Pajama Party | zh

Jahron Anthony Brathwaite (born July 3, 1993), better known under the stage name PARTYNEXTDOOR, is a Canadian singer from Mississauga who is signed to Drake's OVO Sound record label. PARTYNEXTDOOR had been making electronic dance music-infused R&B under his real name Jahron Brathwaite. His OVO Sound signing was announced with the unassuming song release of "Make a Mil" on Drake's October's Very Own blog. His first mixtape, PARTYNEXTDOOR, was released to the iTunes Store on July 1, 2013. It entered on the Billboard Heatseekers Albums chart at number six with sales of 2,000 copies and peaked at number 34 on...
Slumber Party is a band from Detroit led by singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, Aliccia Berg. Slumber Party has released four full-length albums since their debut self-titled release in 2000. Their cds and records are available through labels in the U.S., U.K., Japan and Australia. They’ve toured stateside and abroad and will be touring again in the fall of 2006 to promote their fourth release on the Kill Rock Stars label, their new album: MUSIK. .
2005年揭开序幕,我们看到Bloc Party这支来自英国伦敦的队伍,得以在芸芸新晋乐团之中突围而出。 年初出版的英国音乐周报NME带来的「The Faces Of '05」封面专题特集,Bloc Party便以封面人物的姿态先拔头筹、成为焦点,其「05新人王」的姿态亦不言而喻。 今天Bloc Party的炙手可热之势,委实不禁叫人联想到在去年锋芒毕露的苏格兰格拉斯哥乐队Franz Ferdinand。凑巧的是彼此同是在1月初被点名为该年头号新希望乐队,继而随即紧接在2月份发表他们教外界引颈以待的处男专辑,天时地利人和各方面都配合得天衣无缝,彷佛是在稳操胜券下发动攻势。 或者,背后能达至天时地利人和,看穿了还不过是唱片宣企与音乐媒体的紧密配合。然而毋庸置疑的是,Bloc Party的而且确是一支教人赞叹不已的优秀乐队,打造出爽劲、紧凑、慑人而充满张力的Art School Punk音乐。 甚么新Franz Ferdinand? Bloc Party在去年初露锋芒,名气不胫而走,导致为他们招来「新Franz Ferdinand」的美誉。 无疑,在声音上Bloc Party与Franz Ferdinand存有不少近似的地方,誓如他们所师承自八十年代Post-Punk的精良要素、歌曲拥有令人起舞的强烈节奏感,彼此的音乐都能给予乐迷不禁摇头摆脑起来的畅快聆听经验,两者皆可谓殊途同归。然而Bloc Party却并非「另一队Franz Ferdinand」,毕竟双方的音乐也有若干程度的迥异、是很不同的乐队,所谓的「新Franz Ferdinand」,是指Bloc Party的走势与际遇而多于音乐上的雷同。 但原来Bloc Party跟Franz Ferdinand查实也真的早有渊源。话说未出道前的Bloc Party,乃到处毛遂自荐投寄歌曲Demo,但差不多全军石沉大海。直至在2003年10月,阵中主唱兼结他手Kele Okerere把作品寄给Franz Ferdinand主将Alex Kapranos,自我介绍他们是一支深受The Cure、Pixies、Joy Division、Sonic Youth与Talking Heads影响的乐队——结果Kele得到Alex亲自致电回复,并邀请Bloc Party为Franz Ferdinand一场假Islington的Electrowerkz所举行Live Gig担任暖场演出。 Bloc Party不但自此跟Franz Ferdinand扯上关系,更受到英国著名电台主持人Steve Lamacq之青睐,随即众唱片厂牌的A&R人员亦开始向他们招手。Franz Ferdinand怎说也算是他们的伯乐。 沉寂的警号响起 Bloc Party的两位发起成员——黑人主将Kele Okerere和结他手Russell Lissack结识于1998年,随后二人在NME刊登征求乐手小广告,而物色到低音结他手Gordon Moakes,最后找来华裔鼓手Matt Tong加入(据知是三人听到有人在房间里打鼓而拍门拉拢他加入),Bloc Party便正式成军。 Bloc Party的处男单曲She's Heaving Voices在去年年初由一所小型独立厂牌Trash Aestheties推出,而且还是以限量五百张的透明胶七吋单曲发行,相信现已被炒卖吧。直至他们加盟较具规模的Wichita Recordings发表乐队的第三张单曲Little Thoughs,他们的发展亦见稳步上扬。而在美国亦得到独立公司Dim Mak Records的一纸合约(并在去年为他们出版过一张同名六曲EP作品选)。 经过五张单曲之后,Bloc Party的首张专辑Silent Alarm亦在刚过去的情人节当日隆重面世。唱片名字是取自一篇刊于New Scientist有关日本地震探测系统的文章,Kele解释是因为专辑里存有一种不安的感觉。 当初Wichita与Bloc Party会面时,他们形容自己是一队介乎黑马王子Prince与芝加哥另类乐团Shellac之间的乐队。在唱片里,Bloc Party的音乐正是透过迥异的熏陶磨合出来。 初生之犊 聆听Silent Alarm,教我感受到是一股强烈的初生之犊能量。Bloc Party的音乐来得简约而直截了当,但却处理得精明机智,也不乏录音室Treatment的催化点缀。 Bloc Party的与众不同,是他们拥有Kele这位黑人主唱,而他与Russell又视Prince为头号偶像,故此令到他们的Post-Punk音乐也蕴含着若干程度的黑人音乐基因。不要忘记,A Certain Ratio、The Pop Group等昔日的Post-Punk乐伍,那又何尝不是汲取着黑人音乐的影响而来。 Kele和Russell固然是阵中的灵魂,但却不容忽视Gordon和Matt所凑成的Rhythm Section,深受Joy Division与英伦Post-Punk感染的Gordon一手沉实Bassline配上Matt紧凑有力的爆炸性巨大鼓击,没有二人的话,Bloc Party的音乐定必顿时失色。但誓估不到一派Post-Punk鼓手风范的Matt,在骨子里他所钟情的却竟是Fleetwood Mac及Supertramp等七十年代AOR音乐? 像前作单曲Helicopter,正可见证到Bloc Party所彰显一气呵成而来的激急张力。而由Russell一手迷幻结他带出的唱片开场曲Like Eating Glass,抑或听到Kele施展其半吟半Rap唱腔的Positive Tension,Matt的鼓击无疑是那么富有驱动性,主宰了Bloc Party歌曲的强大动能。 可以肯定,在Bloc Party身上所沉淀着的,都尽是Post-Punk音乐的精髓。早期作品She's Hearing Voices(现为重新灌录的版本)的大踏步巨无霸Funky节拍与Kele沉压着疏离冷漠的演绎丝丝入扣,与其说是Talking Heads遇上Joy Division,那倒不如说是师承A Certain Ratio的影响还更直接,歌曲的跳脱俐落绝不逊色于一众Punk-Funk乐队。 Price Of...
Sleep Party People is the brainchild of Brian Batz, a Danish multi-instrumentalist with a boundless imagination. Taking as inspiration the work of Boards Of Canada, David Lynch and Erik Satie, Batz found the sound of the old battered piano in his apartment, coupled with a freaky electronic alteration of his recorded voice, created an eerie, hypnotic sound. With his other worldly signature sound in place, this one-man home recording project started to take shape back in 2008, the collection of weird and haunting melodies he created forming the basis for Sleep Party People’s self-titled debut album (2010). Back home in...
Knife Party is the electro house duo founded by Rob Swire and Gareth McGrillen, former members of Australian drum & bass band Pendulum. To date, they have released four EPs: 100% No Modern Talking, Rage Valley, Haunted House, and Trigger Warning EP. They have also collaborated with Swedish House Mafia on their single, Antidote. Their debut studio album, Abandon Ship, was released in November of 2014. Abandon Ship saw a deviation in sound from the heavier dubstep sound Knife Party had become known for on their earlier EP's, incorporating elements of more mainstream electro house. Originally scheduled for 27th October,...