Miina | zh

Amiina由Solrun Sumarlidadottir、Maria Sigfusdottir、Edda Olafsdottir和Hildur Aresalsdottir這四位冰島女生所組成,四人本是「雷克雅維克音樂學院」的同學,在九十年代已以弦樂四重奏樂團形式合作,並四出為別人伴奏,直到2004年她們才真正走在一起創作音樂,Amiina方正式成軍。 也因為她們屢次跟Sigur Ros合作,甚至更隨同他們舉行Takk…專輯的世界性巡迴演出,擔任暖場表演,Amiina亦從而名聞遐邇,成功衝出冰島──據聞Amiina其中一人正是Sigur Ros某成員的女友。 Amiina的首張專輯Kurr終告在2007年面世——唱片先在家鄉冰島於樂隊的自家獨立廠牌Blaskjar旗下出版,繼而才交由德國的Ever Records(附屬!K7廠牌)作全球性發行。 Solrun、Maria、Edda和Hildur這四位女生都同是學習正統/古典音樂出身的樂手,而且擁有作曲系碩士之學位,所以Amiina的音樂大抵可以歸納為現代古典樂,然而她們卻早已不獨是一隊學院派弦樂四重奏樂團那麼簡單。 .
Miina Härma (February 9, 1864 – November 16, 1941) was a widely-recognised composer and one of the greatest contributors to the music of Estonia. She was Estonia's second musician with higher education. Her greatest contribution is perhaps the fact that she took organ music to the countryside, as virtually no skilled organists gave concerts outside of towns. During her 60-year period of creativity, she wrote more than 200 choral songs, 10 cavatinas, a canto, "Kalev and Linda" and much more. Most of her works were forms of vocal music, rather than instrumentals. .