Mono für Alle! | zh

1978年12月,妮莉·费塔朵(Nelly Furtado)出生在加拿大英属Columbia区。拥有明亮美丽的外形,执着追求个性化的音乐和创作歌手的路线。 虽然是在加拿大长大,但Nelly Furtado的父母都是葡萄牙后裔。Nelly Furtado的父母都是普通的工人,而她自己甚至也当过八年的服务生。Nelly Furtado从小就非常喜欢音乐,爱听玛丽亚·凯丽(Mariah Carey)和TLC组合等主流R&B音乐。同时,Nelly还自学了吉他和夏威夷四弦琴。之后,Nelly又迷上了哥哥收藏的Radiohead,Oasis,Portishead,the Verve和U2等乐队的音乐。对不同音乐类型的喜好也为她日后个人音乐风格的多样化埋下了伏笔。 在中学毕业之后,Nelly Furtado来到了多伦多,白天在一家警报器公司工作,下班后的时间就到处去看音乐演出。Nelly Furtado还加入了当地一个hip-hop组合Nelstar,这给了她个人创作歌曲的机会。随后,Nelly开始在多伦多一个小俱乐部里演出,她的音乐才华也开始得到越来越多人的认可。一次,加拿大乐队The Philosopher Kings的两位成员Brian West和Gerald Eaton在看到Nelly Furtado的表演之后立即被她所吸引,并主动提出要为Nelly制作小样。在The Philosopher Kings成员的协助之下,Nelly Furtado成功与Dreamworks签约并在2000年秋发行首张个人专辑《Whoa, Nelly!》。2001年初,为了宣传《Whoa, Nelly!》,Nelly在美国举行了一次巡演,得到评论界和歌迷的一致好评。专辑中的单曲《I'm Like a Bird》和《Turn Off the Light》一时间成为歌迷们谈论的焦点。Nelly Furtado获得2001年第44届格莱美奖的四项提名,最终凭借《I'm Like a Bird》获得当年的最佳流行女歌手奖。加拿大葡萄牙裔亮眼新人Nelly Furtado(妮莉费塔朵)的美国巡回演出本周三在芝加哥的Park West登场,带着她的五人乐团,Nelly在台上尽情的演唱她个人专辑《Whoa,Nelly!》中的曲目,唱到忘我时还秀出舞蹈,成为台下乐迷目光的焦点。而Elton John(艾尔顿强)继在葛莱美奖颁奖典礼上与阿姆合唱Stan一举成瘾后,将在3月下旬与Nelly Furtado于一场AIDS慈善晚会上合唱妮莉的英国金榜Top 5单曲I’m Like A Bird。 Nelly Furtado于2000年10月推出个人首张专辑以来,即备受乐评以及媒体喜爱,而在获得本届加拿大朱诺音乐奖四项奖座后,也可说为她的歌唱前途加分不少。而Elton John这位歌坛前辈近来也表现出泱泱气度,先是与在歌词中批判同性恋的Eminem同台演唱他的冠军单曲Stan,现在似乎不过瘾,接着表示将担任妮莉的演唱嘉宾,与她在爱滋病慈善晚会上合唱一曲I’m Like A Bird。妮莉说:“我可以感觉到Elton John似乎很喜欢我的专辑,他一直在他的演唱会上谈论我和我的音乐。”而妮莉的美国巡回演出的最后一站将于四月九日在波士顿举 2003年9月,Nelly Furtado女儿Nevis诞生。11月,Nelly的第二张个人专辑《Folklore》正式发行。但《Folklore》是令人失望的一张专辑,发行后仅排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第38位,而且整张专辑中都没有一首像《I'm Like a Bird》一样的热门单曲。2006年6月,在两年半之后,Nelly Furtado带着她的第三张专辑《Loose》重返歌坛。《Loose》在发行首周的销量达到21万9千张,另Nelly轻松得到了她第一个Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。Timbaland不仅一人几乎包揽了本张专辑的制作,而且他与Nelly合唱的单曲《Promiscuous》也成为各国排行榜中点播率很高的热门单曲,最终在《Loose》上榜的第二天在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中夺冠。 .
kimono is an experimental rock trio hailing from Reykjavik, Iceland and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Their lastest album is called "Easy Music For Difficult People" and is released on Kimi Records. kimono is made up of Gylfi Blöndal(guitar), Alison MacNeil (guitar and vocals) and Kjartan Bragi Bjarnason (drums). They have released three full-length albums in addition to their latest record including their debut in 2003 (”Mineur Aggressif”), the critically acclaimed “Arctic Death Ship” in 2005 and the experimental “all music recorded” in 2007, the last one in collaboration with Icelandic producer Curver (of Ghostigital). kimono took up residence in Berlin in...
Fura was founded in late 2008 when 4 musicians from around the world decide to combine their artistic creativity resulting in a musical experiment with a sound that is similar to a ferret (fura in catalan): they could sleep many hours, entering in a state of absolute calm, to become a very active and curious animal. They relased his first EP called "Mustela Putorius" on November 2010. .
In the aftermath of the drone/ambient sound project Ora's breakup a couple of years back, all of the principle voices from that loose British collective have been producing an amazing array of translations of the drone through a variety of improvisations, field recordings, and electronic synthesis. Monos is the project of Darren Tate and Colin Potter, both of whom worked extensively in Ora as Tate collected field recordings for the group and Potter provided his engineering prowess which has also been employed by Nurse With Wound and Current 93. The two have produced about a half dozen or so super...
MONOLOGUE is the ambient / drone / doom band of Mat Dilliner. The music is dark, menacing and loud, but retains a sense of beauty and zen. Influences stretch all over the map from Sunn 0))), Boris, and Merzbow to Converge, Black Dice, and Black Sabbath. DISCOGRAPHY: Natural Harmony (2009) Textures (2008) .