BOTS | zh

Robots consists of the artist Takuya Asanuma. Former guitarist of Judy and Mary, he started his own solo project making poppy rock songs. He later dropped the name and simply went under his own name. .
Microbots are Thomas Wedel and Thorsten Adler. Under this alias, they recorded several hits like "Chip" and "I Didn't Know What To Expect" with Kim Sanders. .
日本时尚跳舞风潮流行指标 Towa Tei 中文名:陶华泰      一脸俊秀,身上却总爱穿著深色衣饰与一黑框大眼镜,还有那个永远放在嘴边的V字手势的Towa Tei,自出道以来,便一直是少数几位能在英美乐坛中闯出独特名号的日籍乐手。而且早在电子音乐于英国蔚为主流时尚之际,Towa Tei便已经早好几年在纽约地下乐界与Deee-Lite舞曲乐团而扬名英美电子乐界,甚至于长期以来Towa Tei便都是一直与阪本龙一、Arto Lindsay等纽约前卫圈内知名乐手经常处于合作的状态。      可以大胆地说Towa Tei绝对是时下2-Step Garage时尚跳舞风潮日本领导指标, 以及英美日跳舞圈通吃第一人, 当Deee-Lite自1996年解散,Towa Tei便从早期Deee-Lite时期把玩Jungle、浩室舞曲、饶舌、环境音乐和放客音乐等混杂风格转而朝向一更为多元文化的融汇风格,举凡巴西森巴节奏、沙龙音乐、轻爵士等等均是Towa Tei极力拼贴剪裁的音乐元素。然而Towa Tei的作品之所以引人入胜,有别于一般电子乐DJ过于操控混音的毛病,即在于他深谙如何完整地保存各元素的原始风味,而又能在混合节奏与迷人旋律中找寻到平衡点。      Towa Tei不仅善用古老乐器的醇美音色,他更懂得让电子音乐呈现出一种轻巧优雅的人性况味,使得他的历年个人作品总是呈现出一种不同于英美体系的电子乐美学;在慧黠中带着一股电玩幽默,同时又在现代感十足的节拍中藏着一丝复古怀旧。聆听Towa Tei的音乐其实无须如Pizzicato Five的时尚包装,更不必浓妆艳抹的装扮来凸显自己,因为,他就是独一无二的Towa Tei  .
Born out of improvisation and experimentation, FemBots stretch themselves musically to produce music which is daring yet accessible. The FemBots began as a home recording project of Dave MacKinnon and Brian Poirier and their debut, Mucho Cuidado (2000), featured songs written and performed on power tools, toys and broken down thrift store instruments. The duo quickly carved a unique space in the Toronto music scene bringing their post-industrial folk songs to the stage using tape loops and reel-to-reel machines mixed with often frantic live performances. Their critically acclaimed second release, Small Town Murder Scene (2003), adopted a more atmospheric approach...
找到了 188 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:39:34
La musique de France
Stop the Bot
Was wollen wir trinken
Sieben Tage lang
Sieben Tage lang (1980)
Bots - Sieben Tage lang
Das weiche Wasser
Sieben tage lang (Was wollen wir trinken)
Was wollen wir trinken
prog 6.20
Sieben Tage lang (♂Right version, Gachi remix)
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Sieben Tage lang
Was wallen wir trinken
Sieben Tage lang
Zeven dagen lang
Das weiche Wasser
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Sieben Tage lang
Zeven Dagen Lang
Was Wollen Wir Trinken Sieben Tage Lang
Sieben Tage Lang (2015)
Luftwaffe (rock)
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In The Morning
Sieben Tage Lang (1980)
Wat Zullen We Drinken
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Zeven Dagen Lang
Was wollen wir trinken
Hot (DnB RemiX)
Bot, Curious
Bots (Lewis. Remix)
Was wollen wir trinken
Zeven Dagen Lang (1976) (OST SS)
Zeven Dagen Lang
Was Wollen Wir Trinken
Carol of The Bots (Mecha-Claus) (Xmas 2022)
Я бросаю пить
bots - Sieben Tage lang
amazing (slowed by bot¡n)
Bots Don't Cry
Sieben Tage Lang (1980)
Luftwaffe March
was wollen wir trinken(slow)