Yael Naim | zh

Yael naim 创作女歌手,并擅长钢琴演奏.1978年出生于巴黎。4岁去以色列生活。小时候看了电影amadeus后她便决定学钢琴。之后在音乐学院学习了十年钢琴。   后来,yael naim对其它音乐类型发生兴趣而放弃了古典音乐。她爸爸听的the Beatles 和 Aretha Franklin她都非常喜欢。从此她开始受到流行、民谣以及爵士的影响。接着Yael 开始尝试作曲,也因此得以释放自己害羞的个性。此后她也在以色列当地的一些爵士CLUB里演唱,之后两年里她在服兵役。不过在服役期间她还是组了一个叫做 ANTI COLLISION的乐团。   2000年,22岁,YAEL被ELIE CHOURAQUI发掘,让她在Myriam里扮演Moïse的妹妹/姐姐,长达两年之久。在此期间,她还演唱电影harrison’s flower的歌曲。   2001年,yael发行了第一张专辑“in a man’s womb”,这是她在paris和los angeles录制的。可惜专辑并没有马上大卖,这又增加了yael的不自信。   2004年,yael认识了乐手david donatien,他们一起制作了新专辑。DAVID鼓励她用犹太语,英语还有法语演唱,两人在一起分享交流各自的的音乐经验,花了2年的时间在Yael 自己家的录音室共同策划制作这张同名专辑,专辑歌曲以希伯莱语及英语演唱,乐器有钢琴,吉他,沙罗,贝司,打击,歌曲曲风轻巧搀杂着一些人声,很多朋友,音乐人参与了歌曲的录制,如laurent david , yoed nir ,xavier tribolet , julien feltin ,等等。这期间,她跟redy made fc这个乐团合作了“the only one”。   在home studio潜心两年之后,yael的第二张专辑发行了,时间是2007年10月。主打歌就是new soul (MacBookAir 的广告歌). 如果你喜欢Feist的1234,那么你也一定会喜欢专辑中的new soul-苹果笔记本电脑Apple Macbook Air的广告曲,轻灵、明朗。 .
from ontario canada previously released own recordings of banjo and oldtime music with the banjo special,arnie naiman and chris coole,and with wife kathy currently playing with the albermarle ramblers .
Naimi is Kristin Eklund who plays alot of instruments and makes heartcrossing guitarpop. Sometimes it is sad and beutiful piano/organ-music. Sometimes it is extremly melodic and fantastic nintendo/circus-music. The nearest Swedish comparison is Hello Saferide, especially with personal lyrics and frantic guitar strumming. .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Cut Naima Gani better known as Naima, is a Pop and Jazz female singer from Aceh, Indonesia. Her first album, "Cinta Naima" was released at Hard Rock Cafe on 2008. On the album she released a song "Keraguan" once popularized by Dian Pramana Poetra. With Ryza Lavoise she also re-releasing the single "Mungkinkah" ever performed by Stinky., 2) A Spanish jazz trio, Personnel: Enrique Ruiz: piano, synths; Luis Torregrosa: drums; Rafael Ramos Sania: double bass. Latest album 'Bye' from 2016. .
Yael Deckelbaum (Songwriter and Vocalist ) was born in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1979 to an Israeli mother and a Canadian father. She grew up in a small village near the city. Her father, David Deckelbaum, a dentist and a banjo player, was a founding member of a folky, country, Celtic, good-time band, "The Jerusalem Taverners". He quickly recognized his daughter’s musical talent, and Yael has performed with her father’s band as a guest singer and musician throughout her entire childhood. At the age of 16, Yael won first prize in a national contest for the best young singer-songwriter in Israel....
找到了 193 歌曲, 持续时间: 12:08:54
Always Been
Hasafsal hatsiburi
Playground Family
After Party
Always Been
A Part of Us
Tell Her
Don't Be Afraid
Don't Be Afraid
Moment (slowed)
Morning Thoughts
pachad (lookleft & arnaud edit)
New Soul
The End
The Sun
Tell Her
toxic (thvn remix)
Watching You
The Sun
new soul nguyen trong an remix
New Soul
First Time
Toxic (Bugy Remix)
New soul (Tik Tok Remix)
New Soul
A Part of Us
Toxic Remix
New Soul (EDM Remix)
New Soul (Tik Tok Remix)
Toxic (Lukea Edit)
Lonely ("Yael Naim"- 2007)
Watching You
new soul newcomers remix
Yael Naim - New Soul(remix)
Too Long
A Bit Of