Amanda Homi | zh

Homie is a side project of Rivers Cuomo, lead singer of the band Weezer. Homie is considered to be a one-time effort. Homie has released just one song, "American Girls", for the soundtrack of the 1998 film Meet the Deedles. For this recording, Cuomo was joined by Greg Brown member of Cake, Matt Sharp (formerly of Weezer, lead singer of The Rentals), Adam Orth of Shufflepuck and Yuval Gabay of Soul Coughing. Weezer fans sometimes erroneously apply the Homie moniker to a totally different Cuomo-led group of Boston-area musicians that played several shows while Rivers took time off from Harvard....
Dequantes Lamar (born October 4, 1989), better known by his stage name Rich Homie Quan, is an American hip hop artist from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He has released several mixtapes since 2011, including I Go In On Every Song, Still Goin In, Still Goin In (Reloaded) and I Promise I Will Never Stop Going In. .
Most popular in Mexico, which she eventually made her residency, Amanda Miguel is an Argentine-born Latin pop singer who rose to fame in the early '80s in collaboration with her husband, singer/songwriter Diego Verdaguer. Born June 1, 1956, in Gaiman, Chubut, Argentina, she moved to Buenos Aires at age 16 and studied music at the conservatory. Shortly afterward she met Verdaguer and joined his group Mediterráneo, which also included Valeria Lynch prior to her solo career. Blessed with a strong voice and star power, it wasn't long before Miguel embarked on a solo career of her own with the support...
关于Amanda Lear的小传可能有几百个版本,但无论野史正史考证,Amanda Lear 都是出身在一个混裔的家庭。从她的父母双方归结下来的血统可以罗列为英国,法国,俄国,越南,中国,也许还要再加上印度尼西亚。下面一个关键性问题就出现了分叉。她的出生日期可能是从1936到1946任何一年。所以今天她也许是59岁,也有可能是69岁。从她的照片上你都不会对任何一种年龄质疑,因为她总是充满活力,或者人工的斧凿,或者地驻颜有术地青春长留。最常见的消息是说她是出生在香港,当然象河内这样东方神秘而欧风盛行的地方也榜上有名。又或者更加极端一点的消息说出生证上根本没有Amanda Lear这样一个人,Alain Tapp或许是填补姓名栏的唯一名字. 她身上的称谓有很多,譬如模特、艺术家、画家、歌唱家...而另一些时候,Amanda Lear则更多的被称为“谁谁谁”的情人。让我们抛开这些这一切,颠起脚尖去窥视一下她的神秘之处吧。困绕Amanda Lear迷几十年的神秘之处是;Amanda Lear,那个金发而妖娆的美丽尤物,究竟是神秘伊甸园里的夏娃,还是一个偷食禁果的男子?她好像是一缕流浪的风,在喧嚣的都市中肆意游荡,不经意间确闪出一缕亮光,照亮整个寂静而又虚伪的夜空,当世界为之喝彩时,它却悄然隐退在自己燃尽后的躯壳里睡去...... .