Winston Reedy | zh

There are more than one artist with this name: 1) Greedy is Sacramento, Ca rapper. 2) Greedy is also finnish rapper. 3) Greedy was a swedish pop punk band that released an album on Ultima Thule's label in 1997 and contributed to a handful of compilation albums up until 2001. .
乔治·温斯顿(George Winston)是美国密西根州的作曲家兼钢琴家。其柔美优雅极富文人气息的清新曲风,使他成为先时代音乐界中极具代表性的卓越人物。乔治.温斯顿的曲目是钢琴美学史上最纯净逸品之大成,他的音乐舒俊流畅、旋律优美,极具可听性。是新世代音乐中极具代表性的卓越人物。他因其优异的音乐才华而多次获得格莱美大奖和格莱美联社大奖提名的极高荣誉,每年都因乐迷们的强烈要求而进行100 多场全球巡演,受到世界各地观众们的热忱欢迎。他成长的蒙他那州的季节变化景象,丰富了他在创作时的灵魂。 乔治·温斯顿出生于1949年,在蒙大拿州度过了他的童年时光之后,他先后在密西西比和弗罗里达州居住。如今,他几乎只能听流行和R&B(节奏布鲁斯)器乐曲(比如FLOYD CRAMER后斯的作品、冒险乐队、THE VENTURES乐队、BOOKER T &THE MGS乐队以及KING CURTIS等)以及其他R&B艺术的作品,比如RAY CHAR LES和SAM COOKE。在电台的准点新闻之前,如果播放器乐节目的话,他会聚精会神听上半小时。受蓝调、摇滚、R&B和爵士乐的影响,乔治从1967年开始弹管风琴和电钢琴。到了1971年,在听了传奇的摇摆爵士乐钢琴演奏家汤姆斯,胖,沃勒和特迪威尔森的后期作品之后,他转向弹奏钢琴。从那时起,他开始致力于在钢琴独奏上建立自己的风格,自己创作作品并编写其他音乐家的作品。1972年,乔治在吉他演奏家约翰.非赫的厂牌TAKOMA旗下录制了他的第一张钢琴独奏专辑,名为《钢琴小品:民谣与布鲁斯》。乔治从事的音乐,其风格实际上是 2/3的R&B+摇滚+主流音乐作为元素,然后辅以1/3的优美旋律。他至今为止发行的唱片中后者是主要特色。他选择了田园式的居谣音乐作为演奏和录制专辑的风格。 提起美国最好的New Age艺人。人们都会不约而同的想到George Winston。他精通各种乐器的演奏。尤以钢琴造诣最高。1949年出生于美国密西根州的作曲家兼钢琴家乔治.温斯顿,被誉为钢琴魔手,1972年录制个人首张演奏专题《民谣与布鲁斯1972》,八十年代出版了特定的主题作品:《秋季》(1980年)、《辞冬》(1982年)、《九月》(1982年)、《夏季》(1991年)、《森林》(1994年),1995年因其卓越的音乐才华而获得了格莱美奖的荣誉。乔治.温斯顿每年巡回演出110场之多,受到世界各地区许多观众出乎意料、令人感动的热诚欢迎。 乔治温斯顿之四季(All the seasons of george winston)是首张收录乔治温斯顿二十五年来精彩绝伦的的钢琴独奏名曲精选辑。这张精选辑选自六张钢琴独奏专辑"秋季”(Autumn)1880'" 辞冬”(Winter into spring)1982’"十二月"(December)1982'"夏日”(Summer)1991’"森林"(Forest)1994以及”音乐圣殿 "(Linus&Lucy-themusic of vince guaraldi)1996。此外,还收录四首从未发行的乐曲:分别是”瞌睡虫小精灵(Sandman)""无际的北边原野(Northernplains)""我那熟睡小宝贝的脸(Sleepbaby mine)”以及亚洲地区独家收录的"夕阳余晖时的吟唱(Evening song)”。 .
Elle Winston is a Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter. She originates from Ft. Wayne, Indiana in the heart of the midwest, but spent most of her life growing up in southwest sun of Arizona. Her music draws it’s influences from American jazz, soul, funk, blues, r&b, alternative music and world music. Elle completed a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance at Arizona State University studying under Judy May. She went on to become deeply involved in the live music scene happening in Phoenix, Arizona. Singing with the funk group Hot Birds and the Chili Sauce and fronting the Latin group Bata Ire, Elle...
There are at least 5 artists under Winston's name: 1. Hunter Husar, formerly of Mahjongg, new solo project. His EP can be found @ 2. Canadian singer-songwriter Winston doesn’t take any shortcuts with his debut solo album, Limited. Recording the six-song EP on vintage analogue gear, Winston self-produced the new album without using any digital devices -- no computers, no Pro Tools, not even a digital guitar tuner. The result is his celebrated introspective alt-pop, only grittier and at times haunting. “I wanted to make something real, something human,” Winston says about his decision to skip industry standard recording...
The son of a preacher, Winston was born in 1957, in the hills of Manchester parish, near Christiana, in Jamaica. His parents were very fond of music and it was only natural for him to sing in church. After his father died in 1971, Winston left his native home and moved to Kingston, where his sister was a teacher. In this new city environment, he became friend with Hugh Mundell, Earl Sixteen and Wayne Wade. Because he was sure of their talent, he went with them to their first auditions and even wrote some of their first songs, like Earl...