Unlimited | zh

来自荷兰的二人跳舞组合2 Unlimited“二人无极”是由主音歌手Anita Doth和说唱手Ray Slijngaard所组成,配合两位长期合作的作曲人Jean-Paul De Coster和作词人Phil Wilde。首张单曲《Get Ready For This》一推出,立即红遍全球,而且四年后再一次打上美国Billboard四十位之内;该乐队先后推出三张销量惊人的专辑,分别是:《Get Ready》、《No Limit》和《Real Thing》;碟内每张单曲均成绩骄人:《No Limit》是35个国家排行榜的冠军单曲,总销量超越250万张;随后的《Tribal Dance》、《Maximum Overdrive》、《No One》等都是排行榜冠军歌曲。 .
There are two groups with the name Time Unlimited: 1) About Time Unlimited / Orvil Smith Orvil Smith realized his love for singing at age 9 when he sang at the Ward Theatre in Kingston, Jamaica. He formed the group Time Unlimited at age 17 along with 3 other members: the late Junior Delgado, Gosford Manning, and Hugh Marshall. Time Unlimited, truly unlimited, is still putting together exquisite songs in 2008. They currently have a video called "Just Can't Stay" getting good rotation in Jamaica. Also current is the skillfully crafted lover's rock, "Love Made Us" which is destined to...
Thomas Mapfumo was born in 1945 in Marondera, Zimbabwe. He sang with various bands including The Zutu Brothers, Hallelujah Chicken Run Band and the Acid Band before forming The Blacks Unlimited when he and Jonah Sithole merged their bands in 1977. The band developed a style called chimurenga music, meaning "(revolutionary) struggle" - a highly politicised electrification of traditional Shona mbira music, with lyrics railing against the colonial government in Rhodesia and, later, against Mugabe. Mapfumo now lives in exile in the United States. .
The Canadian outfit burst on the scene in 1979 with "Disco Choo Choo." The first line-up consisted of Tony Bentivegna and Johnny D'Orazio (the two constant members) and Louis Toteda and Peter Sciascia (vocals). Their first album was produced by Peter DiMilo and George Cucuzzella. .