Não Ao Futebol Moderno | zh

Naoto (高橋直之) is a Japanese violinist, composer, arranger and producer Born: 15Aug 1973, Osaka Bloodtype: A- Official site: http://www.naoto-poper.com Naoto has worked with notable japanese artists and bands in various ways, including Porno Graffitti, Mika Nakashima (中島美嘉), Ayumi Hamasaki (浜崎あゆみ) and ORANGE RANGE. "NAOTO" is also an alias of video game music composer Hiroshi Tanabe, mostly used for his work in the shoot-em-up genre, alongside game developer Triangle Service. .
两人组合Naomi,1996年,Bernd和Nico巧遇在去同一个音乐工作室的车站上,接着他们发现他们喜欢同一本书、同一种饮料,有相似的音乐品位,更巧的是他们在汉堡的居住地只相隔两条街,这么多巧合足以让他们合伙,两人一拍即合,开始共同创作。之后一直做些小样,也打碟。1999年寄了他们的小样到Mole Listening Pearls,之后顺利签约。 .
name: naotyu- circle: naotyu-studio7.com www: http://www.naotyu-studio7.com/ .
NAOMI WACHIRA, Kenya, living in Seattle There’s no doubt that there’s a better future in store for Naomi, especially after her great breakout year in 2013. Named the Best Folk Singer in Seattle by alt publication Seattle Weekly and featured on their cover, Naomi became the toast of the town, which in turn led to a friendship with the much-loved indie songwriter Damien Jurado, who came onboard to produce this album. Other key collaborators that Naomi brought in, renowned Seattle bassist Evan Flory-Barnes, cellist Natalie Hall (Macklemore), drummer Darren Reynolds (Patrick & The Locomotive), and Latin percussionist Lalo Bello, all...