Valla | zh

挪威发烧名牌KKV的顶级天碟《Julekvad》.18款HIFI发烧碟中碟之一 主唱女声Asne Valland Nordil,是挪威时下的天才女歌手,这张天碟是在当地出名的大教堂Ullensaker Church收录,此碟在钡爻霭媸庇屑蟮姆聪臁sne Valland Nordil的声音如同南极坚冰般清澈透明,在优美的竖琴和澎湃敲击衬托下,简直完美无瑕。 Asne valland nordli的声音实在是太好了!纯净、清澈、一尘不染,类似这样的形容词都可以放在她的头上,一个在天堂歌唱的天使传到凡间的声音恐怕也是如此吧. 年仅18岁的Asne Valland Nordli演唱的《 Julekvad 》,据称于挪威当地著名大教堂Ullensaker Church收录。声音有如天籁,清纯无邪,干净透明,在简单的弦律及乐器伴奏下,人间少见的声音美学,不带任何的修饰,像清纯无邪的仙籁,值得你慢慢品尝。 女声一出现,当场就会被摄住.接着音乐的加入,一切仿佛进入人间仙境. 心情马上就沉静下来了.只要府上的系统有一定的水准,您就可以听出来.整张唱片录音相当的干净,另外细节也蛮多.若是可以将音响开的大声一点,那请在聆听时,放松心情,抛开杂念.好好享受唱片带给您的沐浴. .
Samettivallankumous ("Velvet Revolution") is a Finnish band formed during the summer 2007. Their music has been described as "arctic country", and it has a great deal of finnish melancholy in it, yet it's still heartfelt and warm. Their debut album Täällä mies, kuuleeko nainen? was released 31st of October 2007. The band members have earlier played together in bands Ville Härkönen & Velvet and Maryland. .
Carmen Cavallaro (May 6, 1913 – October 12, 1989) was an American pianist born in New York. He established himself as one of the most accomplished and admired popular music pianists of his generation. Cavallaro developed a piano style of glittering and rippling arpeggios to augment his melody, which was often arranged in thick and lush triple and quadruple octave chords. He was originally trained in classical piano, which is evident from his superlative technique. In fact, he recorded more than a few classical works, although popular music was most prominent in his repertoire. His musical interests and arrangements included...
Leda Valladares (n. San Miguel de Tucumán 21 de diciembre de 1919). Literata, poeta, cantora, compositora, musicóloga y folcloróloga argentina. Su obra va desde la recolección y registro de esos cantos, composición de música para niños, así como boleros, baladas y blues. Musicalizó obras de teatro y cine y documentales. .