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碧姬·芭铎 (Brigitte Bardot)是经久不衰的性感Icon,也是无数设计大师的缪斯女士。在五六十年代的电影史上,有两位性感名满天下的女星,一是自美国的金发尤物玛丽莲梦露;另一位就是掀起情色新浪潮的法国性感小猫——碧姬·巴铎(Brigitte Bardot)。碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot) 的性感则因为来自于花都巴黎而带上了一丝浪漫的气息,甚至在当时时代的影响下碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)还披上了新浪潮的文艺色彩。 碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)曼妙迷人的身材、十足女人味儿的相貌和野性、奔放的气质是碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)能突出于其他女演员的重要原因。这个常常在片中饰演女权主义代表人物的碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)受到所有法国男人的宠爱,他们叫碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)宝贝儿(B.B.),这也是碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)名字Brigitte Bardot的缩写。 碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)1934年9月28日出生于法国巴黎,她的父亲虽然得到过工程师证书,却一直都在家跟随碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)的爷爷经营家族创办的商业。1933年,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)的爸爸跟一位比他年轻14岁的姑娘结婚了。在碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)还很小的时候,妈妈就开始在在音乐和舞蹈方面着意培养她,因为她本人在些方面就曾显示过不凡的天赋,她要让碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)替她完成未竟的梦想,成为一位出色的演员。 15岁的时候,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)开始尝试模特这一职业,并得到了为《ELLE》杂志拍摄照片的机会。碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)的美貌实在是太出众了,因而很块就被电影界吸收了进来。1952年,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)出演了第一个角色──《开胃酒》一片中的佳沃特·勒莫瓦。接下来,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)又拍摄了另两部影片,然后在同一年碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)嫁给了导演罗歇·瓦迪姆。其实他们两人早就相识,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot) 在17岁的时候就曾想和这个男人结婚,只碍于父母早就为女儿制定下了18岁前不许嫁人的规矩,只好又等了一年。遗憾的是,这段得来不易的姻缘只持续了五年 (后来罗歇·瓦迪姆还追求过简·方达和卡特琳娜·德娜芙)。 在法国电影界打下了成功的基础之后,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot) 于1953年开始进军美国电影,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)同柯克·道格拉斯合作拍摄了《爱情行动》。然后碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)回到法国继续她的明星事业,而碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)的美国影迷们只好从杂志里的照片上和译制的法国影片中欣赏她的音容笑貌了。所以,尽管说碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)是个彻头彻尾的法国影星,她的名字却是在美国家喻户晓。1965年,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot) 在美国电影《亲爱的碧姬》中饰演了她自己,同她配戏的是吉米·斯特瓦特。而碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot) 自己在此片中只有一个镜头。 在40岁即将到来的时候,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)拍完影片《女人是魔鬼》后即宣布了退出影坛的决定。碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)更喜欢明星光圈外的生活。虽然电影给碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)带来了巨大的名望和声誉,却也给碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)增添了数不清的烦恼:那些狂热的影迷们什么都干得出来,他们想方设法钻进碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)的住宅或隐藏在她家花园里,只求能得到碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)投来的一瞥,或是一件她曾使用过的东西。那些专门偷排名人生活照片的摄影记者们更是扛着照相机一步不离地追随着碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot),令她整日不得安宁。而碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)心肠又很软,所以总有人可以钻她慷慨大方的空子。 淡出光圈之后,碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)把精力全部投入到了领导保护动物权益和创建"碧姬·芭铎基金会"的事业中。碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)的名望使她成为了动物保护行动中最有力的代言人,而碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)在这两项工作中所取得的成功也许比她所拍摄的任何一部影片都更有价值。 碧姬·巴铎 (Brigitte Bardot)的名言:"如果我有能力来影响人们对待别人的态度,那么我就会去这么做了。但正因为我没有这个能力,所以我只好把注意力放在动物身上。" .
When spinning her drum'n'bass and minimal styles, the german-french grande dame shows how she's got the savoir-faire to enchant all of Tokyo . Along with acclaimed artists like Mitsukuni Tashiro and Nihon-Jin Murakami she injects some new life into the veins of land of the rising sun. She gets the party going in the "Liquid Room" or the "Womb", supported by the wild styles of her MC Nobukazo. As a producer she's been designing atmospheric drum'n'bass scapes in a rather laid-back fashion for years. Doing so, she likes to elaborate and condense her tracks without falling back upon readily anticipated...
The organ-based jazz funk of Leslie Nielsen can be seen as the European answer to the New York jam band scene. Their instrumental music is soaked with soul is dripping with whipping rhythms, driving guitar riffs and screaming organ sounds. Shortly after their foundation in Rotterdam, NL in 2003 they already played the biggest stages in Holland and toured the urban funk clubs in Germany with the famous DJ Soulrabbi. In 2006 they performed at the North Sea Jazz festival in Rotterdam. Recently the band decided to occasionally expand the solid fundament of Hammond organ, guitar and drums with upcoming...
punk rock band started by four veteran musicians from Orleans (France) in 1994. They have recorded five long albums plus three ep´s. Its musical style is punk with several influences such as: garage, rock´n´roll, freakbeat and similar old music. They sing in english and french, it depend of song and is about different themes related to real life, humor, saturday night, etc. .
Brigitte Engerer (French: [ɑ̃gəʁɛʁ]; 27 October 1952 – 23 June 2012) was a French pianist. Engerer was born in Tunis, French Tunisia. Having started music at age five, she entered the Paris Conservatoire in the class of Lucette Descaves. She obtained in 1968, aged 15, a first prize in piano, the first named unanimously. In 1969, she won the Concours International Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud, following which she was invited to undertake further training at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory where she joined the class of Stanislav Neuhaus: she studied there for nine years. In 1980, her career took a decisive turn...