Nihil+Fist | zh

Infant Anninilator is a British/American deathcore project currently consisting of Eddie Pickard (guitars/bass), Aaron Kitcher (drums) and Dickie Allen (vocals) While Pickard and Kitcher are England natives, their vocalist spot has always been taken by an American. Their original vocalist Dan Watson recorded with the band via sending his vocals to the members and their debut album with Watson (The Palable Leprosy of Polution) was released in late 2012. However, the band recorded with their current vocalist (Dickie Allen) in the same room. Their second album The Elysian Grandeval Galèriarch was recorded and mixed by Jesse Kirkbride at his home...
来自加拿大的Annihilator的乐队。他们早期的作品受到美国湾区(Bay Area)Thrash Metal 运动的深刻影响。但是早期作品由於没有太多特点,虽然也小有名气,但是一直没有公司赏识。然而ANNIHILATOR 却成功在Thrash Metal行将结束的年代。他们在风格中尝试加入 Classic Rock成分,凭藉自己的多年的磨练和经验创造出了属於ANNIHILATOR的风格,用 Alice In Hell 的出色表现一举成名。乐队也成为 Canuck Thrashers 的代表人物。乐队的核心人物 Jeff Waters现在已经成为加拿大重金属领域首屈一指的人物,这张唱片中他担任了除去鼓和演唱部分的所有乐器。相当的精准,所有的声部丝丝入扣。他的结他技术的确是非常过硬,他演奏的快速下切又匀又快,正是ANNIHILATOR的早期特点之一。听着他甩头也是听众的一种享受。旋律化、高速、流畅以及精致的编曲,再加上完美的录音效果,让谁也无法拒绝的ANNIHILATOR的这张唱片。乐手们过硬的技术,演奏这样清晰的颗粒感,爆炸一样的速度的音乐,没有任何受拘束的现象,相反,把自己的特点发挥的淋漓尽致!这张唱片至今仍旧是Roadrunner唱片公司历史上销售成绩最好的唱片,粗略统计全世界销出 250000 张。 .
There are at least 3 artists/bands named 'Fist of Fury': 1) Fist of Fury was a hardcore punk band from Hoeksche Waard, the Netherlands. They existed from 2000-2007. They played their last show (along with No Turning Back and Terror) at a venue called Bibelot, in Dordrecht, the Netherlands. From their MySpace: "Fist Of Fury started out first as Down To Earth. They released a demo-cd called 'Riot'. The band has grown up since that 1st Down To Earth demo. They now changed their name to Fist Of Fury [nl] and their songs are way more aggressive than before and...
There is more than one band with this name: Summary: 1) a death metal band from Sweden that later became Entombed. 2) a hatecore band from Macedonia which has two albums up to date,the latest being " Hate Induced Global Decay" 3) an ambient/trance project from Germany 4) a death metal/grindcore band from Bulgaria, formed in 1991 and have released 2 albums - "Nothing" (1993) and "She's Such A Scream (1994) 5) a thrash metal band from Southern California 6) a chillout/trance project by Tiziano S. Cerrone, released two CDs in Germany 7) a hardcore, metal band from Macedonia.
California punk band Annihilation Time was formed in late 2001 by guitarist Graham Clise, vocalist Fred Hammer, drummer Jamie Sanitate and bassist Chris Grande. Soon Tony Molino was recruited as second guitar. After playing a few shows and parties around the Ventura County area, Sanitate and Melino switch roles, as each excelled at the other's instrument. This lineup recorded the first Annihilation Time record in 2002. The band then did a US tour with fill-in drummer Clinton Stoggsdale, as Tony was unable get time off from school. Vocalist Hammer departed in late 2002, replaced by US tour roadie Jimmy Rose,...