The Purple Underground | zh

成立时间:1968年 现乐队成员: 主唱: Ian Gillan 吉他:Steven Morse 贝司:Roger Glover 键盘:Donald Airey 鼓手:Ian Paice 历任成员: 主唱:RodEvans. Lan Gillan. Paul Rokgers. David Coverdale 吉他:Ritchie Blackmore. Tommy Bolin 贝司:Nick Simper. Roger Glover 鼓手:Bobby Woodman “深紫”乐队的美学思想是建立在英国对布鲁斯音乐进行改良的观念之上,通过大功率的扩音设备表达出来。 乐队1968年成立于伦敦,初时名为“迂回”在进行北欧巡演后,乐队更名为“深紫”。 1968年发表专辑《Shades of Deep Purple》,其中翻唱了许多著名歌曲。 1969年出版了两张专辑《The Book og Taliesyn》和《Deep Purple》。 1969年7月Lan Gillan和Roger Glover加入,他们与伦敦爱乐乐团合作录制了专辑《Loncerto for Group and Orchestra》,同年9月在皇家艾伯特大厅演出,该专辑为令人震惊的作品,并被广泛接受。 1970年乐队发表硬摇滚风格的专辑《Deep Purple in Rock》,产生了名曲1971年的专辑《Fireball》以歌曲《The Muke》而闻名,其中迷幻的风琴与狂暴的鼓相得益彰。 1972年的专辑《Machine Head》产生了名曲《Highway star》和《smoke on the wator》。 1972年乐队的日本之行产生了双张现场专辑《Made in Japen》。 1973年出版《Who Do We Think We Are?》,同年乐队破裂,成员只剩下Lord Paice和Blackmore。David Coverdale和Glenn hughes加入后,1974年乐队出版《Burn》,专辑充满布鲁斯音色和朋克元素。 1974年Blackmore离队组建“彩虹”乐队。Tommy Bolin加入,1975年出版专辑《Come Taste the Band》。 1976年6月,在举行英国告别巡演后,“深紫”临时解散。 1984年Blackmore.Gillan.Glover.Lord和Paice重组“深紫”,但乐队作品毫无进步。 1990年出版专辑《Slaves & Masters》之后,gillan第三次加入"深紫"。 1993年Blackmore离队重组“彩虹”,“深紫”招募了Steve More,于是1996年发表专辑《Purpendicular》,并进行了巡演。 2003年出版最新专辑《Bananas》,并开始世界巡回演唱会的举行。 .
There is more than one artist called London Underground 1.A side project of STANDARTE's drummer/vocalist Daniele Caputo, this fairly recent Italian trio took their name from the very style of music that was played in the London underground during the late 60's. Caputo is joined by bassist Marco Piaggesi and keyboard player Gianluca Gerlini. Bassist Stefano Gabbani eventually replaced Piagesi and then guitarist Gianni Vergelli also joined in. Their style is similar to STANDARTE albeit much less heavy, and the guitars are used sparingly, leaving room for Gerlini to shine on the Hammond organ, Mellotron and Moog. Their albums feature...
Shock-G could probably be called DU's center, their driving force, along with his Humpty Hump alter-ego. DJ Fuze, Money B, Schmoovy Schmoov, Chopmaster J, were some of the group's main members, and they were joined by many friends on their albums over the years. Their third single, The Humpty Dance, from their 1990 debut album called Sex Packets, was their biggest commercial hit. It helped Sex Packets go platinum by the end of the year. Tupac Shakur (then simply 2Pac) got his start with the Underground's second release, 1991's This Is An EP Release. He went on to quite an...
There is more than one artist represented here: 1. Purple Haze is an alias of Sander Van Doorn, and is best known for the 2005 trance smash hit Adrenaline. 2. Purple Haze is the name of a co-ed a cappella group from Northwestern University. They were created in 1997 and have since produced 5 albums: "Three Seconds..." (1999), "Hooray for Everything" (2000), "Out of the Band" (2002), "Streaked" (2004) and "Rutherford P. Haze" (2006). They have been featured four times on the annual national compilation "BOCA" (Best of College A Cappella). 3. Purple Haze were a garage/proto-punk/psychedelic band from Canada...