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Featuring Christian Karlsson of Miike Snow and Linus Eklöw from Style of Eye, Galantis are a Swedish superduo who represent the place where EDM and pop meet. Karlsson (the man behind hits like Britney Spears' "Toxic") met Eklöw (the man behind hits like Icona Pop's "I Love It") at the Robotberget studio in Stockholm. Their mutual admiration society turned into a project once they began discussing a more poignant style of EDM that retained pop's passion. The duo set up shop on the Stockholm archipelago in the Baltic Sea, began recording, and released the "Smile" single on the Atlantic label... .
there are at least 9 bands or artists with the name Frantic: 1. a psychedelic rock band active in the 70s, hailing from Billings, Montana, with influences of 70s garage rock, hard rock and blues rock 2. a swiss indie band: Since the new millennium frantic are known all over Switzerland and across the border. With their first studio album Change and their radio single “Mr. Genius” the four gentlemen and the one lady made their first steps into a successful future. After Swiss National Radio DRS3 had shortlisted the band for Swiss Top, frantic was played on all important...
ROMANTIC MODE是活跃于日本90年代中后期的音乐歌唱团体,说来也是非常日式传统的一女两男的组合制,其中实力派女唱将“麻仓晶”担任女主唱,也负责部分作词,著名音乐人Joe Rinoie主要负责团体的键盘,和声,萨克斯的演奏,以及大部分作词和作曲等,另一位成员铃川真树负责键盘,吉他和一些歌曲的作曲等。 组合成立于1996年,主要是以电子乐风格为主,乐器方面以电吉他以及键盘为主,歌曲方面充满了时代感,出道曲是作为日本动漫界长久经典的“高达”系列的其中一部“机动新世纪 高达X”的前半部分的片头主 题歌“DREAMS”,并于1996年5月22日发行了以“DREAMS”为主打歌的首张单曲,并在“日本Oricon公信榜”得到了最高位第10的位置,之后便趁热打铁推出了首张同名专辑“ROmantic Mode”,并且在专辑里收录了备受好评的首张单曲的主打歌“DREAMS”和附属歌“Don't Stop Loving You”,整张专辑共10首歌曲,其余8首全为全新创作的新歌,整张专辑的风格虽以电子乐为主,但风格还是比较多元化的,激情、劲爆、轻快,其中也不乏抒情,同时也在“日本Oricon公信榜”得到了最高位第18位的好成绩。 由于之前“DREAMS”的成功,随着“机动新世纪 高达X”播放到后半部分,新的片头主题歌依然由“ROMANTIC MODE”制作,而另一首经典的激情劲爆的电子乐快歌也由此诞生“Resolution”,从词、曲、编曲、演唱方面和爽快程度,都略胜于“DREAMS”,因为“机动新世纪 高达X”随着播放进度,越来越不被看好,所以“Resolution”的知名度、成绩和销量多少有一些影响,但还是获得了不错的评价,单曲发行后在“日本Oricon公信榜”还是获得了最高位第12位的好成绩。之后便推出了第二张专辑“Vision of Love”和第一张专辑类似,收录了“Resolution”单曲以及附属歌“I don't wanna cry”。但是区别在于,整张专辑基本都是劲爆的风格,听起来非常的爽快,像专辑里的“What Lies after Tomorrow”和“Resolution”一样的出色,“Just Give Me Your Love”相对来讲算比较轻快了,配合萨克斯的演奏,整首歌旋律非常的优美动听,从“Believer”开始到“Precious Love”一气呵成,“LOVE”和“A New Beginning”则是在劲爽之后的柔情,虽然当时的成绩和销量不慎理想,但现在听来却是非常好听和不错的一张专辑。 .
There are several artists using this name: 1. A dutch experimental/post-rock/electro/ambient 2. A British Ambient/Post-Hardcore band from Leicester. 3. A German blues and funk rock band from the '70s featuring Inga Rumpf as vocalist 4. An American progressive rock band active in the 1990's 5. A trance project 6. A 1960's Czechoslovakian rock band 7. A Dutch instrumental electronic solo project 8. An unsigned heavy metal band 9. A Polish disco polo group 10. A Ukrainian power metal group 11. An Alias of American techno group Underground Resistance 12. An American Funk group 13. A pseudonym of LTJ Bukem. Dutch...