The Independent Colors | zh

There are at least six bands who have recorded under the name Colors. 1) Now defunct Denver, Colorado based dissonant hardcore group that formed in June of 2008. In August of 2010, they recorded nine of the songs that they had written in the two years prior, eight of which were released as 'Palindromes'. After a lineup change that October, they briefly adopted a new moniker and began working on new material before permanently disbanding in March of 2011. On 3 April 2011 they performed for the last time, with their original lineup and name intact. Details on new projects,...
There are at least two bands with the name True Colors: 1. Summer 2004: former JUSTICE-guitarplayer Dunk had been without a band for a while when things started to itch, so he started a Straight Edge band that would sound like YOUTH OF TODAY’s ‘Break down the Walls’ and the TURNING POINT demo, with maybe a small hint of IN MY EYES… Dunk remembered Packo from his days of fronting BUILDING and figured the guy had everything this newfound band needed: a strong Edge, band-experience, outspokenness and most important of all: too much energy! Packo was down right away, so...
Formed in early 1992 by Evil Presly and Willy B, The Independents was born out of the frustration of music being stereotyped and just plain fucking boring. Willy B and Evil both loved all types of music, from Conway Twitty to Iron Maiden, from the Ramones to Etta James and The Specials. Both loved horror and sci-fi movies and wanted to find some way to include it in their music. Evil started writing lyrics that told horror tales while Willy B kept the guitar in one hand and gave the entire world the finger with the other. Their only goal...