The Rise of Science | zh

沉溺乐队 乐队成员:主唱Tim McIlrath 贝斯手乔·普林斯皮Joe Principe 吉他手Zach Blair 鼓手布兰登·巴恩斯Brandon Barnes 成立地点:美国芝加哥  风格:硬核朋克 [歌手介绍] Rise Against是一支来自美国芝加哥的硬核朋克乐队。在1999年Tim与前88 Fingers Louie贝斯手Joe Principe、吉他手Dan Precision(A.K.A. Mr. Precision)以及鼓手Toni Tintari组建了Rise Against的前身Transistor Revolt。当乐队改名为Rise Against之后的2001年,鼓手Brandon Barnes加入。凭借自身实力,Rise Against在不久之后就得到了 Fat Wreck Chords公司的一纸合约。2001年8月,Rise Against发行了签约Fat Wreck Chords之后的第一张专辑《The Unraveling》。 2003年Dan离开,Todd Mohney填补了他的空缺。此年晚些时候他们发行了第二张专辑《Revolutions per Minute》,这张专辑获得了歌迷和评论界的一致好评,而Rise Against也借着这股热潮跳槽到了 DreamWorks公司。他们当年开始在美国不断巡演,巡演结束后Todd离开了Rise Against。为填补这个空缺,前Reach the Sky乐队吉他手Chris Chasse于2004年加入乐队。由于DreamWorks被环球公司收购,因此Rise Against签到大公司之后的首张专辑《Siren Song of the Counter Culture》定在了2004年8月在环球公司旗下的厂牌Geffen发行。在这张专辑发行之后,Rise Against举行了一次大规模的巡演,而这张《Siren Song of the Counter Culture》也创纪录地打入了 Billboard 200专辑榜,排在第136位。 2005年,Rise Against参加电影《Lords of Dogtown》的拍摄,在其中饰演了一支来自加州的old-school朋克乐队。而在这部电影的原声碟中,Rise Against乐队也贡献了一首翻唱传奇硬核朋克乐队“黑旗”(Black Flag)的歌曲《Nervous Breakdown》。2005年夏,Rise Against一直都在马不停蹄的巡演中度过,其中包括八月份在英国 Reading and Leeds音乐节中的精彩演出。2006年7月4日,Rise Against第四张正式专辑《The Sufferer & the Witness》面世。专辑发行首周的销量达到4万8千张,排在本周Billboard 200专辑榜的第十位,创造了Rise Against乐队打榜的最好成绩。 Chris Chasse离开乐队回家享受“天伦之乐”之后,Rise Against在吉他手Zach Blair的帮助下发行了上一张专辑《Appeal to Reason》。Zach现为Rise Against的固定成员,并且认识乐队其他成员已经有很多年了。这张专辑在2008年10月7日发行,乐队在科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的The Blasting Room中同Bill Stevenson和Jason Livermore(两人制作了《Revolutions per Minute》和《The Sufferer & the Witness》,Bill是前Black Flag的鼓手)将其录制完成。 .
A-RISE is an idol group in the series "Love Live!", the most popular idol group in the series universe. A-Rise is also a german death metal band from cologne. The band members are P.Fisher (vocals/guitar), Max D. (drums), M.Hurow (guitar), C.Black (bass). .
Prog band formed in St. Louis, MO, United States, members were: Rick Bess (electric guitar, bass, 12-string acoustic guitar), Blair Blake (Hammond organ, grand piano, MiniMoog, bass pedals, synthesizer, celeste), Dave Kelly (drums, timpani, bells, gongs, triangle, guiro), Mark Biehl (vocals, flute, trumpet, piccolo) .
Marisela (born in Los Angeles, California) on April 24, 1966, is a Mexican-American singer. Known as "La Dama de Hierro", Marisela recorded her first album at the age of 15 in 1984 and continues to release albums into the twenty first century. Marisela's early career was helped immensely by the famous Mexican TV show of Siempre en Domingo by Raúl Velasco and then later expanding into the United States by the help of many other Spanish broadcasting shows such as Cristina, Don Francisco, Sábado Gigante, and many other televised shows famous in the 80's and 90's. Marisela's first record release...
Deathcore band from Spokane, Washington. Currently signed to Stay Sick Recordings. Members: Vocals: Dan Watson (Ex- Infant Annihilator) Guitar: BJ Sampson Guitar: Yusef Johnson Guitar: Gabe Mangold Bass: Gordon McPherson Drums: Aaron O'Toole Discography: 23 [EP] Patient 0 (Full Length) This Hell, My Home (Single) Embodiment (Full Length) Dan Watson's meaning behind the 23 EP Name: 23. A number that symbolizes order out of chaos. The chosen number of the Illuminati that symbolizes structure within a world of dissonance. Some believe that the 23 enigma that appears in certain world tragedies, not by accident, but in direct correlation with...
找到了 18 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:20:58
Discovery Times - The Rise Of Science, Pt. 2
Discovery Times - The Rise Of Science, Pt. 1
The Rise Of Science
Making Up For A Long Spell Of Events
Short Comings Can Be Incomplete
Aware And Confident
And I Heard It Like Burning
Teenage Martyr
Commending The Unflattery
Short Comings Can Be Incomplete
Dark Eyes Dreaming
Rise of Vega (Domestic Science Re-Mixed)
Shirts, Socks, But No Ties
Shutters To A Stop
For The Greatest Ones
just like the wright bros
Rise Of Vega
Just Like The Wright Bros.