Benefit of the Boomerang is Rotterdam-based Jordy Timmermans, producing intense alternative dancemusic since 2000 and performing live since 2005. His music is a compromise between excessive breakbeats and dramatic hardcore, without fearing to experiment with musical and melodic content. BotB has released on various netlabels, such as Ronin Collective, Yomi Records and Camomille and is currently signed by Mindtrick Records and Kriss Records. .
Benedictus je ime zbora mladih župe Kloštar Podravski. Zbor mladih izrastao je iz grupe mladih koju je počeo okupljati fra Mato Draganović 1996. godine. Glazbeno djeluju od 1998., na poticaje koje je davao fra Ante Garić. Fra Marko Medo puno je radio na organizaciji zajednice mladih koji redovito predvode pjevanje na misi mladih i nastupaju na raznim festivalima duhovne glazbe pod imenom "Tauaši". Prvi nastup pod tim imenom bio je 2000.godine na Frama-festu s pjesmom "Priznanje", fra Ante Garića. Mladi su nosioci i raznih drugih duhovnih inicijativa u župi, poput križnog puta ili taizejskih molitava. Izdali su i vlastitu pjesmaricu...
There are two artists known as Beneath: 1. An Icelandic death metal band 2. An English electronic producer 1. Beneath is an Icelandic death metal band that was formed during the winter of 2007/2008. After a few minor changes, the current line-up was finalized in November 2008. The members of Beneath have all been active in the Icelandic metal scene for some years and some current and former bands include Sororicide, Changer, Atrum and Diabolus to name a few. The band set out to play fast technical deathmetal, but the band incorporated elements from older styles of death metal, as...
Obenewa is an English singer-songwriter. Thoughtful and heartfelt, Obenewa's ear-pleasing vocals and lyrical honesty allows listeners to empathise with the tales that unfold before their ears. Classically trained on piano from the age of four and picking up the guitar in her teens, Obenewa's musicality see’s no boundaries. Her talent has led her to share the stage with artists like Marsha Ambrosius and Anthony Hamilton. After dropping her free mixtape "Therapy" at the tail end of 09 and gigging with The Truth moveMENT, Obenewa kicks off 2011 with the launch of her debut EP. .