Paolo Rustichelli | zh

十九岁的Paolo Nutini的首张单曲Last Request已成为了英国单曲榜的第五名,这首充满成熟味道的歌曲有着让人慢慢咀嚼的诱惑力,比起James Blunt的嗓音,Paolo Nutini的嗓音虽然听来有些粗糙,但也更有沧桑成熟的味道,Last Request的音乐录音带的场景是一场珠宝抢劫案,另一首主打单曲Jenny Don't Be Hasty绝对没有口香糖般的流行味道,更应该说是英国indie音乐的代表作,无论是配器还是Paolo Nutini本身的个人品质,同样是受个人感情生活启发的歌曲Rewind则穿上了一身民谣acoustic的衣服,伤感的音乐旋律充满了整首歌曲。 .
Paolo Conte (born 6 January 1937 in Asti, Piedmont, Italy) is a craggy-voiced italian singer, pianist and composer. He both writes and performs his own material and his grainy, resonant voice redolent of Francophone singers like Jacques Brel adds a certain charm to his wistful, sometimes melancholic lyrics. His performing career began as a vibraphone player in local and touring bands. He began songwriting with his brother Giorgio Conte early on and eventually began writing songs of his own. As a poet, painter and lawyer as well as a musician, he first earned attention during the late '60s and early...
His first encounters with music were in an abandoned bus on the outskirts of northern Sardinia.... He then learned the rudiments of guitar playing from his father. Although "Aspiring to a command post in the merchant marine" at La Maddalena Nautical Istitute, he decided to abandon that career and moved to Bologna in 1989. Within the walls of an occupied university, he began playing with the Laboratorio di Musica & Immagine and a handful of musicians who sarted experimenting with music and the experiment, which over the years has included musicians from many different backgrounds, continues to this day. From...
找到了 45 歌曲, 持续时间: 03:41:00
My Geisha - NeoPagan
Med Groove (Smooth Mix) - Soul Italiano
Urban Warriors Main Theme (Shitty Audio)
01 - Euro Nights
04 - Vagabond
12 - Vers Le Soleil (Featuring Carlos Santana)
Capri (reprise)
10 - Soul Italiano (Instrumental)
Soul Italiano (Smooth Jazz Mix)
Mondo Latino
Kyrie (Featuring Miles Davis)
Vagabond (radio single)
02 - Med Groove
06 - Euro Nights
01 - Mondo Latino
12 - Evy & Carlo
03 - Walking in Rome
E Svegliarsi In Un Giorno
mondo latino (реклама)