The Legendary Flower Punk | zh

傻朋克(英语:Daft Punk)是一个创立于法国巴黎的电子音乐团体,由Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo和Thomas Bangalter两位唱片骑师于1992年组成。他们将House音乐与流行电音结合,在1990年代晚期House流行时逐渐成名,在法国1990年代的House浪潮中产生了非常大的影响,其所创作的音乐在法国House浪潮中扮演着重要的角色。乐队成员早期的风格亦受The Beach Boys、the rolling stones及the chemical brothers等知名乐队影响。 Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo和Thomas Bangalter两人在乐队成立之前都是一个名为“Darlin'”乐队的成员。Darlin'这个三人乐队创立不到一年即解散,其中一位成员Laurent Brancowitz在解散之后加入Phoenix,Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo及Thomas Bangalter则创立了Daft Punk,创作自己的实验性音乐。乐队在1997年推出首张专辑homework即大获好评,2001年的第二张专辑discovery更为成功。专辑收录了如one more time、Digital Love及Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger等许多脍炙人口的单曲。这张专辑内的音乐录像还是由日本知名漫画家松本零士负责制作。 2005年3月,乐队推出了第三张专辑human after all,这张专辑得到的评价虽不如前两张专辑,但收录的单曲robot rock及technologic还是在英国热卖。乐队在2006至2007年间进行巡回音乐会Alive 2006/2007,并于2007年推出现场专辑alive 2007,此专辑为乐队在2007年6月14日于巴黎贝西体育场表演的录音。这张专辑获得了第51届格莱美奖最佳电子/舞曲专辑,专辑内收录的单曲Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger亦获得同届格莱美奖最佳舞曲录音。乐队后又受邀负责制作电影《创:战纪》(TRON: Legacy)的配乐,并在2010年推出其原声带。2013年1月,傻朋克离开原唱片公司EMI France而到索尼音乐娱乐的旗下唱片公司columbia以筹备新专辑random access memories,专辑于2013年5月17日发行。 傻朋克著名于他们的表演皆经过精心的策划,并将视觉的效果及元素融入进音乐中、作品亦皆有如故事般的铺陈。傻朋克在表演时皆会戴着华丽的机器人头盔,亦是乐队的一个重要指标。 .
There are several Sunflower artists here. This description is about the jazz rock band. Sunflower is a rock band from Leicester, United Kingdom, with influences from jazz and funk styles. Tom Hackwell (Guitar and Vocals) Kate Fowkes (Saxophone & Piano) Ben Le Grice (Bass Guitar) Mark Cardwell (Drums & Percussion) They released their eponymous debut on March 18th, 2010 Sunflower was also a band from Austin, TX in the mid 1990s. They released two albums New Territory and Round Trip. A third Sunflower is an electronica/ambient act, including the full track "Sunflower." The album "Welcome Silence" is of Native...
There is more than one artist with the name Flowers. 1) Flowers is Sam, Rachel and Jordan. Upon meeting in 2012, they moved in together and started practicing and writing pop songs in their London living room. Their live performances draw a line between joyous fuzz pop and minimalist brilliance, with screaming distortion eventually calming down to singer Rachel playing solo on a one-stringed bass. 2) The original incarnation of the Australia new wave group Icehouse. They formed in Sydney in 1977 and released the album "Icehouse" under the name Flowers in 1980. Subsequent overseas releases of the album credit...
STANCE PUNKS formed in 1998 after TSURU and KINYA met. The band gained fame through their performances at a rooftop live-venue in Shimokitazawa. Their live performance became notorious on August 2001 when one of the audiences collapsed from excitement and ambulances had to be called. STANCE PUNKS' name spread overseas when their song "Mayonaka Shounen Totsugekidan" was used as the ending theme song for the movie Battle Royale 2. More recently their song "No Boy No Cry" has been used as the Opening theme song for the anime, Naruto and 'I Wanna Be' as the 1st ending of Soul Eater....
After almost five months from YUI's break, it was announced that the singer/songwriter will already return to the music industry as a vocalist of the new band Flower Flower. The band was said to be already performing live around Japan and has been doing studio sessions earlier this year which obviously explains that YUI's time from the hiatus was actually used and given for the preparation of the band's debut. Flower Flower is a four-member group which consists of other musicians YUI admires and respects. The band will be making their debut on May 4 at the Japan Jam event...