Toni der Assi feat Blokkmonsta | zh

Pentatonix為來自德克薩斯州阿靈頓的無伴奏合唱組合(簡稱PTX),共有五位成員,包括:斯科特·荷約林(Scott Hoying),克斯蒂·馬爾多納多(Kirstie Maldonado),米切·格拉西(Mitch Grassi),阿維·卡普蘭(Avi Kaplan)和凱文·奧諾索拉(Kevin Olusola)。他們於NBC電視台節目The Sing-Off第三季中勇奪冠軍後,獻唱了生存者的名曲Eye of the Tiger作為勝利之歌。除了贏得20萬美元獎金外,他們還得到與Sony的錄音合約。[1][2]他們的出道迷你專輯 PTX Vol. 1在Billboard 200大碟榜中排名十四,最新作品為聖誕專輯That's Christmas to Me。 背景與團名由來[編輯] Pentatonix的起點是克斯蒂,米切及斯科特這三位同樣就讀阿靈頓馬丁高校(Martin High School)的好朋友。他們得知當地電台節目即將舉辦一個比賽,勝出者可以與電視劇歡樂合唱團的演員見面,於是便提交了他們重新編曲的Telephone三人合唱版。雖然他們最終沒能勝出,但卻在學校引起熱議,他們亦開始參與表演。後來他們三人版本的"Telephone"更在Youtube上引起關注,他們亦繼續演出。 斯科特和克斯蒂於2010年從馬丁高校畢業,斯科特隨即前往南加州大學修讀流行音樂學士課程,克斯蒂則到奧克拉荷馬大學升學,主修音樂劇場,而三人之中年紀最輕的米切當時仍是高校學生。於南加州大學就讀期間,斯科特加入了名為SoCal VoCals的無伴奏合唱團,並從成員本·布拉姆(Ben Bram)口中得知The Sing-Off這個節目,成員更鼓勵他去參加節目試音。他游說Kirstie和Mitch一同參加,可是節目訂明組合至少要有四位成員。後來他們通過朋友介紹認識了在無伴奏合唱界甚有名氣的阿維,同時三人亦在Youtube上找到了凱文。在影片中,凱文同時表演節奏口技和拉奏大提琴,錄得很高的觀看次數。他畢業於耶魯大學醫學院預科課程,並曾到中國留學一年,說得一口流利的普通話。 五人於The Sing-Off第三季試音前一天正式會面。米切為了能準時參加試音,放棄了自己的高校畢業禮。他們成功通過試音,最終更成為了2011年(第三季)的冠軍。 組合名稱Pentatonix由斯科特提出,靈感來自五聲音階(pentatonic scale),他們認為五聲音階很配合他們五位成員。而把"pentatonic"最後一個字母換成"x",是希望使名字更吸引人。他們的音樂受到流行音樂、迴響貝斯、電子、雷鬼以及嘻哈音樂影響衍生而成。 .
There are two artists with this name: 1. A Eurodance group that went through two different lineups before splitting in 2001 2. A Polish rock band PASSION FRUIT was a Eurodance/Bubblegum Dance group consisting of three girls of Dutch, Spanish and German descent: # Maria Serrano Serrano (November 26, 1973 - November 24, 2001) # Nathaly(ie) van het Ende (January 2, 1975 - November 24, 2001) # Debby (Deborah St. Marteen) (born 1973 in Delft) On November 24, 2001, the group was on board of the Crossair Flight 3597 from Berlin to Zurich when it crashed into a wooded range...
There are at least three bands that have used the name Tonight 1) A power pop from the United Kingdom, known for their 1978 hit single "Drummer Man" 2) A synthpop group 3) A latin alternative band 1) Tonight was a power pop band from the Southend in the U.K. The 70s-era group had a charting hit with "Drummer Man", but a lack of later success gave them the reputation as a 'one hit wonder'. Their first album, unreleased at the time, has finally appeared on CD and in download form in the digital era. 2) Producer Darin Rajabian met...
There are two artists that have used the name Memphis May Fire: 1) A rock band from Dallas, Texas. 2) A heavy metal band from Baltimore, Maryland. Memphis May Fire is an American metalcore band currently based in Dallas, Texas. Since its formation, the band has released two EPs and four full-length albums, the latest being Unconditional which was released March 2014. Their music has been compared to Underoath and He Is Legend. The band formed in December 2006, but it was not until February 2007 that the group decided on the name Memphis May Fire having previously gone by...
Massive Attack 虽然成名于九十年代,但他们的历史可以追溯到1983年,从1987年正式成立到第一张专辑的问世就花了近3年的时间,他们的音乐创作一向以严肃而着称,但听觉上却并不拒人于千里;催眠般的音效、黑暗而性感、将hip-hop节奏、灵歌的旋律、dub和采样以一种电影剪辑的方式融合在一起,流派可以跨越 punk、reggae和R&B,这种自由的新兴的形式使他们迅速成为Bristol club中‘不可错过的事件’,而后Trip-Hop潮流中的领军乐队都曾受益于Massive Attack的启示。 为 “Danny The Dog”电影原声制作1年后,在今年3月底Massive attack官方宣布他们的精选大碟“Collected”。CD1收集了以往4张中的经典名曲。CD2收录了新曲“Live With Me” 和以前未发表的歌曲以及混音。“Collected”中还包含了新拍摄的音乐VIDEO。“Live With Me”邀请到了乡村爵士传奇Terry Callier为其献声,曲目制作单位依然由3D(Robert Del Naja)和担当过“Mezzanine”“100th Window”的制作人Neil Davidge共同来完成。 .
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