Sanity | zh

1. Insanity (U.S.A) Formed in 1985, Bay Area band Insanity were instrumental in metal's evolution from thrash to death metal. Drummer Bud Mills was a big reason why, as his so-called "1-1" beat presaged the modern blastbeat. The band's sound more than lived up to its name. Not only did it crank thrash up to frenzied warp speeds, it also displayed chops well ahead of its time. Insanity were legendary worldwide in the '80s metal tape trading circuit, with members of Carcass and Napalm Death citing them as an influence. However, the band never achieved proper success due to various...
组队国籍: 瑞典   风格类型: Melodic death metal(旋律死亡金属)Progressive Death Metal(前卫死亡金属)   乐队成员:(已解散)   Dan Swano - vocals (1989 - 1997)   Robert Karlsson - vocals (1998 -1999)   Andreas Axelsson - guitars (1989 -1999)   Sami Nerberg - guitars (1989 -1999)   Anders Lindberg - bass (1989 -1999)   Benny Larsson - drums (1989 -1999) 成军经历   Edge Of Sanity(理智的边缘)是瑞典90年代初顶尖的死亡金属乐队之一,组建于1989 年11月,是由当地的两支乐队脱胎而成。乐队的灵魂人物Dan Swano曾参与过很多乐队,并且有很多经典的作品,在瑞典金属圈中很受尊敬。在最初组建时,Edge Of Sanity被看成是一支“临时乐队”而不被人们重视,但当他们的小样“Euthanasia”(安乐死,1989)发行后,乐迷开始注意并且喜欢上了他们。之后他们决定把吉他手增加到两个,做一支严肃的、真正意义上的乐队。主唱Dan Swano,吉他手Sami Nerberg和Andreas Axelsson,贝司的空缺由Anders Lindberg填补,鼓手Benny Larsson,Edge Of Sanity成军! 发展过程   这个阵容录制了几个小样,最知名的要算是 "Kur-Nu-Gi-A"(1990),这使他们很快得到了唱片公司的青睐,最终他们与Black Mark 公司签约。很快的,他们进入Montezuma 录音室录制了他们的首张专辑《Nothing but Death Remains》(仅有死亡残存,1991)。最后的结果没有令他们满意。可就是这样,他们还是给金属迷们留下了很深的印象,也奠定了他们在当时瑞典金属界中的领军地位。   之后Edge Of Sanity再次寻找突破,创作了样带"Dead but Dreaming",Black Mark 公司决定发行这张唱片,起名为《Unorthodox》(异端,1992)。这是瑞典死亡金属(后来有人开始称其为黑金属)最重要的作品之一,Edge Of Sanity使用了很重的段落,虽然原始,但给人的感觉决不只是疾速的鼓击和噪音,整张专辑暴虐却不失庄重华丽,音符从死亡的缝隙中迸射而出,毁灭式的交响乐成了死亡金属中的临时演员,一切都是那么完美。专辑的录音室版本相当精致和完美,再加上录影带的精美制作,使之成为Edge Of Sanity的代表作。   1993年,他们卷土重来,带来了专辑《The Spectral Sorrows》(鬼哀嚎,1993)这也是一张伟大的金属专辑。旋律是典型的“Dan Swano”风格,原始历练,吉他弹奏相当精制,运用了大量的小旋律歌曲段落和十分残忍的即兴重复,嚎叫在背景的衬托下显得格外厚重,个别的歌曲里也用到的清澈的音色。专辑结束曲中的配器十分精妙,厚重的带有空间感的合成器演奏,配合钢琴、管乐等,再加上背景铺衬的失真吉他,一切出色专辑的素质都具备了。   《Purgatory Afterglow》(炼狱残光,1994)是Edge Of Sanity1994年的专辑。各首歌曲均显示出Edge Of Sanity音乐上非凡技巧和独创性,歌曲大部分是从中速开始,逐渐加速,有点儿类似于Amorphis的风格,主要以吉他作为整体构架,有时加入一些键盘,主唱典型的死亡式咆哮极富侵略性,有些像Entombed(埋葬乐队)但比他更加有张力,再加上一些旋律化很强的唱腔和念白,就不难体会他为什么能吸引你的耳朵了。整张专辑里两把吉他的配合是又一两点,一把奏出复杂的节奏突现再前,另一把则细致地研磨出宏大的背景铺垫在后,就像Entombed和Dismember(肢解乐队)的一些歌曲,歌词也十分出彩。在《Purgatory Afterglow》之前,他们还推出了EP唱片《Until Eternity Ends》(直到永恒的尽头,1994),其中包括4首歌,虽然不是很精彩,但依旧得到了金属迷的喜欢。   1996年,Edge Of Sanity带着他们极富争议的专辑《Crimson》(深红,1996)以及十足的野心再杀回来,确切地说,《Crimson》是一首40分钟长的、极有特色的歌曲。开始你会觉得有些难以理解,慢慢的,你就会被它的变化无穷俘虏。音乐的层次分明,不同段落的拼接与反复借用了歌剧手法,有点儿像Dan Swano的个人作品《Nightingale》(夜莺)。长达7页的歌词讲述着一个个关于未来、奇迹和邪恶女皇的故事。曲调在强烈快速的死亡金属、低婉唯美的厄运即兴演奏和中速的诡异调子间穿梭,咆哮的人声中还有圣咏式的唱腔。吉他的演奏贯穿整首曲子,每个段落的衔接很自如,快速和抒情的结合很容易将你带入音乐以外境界,听整张专辑就像是在进行一次金属歌剧冒险。 《Crimson》成了Edge Of...
● Location: Russia (Kaluga) ● Genre: Death Metal/Deathcore/Progressive ● Band: Akimov Evgeny - Vocals Mogutov Ruslan - Guitars Lunyov Sergey - Bass Shpakovsky Michael - Drums ● Contacts: Vkontakte: Facebook: .
Slow, mournful, dark doom with great poetic lyrics in English, German and French. Steady and solid Death/Doom-metal with occasional female backing vocals. Good idea to check out if you're a fan of early My Dying Bride or early Anathema. .
Euphoric Insanity is a solo cybergrind project created by Cyber Killer in early 2006. The musick is heavily influenced by pyschadelic drugs and gory horror films. The style is similar to early Libido Airbag with S.M.E.S. influences. The "Serotonin Syndrome" demo LP was released in August 2007 by Xtra-Vagina records. [] [] Other releases include: Maximum Global Brain Hernia 6 Way split Swallow Technology compilation 100 Way Splatter Fetish .
找到了 184 歌曲, 持续时间: 00:01:18
Absence Of Sanity
Return To Sanity A.Breakdown, B.Hope, C.Conclusion
Sanity's thin line
(Sanity's Fall) Shadow
(Sanity's Fall) Void
Singularity (OST Sally Face)
Missed Call
Forgotten Ballad
Sanity Eclipse
Sanity Check
Sense Without Sanity - The Impervious Code
Demise Of Sanity
02. Sanity
Welcome to Paradise
Demise Of Sanity
Surreal Sanity