Toby Foster | zh

Foster the People是一支独立流行乐队来自加利福尼亚(California)的洛杉矶(Los Angeles)。这支乐队第一次演出是在2009年的10月,那时他们才二十多岁。 他们用一首《Pumped Up Kicks》征服了美国各种类型榜单的前10。乐队的音乐类型以电子为主音,独立电子风格的“80s synth-meets-’60s psych pop”。 他们自从2010年推出首张同名EP,便受到了无数乐迷、尤其是女Fans的狂热追捧。乐队共有三人组成:Mark Foster、Mark Pontius以及Cubby Fink。 他们也会利用一些商演的机会,在表演中融入更多元素,更丰富的新复古曲风。 有时,还会邀请来精于吉他,键盘,合音的Sean Cimino和Isom Innis来担任Live秀的客串乐手。Cimino在专辑《Torches》中的单曲《Waste》中负责演奏吉他,而Innis在专辑中的工作却是未知的,可能因为对专辑的贡献不大,所以没有在专辑中记录他的工作。 Zach(采样,制作人,编程,电子鼓点,音乐特效,少数和声)直到2011年初还是乐队的成员,然而他却和乐队主唱Mark Foster分别作为单曲《Miss You》的作曲和制作人出现在专辑中,这说明他现在可能更专注于一些幕后工作,比如制作某些单曲,而不经常出现在现场表演中。 Heiligman作为一个作曲人、MC以及Mark Foster的好朋友,与Mark Foster在Foster the People组建前后进行了一个嘻哈音乐计划。 Mark Foster一开始叫自己的乐队“Foster & the People”但是人们都误听成了”Foster the People”。最后,他就取了foster的“培育”之意,将乐队名字定为“Foster the People”。 2010年初,Foster the People在互联网上发表了他们的第一首歌《Pumped Up Kicks》。几天后,它成为了评分朋友的时尚视频,又几天后,它出现在Hype Machine,一年后,它似乎进入了数百万世界各地听众的耳朵。在South by Southwest音乐节上表演更是让他们逐渐走红。 2011年5月24日,乐队因违反合同以及其他指控被卷入了与Brandon Dorsky的一起诉讼,这起诉讼在2011年7月结案,结果不明。 乐队最著名的一首歌是《Pumped Up Kicks》,到达Billboard另类歌曲榜第一名,摇滚歌曲榜第三名,以及Hot 100榜单第8名。这首歌曾于2010年8月31日在电视剧《十三号仓库》的第二季第九集中出现,也曾在英国手机公司的广告中出现。 总而言之,当你了解这支乐队,以及听过他们的作品以后,你一定会为他们所痴迷,不仅仅是因为他们的才华,更重要的是他们对于音乐的那种创新型的表现力,以及对音乐风格的积极进取和探索。 .
The Eye On It Songfacts reports that Eye On It, TobyMac's fifth full-length studio album was released on August 28, 2012. Said TobyMac regarding the album title: "I want my music to depict what I'm going through. I want to write about the things that upset me, move me, hurt me and haunt me. The things that are real. With Tonight, I was determined to live more passionately with God. I was laying down the gauntlet. Eye On It is a continuation of that. It's saying, 'This is the person I want to be and I'm going to keep my...
English born guitarist/songwriter, started writing imaginary filmscores on grandmother's piano as soon as the age of 5. At 16 started gigging with various bands around the northwest, disillusioned and frustrated went to university to study modern languages and moved to France. Within two weeks of being in France joined the group "Beth" and went on to tour, write and record for 7 years playing hundreds of concerts & french festivals including a prestigious friday night slot at "Les Vieilles Charrues" in 1999 just before Death in Vegas and Massive Attack as well as supporting various groups such as: Placebo, The...
The Foster Kids are a five-piece band based in Norwich, UK, formed in 2006. The band perform both electric and acoustic. Lead singer Ian Alexander (who won four games on TV show Countdown) also performs solo acoustic. Members have played in various bands previously, including Massey and The Spinning Jennys. .
Ruthie Foster is an American singer/songwriter of blues and folk music. She is from Gause, Texas and from a family of gospel singers. She studied music at McLennan Community College and then worked in the US Navy, where she started performing. Her debut was released in 1997 and she has performed in North America, Europe and Australia. She has often been compared to Ella Fitzgerald and Aretha Franklin. .
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Speech Patterns
My Heart
Warm Weather
22nd Street
Bound To Feel This Way
Speech Patterns
Hardwood Floors
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This Place Will Never Be My Home
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A Joint Expedition to The Moon
A Foothold In the Heavens