Hollywood Undead | zh

近来奇怪的事情一件又一件,都不知道是生活在怎样的世界里。空气中弥漫着毒气,随意的死去好像是一件很自然的事情。我曾对人说,我拒绝对任何事情做出评论。竟然遭到反问,“那么你的钱包里有钱吗?”呵呵。   恐惧才是这个世界的主题,我们根本不知道会用那种方式死去。假如知道自己是如何死去的,那真是一件痛苦的事情。忽然觉得这是一条死路,生机勃勃。   应该说这是今年我听过最好的专辑。戴着恐怖面具的乐队,hip hop+Screamo+ metal,自由就是一切。Hollywood Undead 08新专辑《Swan Songs》,展开无限的快感空间。我对此做出前所未有的评价,就如当初Mika - [Life In Cartoon Motion]一样。像如此尽情歌唱生活复杂的愤怒已经很少了。   我的窗外天气在悄悄变化,我的身边的世界也悄然变化着,有些人被逼上绝路;有些人在餐厅里消费了钱包里的最后几张钞票;有些人挤在公车里塞着mp3听着毫无激情的音乐;有些人坐在电脑前痛苦的写每一篇博文,然后躲到被窝里哭泣着。电视剧完幕了,生命结束,我们都变成行尸走肉。   现在的人,听HipHop的人多了,懂音乐的人少了。有人说这是一张强悍的专辑,对于Hollywood Undead这个乐队我还是很陌生。听后那种感觉就是,不知道要再等多久,他们才会发下一张专辑。Rap很类似匪帮说唱,可是那种狠劲贯穿了金属和电子。   我观望着未来,看到阴下来的天空忽然阳光灿烂。倒着放的地拖显得异常孤独。我还从来没爱过这把地拖。我爱过洗衣机,爱过扫把,爱过垃圾桶,就是忽略对这把地拖的爱。你知道的,爱得太多常常就会有忽略;爱得太阔,常常就不知道自己到底爱着什么。   我知道,恐惧的表达很难让许多人接受。而HipHop会让一部分人抵触,认为这是很庸俗的音乐。其实并不是这样。只是优秀的作品太少太隐蔽让我们很少见到HipHop的真实面相。推荐这张专辑又不知道它会淹没在哪个市场浪潮之中。   生命,有时总处在一种等待的状态之中,惆怅,这是一段无尽惆怅的时光。我   们爱过,没爱上,然后等待的只是死亡。舞会结束,接下来的就是酒后的细细倾诉。 .
1) Hollywood was a hardcore punk from Nashville, TN. Sounds similar to Suicide File, American Nightmare, Modern Life is War, Tear it up, Panic. They have a self-released Demo, Catch Us If You Can Demo 2K5 that you may find floating around Purevolume. More recently, they recorded an EP/full-length, and were signed to new label from Memphis, Keepitcore Records. Their CD, Brave Sounds, has 8 songs on it; and their 7" release of it has 6, and has currently been released on 2 different colors in limited numbers (as well as some presses from the Righteous Jams/Dead City show on...
UNDEAD CORPORATION is a melodic death metal/metalcore band formed in Japan which consists of パインツリー (Pine Tree) from monochrome-coat as the arranger, rhythm guitarist, bassist and also the vocalist (occasionally). The others members are: 平野幸村 (Yukimura Hirano) from Unlucky Morpheus as the lead guitarist and former main vocalist of UNDEAD CORPORATION, 朱美 (Akemi) as the main female vocalist, ウェストヴィレッジ (West Village) as the main harsh vocalist and 森下フミヤ (Fumiya Morishita) as the drummer. The band was formed in 2010. The band has also invited few guests as lyricists and vocalists for some of their works, such as 天蓋冬樹 (Fuyuki Tenge),...
Hollywood Vampires is an American rock supergroup formed in 2015 by Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp and Joe Perry to honor the music of the rock stars who died from excess in the 1970s. The band name derives from The Hollywood Vampires, a celebrity drinking club formed by Cooper in the 1970s whose members included Ringo Starr and Keith Moon of The Who. They have released one studio album, Hollywood Vampires (2015), featuring guest appearances by Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl, Joe Walsh, and Dracula star Christopher Lee amongst others. .
找到了 185 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:36:00
City Of The Dead
I Dont Wanna Die
Coming Back Down
10 Лучших Треков
Day Of The Dead
15 Грустных Треков
Notes from the Underground (Full Album)
Hear Me Now
Lump Your Head
Live at Rock in Rio USA 2015 Full
Notes From The Underground [2013]
Comin' In Hot
Fuck the wotld
Lights Out (clean version)
Dead In Ditches
10 треков-легенд
Dead In Ditches
We Are We Are
Five (2017)
One More Bottle
New Day (Bonus Track)
Riot (Slow)
Hotel Kalifornia
pain slowed reverb
Mother Murder
I Don't Wonna Die
Swan Songs (2008) Full album
Day Of The Dead [Full Album]
Все припевы Hollywood undead
Припевы песен
Fuck The World
Street Dreams [#hu4life]
American Tragedy(Nightcore)