Like Elliot Did | zh

Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike have come a long way in a very short period of time. Sought after producers, remixers to the A-list elite – Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, LMFAO, Pitbull – and #1 hit makers, the accolades they’ve clocked up so far are equal to those some amass in a lifetime! Touring across the planet, they are one of the hottest tickets in dance music & grace the biggest venues & festivals with their explosive brand of EDM. Official producers for Tomorrowland, the pair set global charts and radio waves on fire with Tomorrow, The Way We See...
延续打倒男孩之气势以及乐曲结构,同为Emo-Punk界的Boy团体,曾获「尚未签约乐团」网站排行冠军,成为Spin杂志「当日最佳艺人」、高度赞誉「未来优团」靠着精湛现场演出实力、创作高水准以及深厚乐器弹奏基础,成军短短不到一年光景便推出主流大厂专辑近期看着Fall Out Boy/打倒男孩乐团在排行各榜呼风唤雨,似乎这股将畅快庞克不羁气焰完全释放,并渗入些许EMO风格夹带流畅声线,同时坚持早期地下化鼓噪乐音,跨越另类摇滚至流行区块的声调,已渐渐获得更多乐迷认同,虽然EMO乐种仍不能称的上是主流,但更为流畅旋律以及琅琅上口调性,绝对能在流行市场赢得潜力商机。Boys Like Girls的年轻组合,就是承袭这一派风格,展现他们超高能量音频,一倾而泄激爆出最为强悍之摇滚气度。来自波士顿的Boys Like Girls,自2005年底组军到发行首张主流厂专辑短短不到一年光景,实在羡煞许多极欲成名出头的新生代团体,除了靠着精湛现场演出实力外,创作水准以及深厚乐器弹奏基础,都是他们迅速致胜关键。当创作力旺盛的主唱/吉他手Martin Johnson手边有许多歌曲想找机会录制时,遇上贝斯手Bryan Donahue、主奏吉他手Paul DiGiovanni以及鼓手John Keefe等三人,彼此对音乐有着相同理念,很快将Boys Like Girls组装完成。录制出的DEMO作品〈The Great Escape〉、〈Thunder〉等曲,获得广大回响,登入「尚未签约乐团」网站排行冠军,成为Spin杂志「当日最佳艺人」、度赞誉「未来优团」…等加冕。首张同名专辑《Boys Like Girls》由Panic!At The Disco、Thrice、The Explosion制作人Matt Squire坐镇操盘,攀上热门潜力榜Top 9。开场成名作〈The Great Escape〉,以急促吉他飙奏拉起序幕,堆迭出最滑顺音频,流行味够同时兼具庞克重力劲道,过瘾十足,此曲在2007年初重新问世,加强第二波之攻势;紧接畅快到底的〈Five Minutes To Midnight〉,完全丢出属于年轻活力气息,踩着快意步伐,大声唱出摇滚乐的那份狂放悍劲;中板音阶敲打着明亮节奏与俐落声频,选为第一支主打的〈Hero/Heroine〉,激起Emo-Punk最为高涨的情绪反应;早期DEMO作〈Thunder〉,重新混音演唱,是专辑中难得一见的抒情摇滚推荐小品;〈Dance Hall Drug〉、〈Heels Over Head〉等曲,依然架构在他们轻易引发随乐起舞的本事中。正当「打倒男孩」乐团呛的火热之际,Boys Like Girls必能延续此气流,引发乐迷的高度兴趣. Boys Like Girls 来自美国波士顿。乐队成立于2005年末。他们的首张同名专辑《Boys Like G irls》由Columbia Records/Red Ink发行于2006年8月。这离乐队成立还不到一年时间。难怪有人会说他们的创作实力不容小觑。2007年3月17日Boys Like Girls被Spin杂志的读者投票选为2006 Artist of the Year。Boys Like Girls成立于05年12月,当时主唱Martin写了几首歌打算录制,于是与贝斯手Bryan 和鼓手John 成立了乐队。后来John又带了吉他手Paul 。他们曾经一起合作录制过简单的demo. 有意思的是,几个月之后John和Paul发现他们居然是远房表兄弟。乐队成立不久后,像所有其他聪明的乐队一样,搞了几个小样放到了网上。他们将The Great Escape和acoustic版本的thunder放到了Myspace和Purevolu(很快在Purevolume登上了未签约艺人榜首) ,迅速吸引了一大群听众的注意,这些人中既包括歌迷,也包括经纪人Matt Galle(Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance)和制作人Matt Squire (Panic! At The Disco)。Glle和Squire很快向 Boys Like Girls发出邀请,希望能够一起和作。他们一拍即合。在Glle和Squire的支持下,Boys Like Girls在06年2月快结束时开始了与Cute Is What We Aim For, Hit the Lights 和 Butch Walker一起进行的为期一个月的巡演。接下来,他们走进录音棚与Squire一起录制了他的首张专辑。 专辑一完成,他们又马不停蹄的参加了一系列的演出,其中包括Cute is What We Aim for六月份的演出、以及Butch Walker在七月末开始的为期两周的演出。在这期间,他们还抽空录制了主打歌曲Hero/Heroine的MV。 由于专辑的发行,他们在8月和九月份完成了他们自己的首次演出。这次演出还特邀了Permanent Me 和 Scenes from a Movie。十月份他们又去东海岸参加了Lostprophets 和 Eighteen...
Sing Like Talking (シングライクトーキング) is a Japanese rock band. Formed in 1985; consists of lead singer Chikuzen Sato, keyboardist Chiaki Fujita, guitarist Tomohiko Nishimura. (The band's lineup remained since 1987.) They recorded the band's debut album, Try and try again, which was released in 1988. Most of songs are composed by C.Sato and C.Fujita; Mainly, C.Sato writes melody, C.Fujita writes lyrics. official site : .
Melike is the name of a rising vocalist from Turkey who is currently based in Ghent, Belgium. Melike Tarhan grew up listening to the classical turkish, studied Eastern and Western singing techniques and has established a group with her Iraqi husband Osama Abdulraso. The band brings together a Moroccan percussionist, a Turkish saz player and Flemish artists in an exchange that is well dosed and gripping. Recommended Tracks * Emirdagi (Album : Macar) * Yarali ceylanim (Album : Macar) * Bülbülüm altin kafeste (Album : Macar) .
As many lucky teenagers from the late 80’s, Laurent Ash started as a bass player in a small High School band influenced by new-wave and pop music acts like Cabaret Voltaire, Frankie Goes To Hollywood or Simple Minds and discovered the art of sampling thru the first popular 8/16bits computers. Producing first for other artists in the early & mid 90’s, he joined the parisian label 20000ST in 2001 (which was responsible for the hit single of Demon “You Are My High”) to release one of his first hit singles “The Soul Of My Love …”, which features vocals performed...