debut "Suns Burning Down" is due for release on Nov 7th, 2009, and they will be performing at the Newtown Festival on Nov 8th, 2009. The first single "Fish" is exclusively pre-released at 2. For the Chicago-based melodic art punk...
We are a street punk band from Salt Lake City, Utah. We keep it loud, fast, and pissed off, the way punk rock is supposed to be. .
为带动90年代英国男孩团旋风队伍,英国历史上最成功的男子演唱组合之一——TAKE THAT成立于1991年,5位成员包括Robbie Williams、Gary Barlow、Mark Owen、Howard Donald 和Jason Orange,他们以邻家男孩的阳光形象,以时尚的Euro-dance为基调,配以优美的英式和声,以其独特魅力捕获了全球无数少女歌迷的心,红遍了地球的每一个角落。 1992年,乐队发行首张专辑《Take That And Party》创造了8首进榜劲作,93年冠军专辑《Everything Changes》中,有4首单曲空降英国金榜冠军宝座,1995年专辑《Nobody Else》陆续推出4首冠军单曲后,Robbie Williams宣布单飞,1996年Take That的正式解散也成为英国乐坛继Beatles解散以来最令乐迷错愕的震撼头条。 2006年11月,Take That带着10年来的首张全新专辑《Beautiful World》重新回归乐坛。 虽然如今的Take That已经变为一个四人团体(少了Robbie Williams),但他们充满自信,新专辑的单曲《Patience》也已经空降UK榜,并获得了冠军。这足以证明,作为一支90年代的经典乐团,Take That在这个世纪仍有广阔的市场和号召力。 .