The Tyrant Lizard Kings | zh

关于来自美国纳什维尔的Kings of Leon,乐队最有趣的也许就是他们的童年经历,队中的四位同胞兄弟从小就跟随着身为牧师的父亲出入教堂进行宗教仪式,而乐队Kings of Leon的命名也正是来自父亲和外祖父的名字。四个听着Neil Young长大的年轻人深受布鲁斯、朋克还有南方摇滚的影响,2003年当乐队以一张《Youth & Young Manhood》亮相乐坛的时候,评论界都惊呼,“教堂里走出了一群摇滚客。”所有评论都一致地将美国南方摇滚复苏的契机放在了他们的身,而音乐中浓厚的车库摇滚的痕迹也使得Kings of Leon成为车库复古大军中强力的一支。 在初演赚得足够的口碑后,2006年Kings of Leon又以一张《Aha Shake Heartbreak》抢占了几乎所有音乐杂志推荐的头条,此时的乐队也真正摘掉“唱诗班”的头衔,一跃成为美国独立音乐界的明星,而在大洋彼岸的英国,乐队更是得到极力的追捧。这支平均年龄才过二十四岁的年轻乐队成功地逃脱了“第二张专辑”的魔咒,对于他们,一切似乎都已进入正常的轨道。因此当乐队透露发行新专辑的消息后,大部分人都认为Kings of Leon完全可以再做一张《Aha Shake Heartbreak》式的专辑,安安稳稳地赚得满堂喝彩。这样的选择对于乐队的短期发展也许是安全的,但对于一支在成长过程中的乐队来说,坐吃山空是最大的忌讳,因此Kings of Leon选择了带有点赌博性质的方式,正如鼓手Nathan Followill所说,“也许歌迷们习惯听我们以前的歌曲了,但这次我们要让所有人大吃一惊。” 事实是乐队将他们的第三张专辑作为了跳板,他们期望用全力的一跳实现质的飞跃,正如主唱 Caleb自信满满所说,“我们将全部精力都放在了这张专辑中,在录音室中我们尽量地发挥想象,为的是实现音乐质的飞跃,因为我们还有很多灵感,还可以让更多地方的歌迷知道我们的摇滚。”《Because of the Times 》正是Kings of Leon的雄心硕果,2007年四月乐队在Hand Me Down旗下正式发行了这张背负太多重望的专辑。相比于歌迷的期待,乐队自己也赋予这张专辑更多的含义,单单从专辑的命名就能看出乐队是何等的苦心,“Because of the Times”其实是指在路易斯安娜州的Alexandria举行的宗教年会,而这句话也是取自摇滚界里的一句俗语,“If an album does well it's because of the times”(如果一张专辑获得好评,那是因为它赶上了好时候。) 《Because of the Times》算是踩准了步点,在美国摇滚界普遍趋于平缓的时候,Kings of Leon适时的引爆,就如在闷慌的铁皮屋里一颗戛然响起炸弹,不需要有多大的威力,只要它能豁开一块空间,引起新的空气。新专辑一经发行,除了得到各大杂志的追捧外,发行第一周就在英国登上了第一的位置,这也是乐队第一张取得如此佳绩的专辑,因此可以说,《Because of the Times》获得了人心和影响力上的双重成功。 虽然还是支年轻的乐队,但Kings of Leon绝不会甘于唱些青春期萌动的歌曲来逗歌迷们开心,歌曲的主题一般都来自平日生活,并没有太多狂想杂念。开场曲《Knocked Up》讲述的就是在外界非议下依然挣扎生存的恋人,新专辑依然请来同为Ryan Adams制作人的Ethan Johns操刀制作,其中的变化从第一首歌就有了直观的显现,没有了车库摇滚的直接简单,《Knocked Up》相反在一阵飘渺的效果器声中开始,而爆发时也保有余地,明显感觉出乐队对于歌曲情绪把握有了进一步的成功,《Knocked Up》也成了乐队至今第一首超过5分钟的歌曲。《Knocked Up》的开场为整张专辑埋下诱人的伏笔,而随后的《Charmer》和作为先行单曲发行的《On Call》又重温了乐队前几张专辑的爆发力,喷薄般的爆发,主唱Caleb嘶哑的嗓音,简单配器,对于此类车库摇滚的演绎,Kings of Leon可以称得上是轻车熟路。而在《Mcfearless》中乐队又加入Grunge音乐成分,鼓点吉他都带有浓重的Grunge味道,《Black Thumbnail》和《Camaro》则是一副南方摇滚的风范,其中吉他伴着Caleb沧桑的嗓音,不禁让人开始向往一片荒渺的空地,经典的布鲁斯吉他,不停歇激情待发,此刻似乎更像是经典老乐队The Allman Brothers的布鲁斯表演。《True Love Way》算是这几个穿着邋遢复古的小年轻的深情诉说,仔细聆听会发现Caleb破锣的嗓音跟Bob Dylan还有几分相似。单单从《True Love Way》和《Ragoo》中就能看出Kings of Leon对于旋律的把握已日臻成熟,清脆的吉他Solo和稳重的鼓点几乎让人忘却这是一支车库乐队的作品。学会平静的爆发,这就是Kings of Leon在新专辑中最新的实验,虽然歌曲不再如以前那般的具有爆发力,但在看似平静的深层却蕴藏着时刻可能爆破的可能,鼓动听者疯狂的《Fans》、讲述小人物失落的《The Runner》和《Trunk》都是在一阵蓄势待发后方才显露威力,此刻的Kings of Leon又重新担起“传教士”的身份,用音乐去鼓动和抚慰。最后一首歌曲《Arizona》算是给了整张专辑作了一个最温暖的结尾,徜徉的吉他,间或响起的鼓点,一副送别远去的画面,这般在Ryan Adams的音乐中经常遇到的场面经由Ethan Johns带到了Kings of Leon的音乐中,但这般的移花接木并没有太多造作感觉,相反却融合地自然流畅。 车库摇滚、Grunge、南方摇滚还有布鲁斯,融合了多种风格的《Because of the Times》正是Kings of Leon一直想做的音乐,Kings of Leon的复古依然彻底而且原汁原味,各种风格在一定程度上也保持了平衡,满足了不同听众的需求,乐队这奋力的一跳也到达了质的飞跃,也许他现在就可以像当初在巡演中受到Bob Dylan褒奖一般,获得满心欢喜了。 .
Gipsy Kings is a music group from Arles and Montpellier, France. They explained the evolution of their sound in the 1996 PBS documentary of their lives and music "Tierra Gitana (Gipsy Land)". Young brothers Nicolas, Canut and Paul Reyes accompanied their father, famed flamenco singer Jose Reyes, who started out singing "cante jondo" (deep chant), traditional flamenco with long-running themes of passion, love, death, etc. But they began playing rumba flamenca because "we liked to watch pretty girls dance," said Nicolas. Latin American beats had been joined with flamenco by gitanos since at least the 1950s, mixing complex strumming with...
There are at least 9 bands with this name: 1. Tyrant (swe) was created in early 2007 by Peter Bjärgö (Arcana, Crypt of Kerberos, Sophia, Meanwhile), Danel Bragman (Vinterland, The Black) and Anderas Jonsson (Vinterland, The Black). During the recordings of the next album of The Black the thought of something old, dirty and raw came in mind. It was the thought of getting back to the roots with a sound like Venom, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer and more. The debutalbum "Reclaim the flame" was released by Listenable, but the band is signed to Pulverized Records. This album is also to...
Kumbia Kings was a Latin Grammy-winning Mexican cumbia group from Corpus Christi, Texas created by A.B. Quintanilla in 1999. Their music encompasses the styles of cumbia (hence their name), Hip-Hop and RnB. They produce songs in both Spanish and English. The band's producers from the beginning have been A.B. Quintanilla III and Cruz Martínez. A.B. Quintanilla is also known as the brother of the late "Queen of Tejano Music", Selena. Though the group has gone through a revolving door of members in recent years amid controversy and finger-pointing, and the Kumbia Kings of today are vastly different than what originated...
There are at least 5 bands by the name of Lizard. 1. An Australian funk rock band 2. A Polish progressive rock band 3. A Japanese punk, new wave band (use LIZARD) 4. An Australian progressive rock band 5. A German southern rock band 1. An Australian funk rock band from Sydney. After 10 years in the making,local Sydney funk rocker's Lizard, have finally completed their first full length debut album called If a ...but a ... did I? . Hailing from the Hawkesbury the band was formed by bassist Jason "widebelly" Dowse and guitarist/singer/tree lopper/& brother in...
找到了 36 歌曲, 持续时间: 02:00:55
The Ballad Of Sheriff John Bunnell
Delete All Alarms
Black And Red Madonna
The Tyrant Lizard King Awaits
Tyrant Lizard King
Yippee-Ki-Yay Motherfucker
Gentleman's Measure
I Was A Teenage Monstertruck Enthusiast
Tyrant Lizard King (feat. Tom Morello)
I Was A Teenage Monstertruck E
Yippee-Ki-Yay Motherfucker
My Mouth Is Rotten With Lies
Don't Blame Me, Blame The Funk
Bring Me His Head
Tyrant Lizard King
Iron Jawed Angel
My Mouth Is Rotten With Lies
Tennessee Womens Gun Club
Going Down In Flames
Yippee-Ki-Yay Motherfucker
Tyrant Lizard King
Delete All Alarms
Absinthe Is The Fucking Devil
Tyrant Lizard King