Brother Luke | zh

J Soul Brothers is an all-male Japanese R&B group. The first incarnation of the group came about in 1999 when former member of the Japanese group Zoo, Hiro, startet a new R&B group with the dancers Matsu, Usa, and Makidai, and singer Sasa. The group disbanded in 2001 when Sasa decided to embark on a solo career, and the remaining members went on to form another Japanese R&B group, Exile. In 2007 Hiro decided to revive the group with all new members: singers Nesmith and Shokichi, and the dancers Kenchi, Keiji, Tetsuya, Naoto, and Naoki, with Hiro on producing duties....
Jonas Brothers来自美国新泽西的Wyckoff摇滚男孩乐队,是借迪士尼频道走红的流行摇滚乐队。成员是兄弟三人:Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas。他们还有一个弟弟,名叫Frankie Jonas,也在演艺圈活动,曾为宫崎骏动画《悬崖上的金鱼姬》配音。他希望自己长大后能在哥哥们的乐团里打鼓。 目前为止他们共发了四张专辑:《It's About Time》(8月8日2006首发。另:括号内均为美国时间)、《Jonas Brothers》(8月7日2007),《A Little Bit Longer》(8月12.2008)和《Lines, Vines and Trying Times》(6月12日2009)。2008年他们赢得了51届格莱美提名。 .
Thomas Luther Bryan (born July 17, 1976), known professionally as Luke Bryan, is an American country singer and songwriter. Luke Bryan grew up in the very small town of Leesburg, Ga. Back home, he helped his father with his peanut and fertilizer businesses while playing sports and enjoying the great outdoors. Yet he can remember his mother urging him to belt out George Strait songs over and over while she drove him into town to shop. By age 14, his parents bought him an Alvarez guitar. By 15, his father would take him down to a nearby club, Skinner's, where...
Luke James is a singer/songwriter who truly embodies the honesty and fresh, organic soulfulness that’s been in relatively short supply of late in contemporary music. Now that sounds like a pretty tall order for a newcomer to fulfill. However, the New Orleans native is very much up to the task. In fact, you’ve no doubt heard his work: he co-wrote Chris Brown’s “Crawl” and has penned songs for Justin Bieber (“That Should Be Me”) and Britney Spears (“Kill The Lights”), among others. And his growing fan base includes none other than Beyoncé, who selected James to appear in her “Run...