The+Bar+Feeders | zh

Déjeuner sur l'herbe, the first offense of Montreal’s rock outfit Les Breastfeeders, conquered both the public and the critic after its release in spring 2004, on the Blow The Fuse label. Since then, Luc Brien (vocals and guitar), Suzie McLeLove (vocals and guitar), Sunny Duval (guitar), Joe (bass), Johnny Maldoror (tambourine) and Fred Fortin (on drums with the band since 2005), have travelled throughout Quebec for two years, to present their frenetic and contagious shows. Invited to perform at numerous festivals and events (Francofolies de Montréal, Festival d'été de Québec, Fête de la St-Jean à Québec, Art Vocal de Trois-Rivières,...
Alcohol.......Good God......Alcohol is probably responsible for this entire mess. Without alcohol it’s doubtful The Bar Feeders would speak to one another very often. Without alcohol they wouldn’t play so obnoxiously fast .(It’s a little known fact that they do so only to hide the endless mistakes and fuck-ups that invariably materialize as a result of their refusal to perform in a state even remotely resembling sobriety.) Without alcohol they would never have forged that kind of indestructible bond that can only come to be when three judgment impaired glory chasing musicians get loaded and climb to the top of the...