Cyrus Malachi | zh

她是90后,却有双重身分,一个是美国Nashville平凡的邻家女孩,一个是无人不知无人不晓的迪斯尼小天后。在美国,只要家里有电视机的人,不可能不认识她;打开电台每个小时内都可以听到她的歌曲;翻开杂志《CosmoGirl!》、《Teen Vogue》、《Seventeen》、《Lucky》、《InStyle》、《OK!》、《People》等随处可见她的照片和新闻。麦莉 塞勒斯因演出迪斯尼热门电视影集《Hannah Montana》而成为全美青少年最喜欢的偶像巨星!她所缔造出的辉煌成绩,已经是娱乐界大多数艺人梦寐以求却又望尘莫及的,“麦莉狂热”正在全球快速蔓延! 在她还只有12岁的时候,便参加《孟汉纳》影集的试镜,制作单位因为她年纪实在太小而作罢。但是麦莉没有放弃,14 岁终于获得《孟汉纳》演出机会。2006年3月首播,超高的收视率让她成为全美青少年最崇拜的偶像巨星;同年10月,由她演唱多首歌曲的原声带成为全美流行乐史上首张告示牌专辑榜冠军的电视原声带;2007年6月,结合影集第二季原声带与麦莉首张个人大碟的《孟汉纳2:遇见麦莉》问世,在全美青少年粉丝力挺之下,再度夺下全美冠军。 2013年,麦莉一改以往甜姐儿的形象,穿着打扮更加性感暴露。过后在2013年《Maxim》百大性感女星排行榜夺得冠军宝座(Maxim Hot 100)性感形象爆灯。麦莉在2010年发行了第三张录音室专辑后,终于决定在2013年内发行第四张录音室专辑,并由RCA唱片公司发布。第四张录音室专辑的主打单曲《We Can't Stop》于6月3日推出。《We Can't Stop》在公告牌百强单曲榜排名第二,在30个国家的iTunes排行榜夺下冠军位置。随着音乐录音带推出,此曲获得非常大的反响。音乐录音带在Youtube推出一星期已获得四百六十多万的点击率,即有很多负面批评关于麦莉的新形象,不过歌曲却获得巨大的成功。 .
比利·雷·塞勒斯(Billy Ray Cyrus),生于1961年8月25日。是一个格莱美奖提名的美国乡村音乐歌手,歌曲作者以及演员。 1992年曾以一曲"Achy Breaky Heart"走红。帅气的外表以及那首走红的歌曲,让他倍受瞩目。他的成名,与 Eagles非常像,还有George Strait,Garth Brooks,都是那种英俊的外表。他不仅仅唱歌,他也参演过几部电影。最出名的是要算是和女儿Miley Cyrus合演的汉娜蒙塔纳了。2007年11月09日发行的专辑,走的仍是乡村路线,可以从中领略一下Billy Ray Cyrus的歌曲魅力。他的专辑在世界各地已售出超过20万多张 .
Gothenburg, Sweden Cyrusgbg pronounced Cyrus Gothenburg has always had a faschination for audio and sounds, all sounds can be perceived as melodies and rhythms. Lives on the Swedish west coast, he's inspired by the salty sea breeze, the tram creaking, birds chirping, the Red Lions murmur, beer, red wine, sunny days, rainy days, his daughter Iris and his partner Karro. Cyrusgbg is not afraid to try new things, mix genres or play a new instrument. Quite the opposite, the more variation the better. Offical website, Myspace Discography (Free downloads) Stealing peoples opinions (2001) Live my dream (2009)...
Cyrus the Virus is the solo project of Jan-Willem Bot (aka William Wallace), an apprentice of G.M.S. from a young age, he started djing in parties and in clubs in Amsterdam in 1995. Cyrus had numerous collaborations with G.M.S. and Shanti Matkin that have helped him develop a quality of sound that is heard throughout his music projects. Jan was born in Amsterdam in 1977. At the Age of 14 started to lead mixing with Turntables and CDJ's. He got deeply fascinated with electronic music nfluence from various musicians like Underworld , The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, and Fatboy Slim....
The trio from Erdberg/Vienna existed from 2004-2009 and played brutal Stoner Rock & Sludge. Emerging from the practice room cellars of the legendary live-venue „Arena Wien” they regulary accompanied the by then upcoming concert-series „Roadtrip To Outta Space”. Influences were bands like Eyehategod, Dystopia, Bongzilla, Entombed, Iron Monkey, Kyuss, High on Fire, Bolt Thrower or Unsane. The lyrical content is fragmentary and of misanthropic, dystopian and anarchist nature. The band has toured Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Croatia. They shared stages with Cult Of Luna, Suma, Kylesa, Pungent Stench, Dozer, High On Fire or Weedeater. In 2008 they...
找到了 103 歌曲, 持续时间: 06:00:45
Interlude, Pt. 2
The Temple Of Athena (feat. Ray Vendetta)
Requiem (feat. Tesla's Ghost)
Solomon's Temple
Black Maria
Duality [Качественный Рэп]
Paintbrush feat. Cyrus Malachi, M9 & Masikah
7 Plagues
07) Table Of Elements (Feat. Cyrus Malachi)
Aqua Lungi (Prod. DJ Drinks)
Marxmen (ft. June Marx)
Scarlet Carpets
Archers ft Black Prophet
Archers (ft. Black Prophet)
Leningrad (ft. Solar Black)
The Vividness
Lions Den 2
Black Madonna (ft. Melanin 9)
Hydrochloric Sonnets
The Hammered Bracelet (Ft. Melanin 9)
Fellow Craftsmen (ft. Triple Darkness)
Master Builders (ft. Wisemen)
Black Skin, White Masks
Praying Mantis
Cold War (ft. King David)
Abattoir (ft. Melanin 9)
03) Paintbrush (Feat. Cyrus Malachi And Masikah)
Trading Darts
Industrial Pastures
Slang Blades (feat.Kyza)