sabian | zh

他们成军于1999年,成员有: 主唱:Tom 吉他:Sergio 键盘手:Christopher 贝司手:Chris 而他们的乐队名字源自六十年代末的连环杀手影片《Charlie Manson/》中的一名女司机Linda Kasabian的姓氏作为团名,乐队希望透过其重复性的音乐元素,来表达出人们的疯狂与暴力。 虽然他们的首张专辑销量与Franz Ferdinand、Keane有一定差距,但是媒体却一点都没有看低他们,这也证明了他们的音乐是有一定水平的。四个来自莱切斯特的小伙子,对 Oasis的极度喜爱在各种采访中都能看的出来。他们的音乐是多样的,也许是因为少年时受到brit-pop、电音甚至hip-hop等各种风格的影响。领跑单曲《CLUB FOOT》里面我们可以见识到Electro-Rock,为了更好的表现出迷幻的一面,他们还特意在音乐中加入了西塔琴,如嗓音和节拍都同Placebo 有许多神似之处的《Running Battle》、在倒播技巧的运用中,加入同早期Pink Floyd有着同样音色之吉他演奏的《Test Transmission》、在走迷幻民谣路线的同时带有异域色彩riff的《U Boat》和未来主义色彩合成器与重型Hip Hop节拍交相辉映的《I.D.》。到了《cut off》又转成了hip-hop了,这就是Kasabian,虽然他们并没有带来一场革命,但他们的自信在近年的英伦里是很少见的(强烈怀疑是受到Liam那牛B性格的影响),这也为英伦摇滚注入了一剂强心剂。 也许Kasabian并不是前无古人,但他们还是因为对元素巧妙的混合而变得格外突出,这正如PS贝斯手所说,“从Kasabian身上我确认到一些在英伦音乐上失踪了十年的东西”。 .
Place: Germany Label: konsum productions .
Sabiani (originaly from Slovakia, now living in Prague - Czech republic) started to be interested in electronic music at the time, when the electronic scene in Slovakia was still in its infancy. He grew closer with this kind of music in the year 1999 in Switzerland, where he bought his first Yamaha synthetizer as well. In the following years, he started to collaborate with DJs Fero and Fedor, which actually meant the genesis of Wattaz promotion. Wattaz promotion organized number of various parties and the famous Slovak openair festival Rotor is their work too. Sabiani plays everything from house, electro,...