Gráinne Duffy | zh

 Duffy于1984年6月1日生于威尔士.灵魂歌手出身的Duffy,在2007年成为A&M Records公司的签约歌手.2007年11月23日,Duffy在BBC2的电视节目"Later with Jools Holland"中的表演使得她获得了参加欢祝新年前夜的节目"Hootenanny"的资格.这次活动中,和Duffy同台演出的有灵魂音乐的传奇人物Eddie Floyd.2008年2月,Duffy第三次登上了"Later with Jools Holland"节目的舞台,并且演唱了Rockferry, Mercy和Stepping Stone三首歌曲.在威尔士,Duffy就是流行乐界的"女中音Katherine Jenkins".   Duffy的首张专辑"Rockferry"将于2008年3月3日发行.Duffy说,Rockferry位于英国的利物浦和切斯特之间,并靠近威尔士边境.英国向来不缺乏才华横溢的女歌手,但是来自北威尔士的Duffy.在2007年11月发行了限定版的单曲"Rockferry"之后,Duffy又发行了单曲"Mercy"."Mercy"这首歌即空降2008年2月17日的下载销量排行榜的第一名. 编辑本段专辑   Rockferry (2008)   ◎ 全英万众瞩目的天才新星   ◎ 2008年最不可忽视的英国新进女声   ◎ 继诺拉琼斯、艾米•怀恩豪斯之后,又一菲比寻常的精彩女声   ◎ 山羊皮乐队前吉他手 Bernard Butler担任制作!   ◎ 发片6周突破百万销量   英国本土双白金,爱尔兰白金销量,法国、德国、瑞士、挪威和希腊等国已破金唱片销量!   iTune下载排行榜勇夺冠军、蝉联英国单曲榜五周冠军榜首单曲   ◎ 电影《欲望都市》主题插曲《Mercy》   中、港、台百名知名音乐人、乐评人、DJ 联名推荐! 5-6月份30本主流杂志专辑推荐/40家电台重点推荐! 6月份HITFM整月广告滚动播放!   01Rockferry 摆渡情歌   满载神秘感复古开场氛围曲   02Warwick Avenue 沃里克大道   难掩忧郁轻柔吟唱小品   03 Serious认真爱   融化人心复古情怀惊艳佳作   04 Stepping Stone垫脚石   被爱拒绝难以自拔哀伤曲   05 Syrup & Honey 甜腻腻   献给工作狂男人最佳蓝调心声   06 Hanging On Too Long沉迷太久   骚灵风乐韵情场失意作   07 Mercy 怜悯   引爆复古摇摆高潮蝉联五周冠军大作,电影《欲望都市》主打插曲   08 Delayed Devotion迟来的爱   新女性潇洒甩人绝赞主题歌   09 I’m Scared 惧怕   细腻唱出离情依依动人小品   10 Distant Dreamer遥远的梦想家   大气十足耐听结尾曲 .
Gráinne Duffy is an Irish singer-songwriter from Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. All Access Magazine described her music as a "powerhouse of soul and inspiration mixed with desire and passion".[1] Her Success has led her to play 3 days on the Acoustic Stage at Glastonbury Festival 2008, UK.[2] and Blues On The Bay Festival 2008 in Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland, which has been twice headlined by Van Morrison.[3] Grainne Duffy has opened for many major acts including Robben Ford,[4] Dino Baptiste,[5] Shawn Jones[6] and The Yardbirds.[7] Her tracks have also made it on many BBC Radio Ulster playlists including Alan Simpson's Playlist,[8]...
Stephen Duffy (born Stephen Anthony James Duffy on 30 May 1960 in Alum Rock, Birmingham, England) is an English singer-songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. He was a founding member and original lead singer (and bassist) of Duran Duran (though he left before they signed with EMI in 1980). Subsequently he has recorded under various guises and with various collaborators as The Hawks, Tin Tin, Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy, Dr. Calculus, The Lilac Time, Stephen Duffy & The Lilac Time, and The Devils. In his solo efforts he had two UK hit singles in the mid 1980s: Kiss Me and Icing on the...
找到了 30 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:51:58
Good Love Had to Die
Rather Go Blind
Drivin' Me Crazy
Rockin' Rollin' Stone
Don't You Remember
Each And Every Time
Falling for You
Bad To Worse
Bad to Worse
Please Take Care
Waiting For You
Test of Time
Meant to Break
In My Arms
Voodoo Blues
Thrill Is Gone
I Don't Know Why
Each and Every Time
Out of the Dark
Don't You Wanna Know
Sweet Sweet Baby
I Know We're Gonna Be Just Fine
What More Can I Do
Bring It All Together
Time's Not Enough
No Matter What I Do
Don't You Cry for Me