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对于摇滚乐队的分分合合,想必各位已是司空见惯了!但对于曾在90年代立下不朽音乐新典范的Soundgarden及Rage Against The Machine,必定是令乐迷们念念不忘的吧。前者跻身西雅图音乐派系代表乐队之一,并引领Grunge风潮展现出深厚实力,但随着灵魂人物Chris Cornell的单飞,Soundgarden之名也随之步入了历史;而后者更是居于Nu-Metal/Rap Metal 此一音乐范畴中师祖级地位的乐队,勇于对政治议题直言无讳,并引爆全球乐迷强烈共鸣。继发行完全颠覆经典作品之《Renegades》后,队中极具个人特色的主音Zack De La Rocha宣布单飞展开个人音乐事业,进而造成 Rage Against The Machine的音乐生涯暂告停摆,闹的满城风云的 Rage Against The Machine,后续动作也一直是媒体与乐迷们瞩目的焦点!果然在大家揣测下Chris Cornell终于正式入主Rage Against The Machine替任主唱一职! 2001年他们开始进录音室着手进行新组合的音乐计划与新作的编写,但这一段时间相处下来,除了造成彼此强烈的意见分歧,更让Chris曾一度退出Rage Against The Machaine,最后终在14首曲子尘埃落定后,放弃先前取之队名“Civilian”,而用“Audioslave”之名作为重新再出发! Chris Cornell (主唱)、Tim Commerford (贝斯)、Tom Morello (吉他)及Brad Wilk (鼓手)四人共创的首张同名大碟《Audioslave》,在各界引颈长盼之下轰然推出。整张专辑均于L.A.全程录制,并请来说唱/摇滚界制作老将 Rick Rubin (Red Hot Chili Peppers、System Of Adown、Beastie Boys、Aerosmith)坐镇操盘! 首支描写美国印地安酋长“Cochise”英勇事迹的同名单曲,在阵阵急躁吉他声浪与重力鼓击的构筑下作前引,在急起直上的音频转入喜于听到属于Rage Against The Machine充满Funk/Punk/Metal的摇滚线条,当然还有渴望已久Chris他那剽悍猛暴的个性嗓音!“I Am The Highway”则是首相当动听的抒情摇滚佳作,精采再现“Black Hole Sun”的音乐感动;成功结合 Rage Against The Machine与Soundgarden之摇滚力道及乐风曲式的“Exploder”,听两组火力十足的新配方所调和出的超强音爆,绝对让你大呼过瘾! .
Musica Elettronica Viva could not be easily defined as one band. Instead, MEV was closer to a movement based around the idea of free improvisation in the form of experimental, electronic jazz.In the early '70s, there were three different (but related) bands that went by the name: one in New York that included Richard Teitelbaum and Frederic Rzewski; one in Paris, led by Patricia and Ivan Coaquette (before his Spacecraft days); and one in Rome, founded by Alvin Curran. In 1970, the French label BYG issued two recordings that included members from each of the branches of MEV. The first...
Casa Musica is a very popular company of producing and distributing latin and standard music. For all other information, please visit its official website. .
Andreas Werner is one of today’s most prolific figures in the incredible Techno universe of Cologne. He encapsulates a delicate rhythmic sound and expression that is best exemplified in his 12” Zwrtshak Drive—a favourite among artists such as Guido Schneider, Richie Hawtin or Ricardo Villalobos on his most recent tour. It was also a #1 selection in the German publication Groove Magazine. Supported over the last few months by Triple R (head of the Traum label) under his pseudonym Audio Werner, Andreas has developed a sound that has renewed and continued the refined Techno tradition in Cologne—the flagship European city...
Future World Music is a custom high impact boutique music library that provides music exclusively for motion picture advertising. A key factor that separates Future World Music from most trailer music libraries is that the music is as memorable and timeless as possible while maintaining a distinct style and originality without "knocking off" or "approximating" a popular motion picture composition or any other music composition. Staying respectful to our fellow composers in the motion picture industry, we refuse to intentionally copy anyone's work. Future World's clients include New Line Cinema, Warner Bros., Walt Disney Pictures, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, MGM,...
找到了 172 歌曲, 持续时间: 09:45:25
Fresh Up – tubebackr (No Copyright Music)
Away – Markvard (No Copyright Music)
Life – Markvard (No Copyright Music)
abyss – Rexlambo (No Copyright Music)
Stay With Me – Onycs (No Copyright Music)
without you – Rexlambo (No Copyright Music)
Reflections – Markvard (No Copyright Music)
Lapse – jiglr (No Copyright Music)
Sky – MBB & ASHUTOSH (No Copyright Music)
Life – Roa (No Copyright Music)
Kochi – Lucjo (No Copyright Music)
Purple Sky – Scandinavianz (No Copyright Music)
Phuket – Scandinavianz (No Copyright Music)
Sunshine – Tobjan (No Copyright Music)
Feel Alive – Roa (No Copyright Music)
Nostalgy – Spiring (No Copyright Music)
Slowly – Tokyo Music Walker (No Copyright Music)
Peaches – LiQWYD (No Copyright Music)
Bullet Train – tubebackr (No Copyright Music)
React – LiQWYD (No Copyright Music)
White Flower – tubebackr (No Copyright Music)
GET AWAY – tubebackr (No Copyright Music)
Birthday – LiQWYD (No Copyright Music)
Cairo – Lucjo (No Copyright Music)
Paradise Hope – Hotham (No Copyright Music)
Музыка из роликов
Pure – Roa (No Copyright Music)
Adventure – Roa (No Copyright Music)
Venture – LiQWYD (No Copyright Music)
Majesty – Lesion X (No Copyright Music)
SWAY – tubebackr (No Copyright Music)
Edelweiss – Onycs (No Copyright Music)
Royal – ASHUTOSH (No Copyright Music)
Bad Intentions – Le Gang (No Copyright Music)
Cruising – Vendredi (No Copyright Music)
Chill – Luke Bergs (No Copyright Music)
Do It To Myself – Atch (No Copyright Music)
Breathing – Freddie Oliver (No Copyright Music)
Flow – Luke Bergs (No Copyright Music)
All Night Long – Markvard (No Copyright Music)
Beautiful Days – Roa (No Copyright Music)
Focus – Roa (No Copyright Music)
Otherside – Luke Bergs (No Copyright Music)
Fading – Devyzed (No Copyright Music)
Oceans Away – Hotham (No Copyright Music)
Rewind – Markvard (No Copyright Music)
Mariehamn – Scandinavianz (No Copyright Music)
Falling for You – Markvard (No Copyright Music)