Electric Angels | zh

There are three artists with this name 1. An Australian rock band 2. An American girl group best known for "My Boyfriend's Back", a #1 hit in the United States in 1963 3. An American R&B group none of these are to be confused with any of the artists called Angels, without the definite article. (1) The Angels (Australia) USA as Angel City (1980-1985), The Angels from Angel City (1988-1989), The Angels (1992). In November 1970, brothers Rick and John Brewster formed The Moonshine Jug and String Band. In 1971 the band was joined by Irish immigrant Bernard "Doc" Neeson....
电光乐队(Electric Light Orchestra,简称ELO)    组建地点:英国,伯明翰    活跃年代:1970年至1983年、1985-1986、2000-2001年    唱片公司:Harvest,Warner Bros,United Artists,Jet,Columbia,Epic,Legacy,Sony BMG    风格:前卫摇滚(Prog-Rock)、艺术摇滚(Art Rock)、当代流行/ 摇滚(Contemporary Pop/ Rock)、专辑摇滚(Album Rock) 乐队介绍:    由主唱兼吉他手Jeff Lynne所领军的Electric Light Orchestra(E.L.O.),作品多为概念性专辑,乐风则是以流行及摇滚乐为主体,运用大量的弦乐器及华丽电子音效,再结合细致的合声,而营造出丰富紧凑的音质,及迷人的空间层次感与戏剧气氛,使他们得以在70至80年代间独树一帜。创造10首排行榜TOP 40畅销单曲,其中又以“Shine A Little Love "、“Don`t Bring Me Down "、“Hold On Tight"、及取自冠军电影《仙纳杜》声带专辑中的“I`m Alive"、“All Over The World"等最让乐迷耳熟能详。 步入80年代中期以后,该团的作品便逐渐减少, ELO终呈解体状态,然而其在乐迷心中超级摇滚乐团的地位,却是永不改变的。而2001年在核心Jeff Lynne的带领下停摆15年的ELO重出江湖,发表全新专辑《Zoom(呼啸疾驶)》。而在过去的15年中Jeff Lynne的音乐事业并没有停滞,为Tom Petty专辑《Full Moon Fever》与《Into The Great Wide Open》、George Harrison专辑《Cloud Nine“》、Paul McCartney专辑《Flaming Pie》“与Beatles的单曲《Free As A Bird》等担纲制作人,在新专辑《Zoom》中Jeff Lynne身为主唱及大部份的乐器编排,去掉过往ELO大量的弦乐及合声编制,改以吉他原声呈现现代摇滚风味,并有前披头四吉他手George Harrison及鼓手Ringo Starr前来助阵,展现ELO向来对乐音不断开创可能性的精神,一张继往开来标示新里程的钜作。 70 年代中后期Beatles浪潮下一支管弦乐编制的流行乐团ELO(The Electric Light Orchestra)是一支在英国发迹,却于美国发扬光大的团体。由主唱兼吉他手JEFF LYNNE所领军的ELECTRIC LIGHTORCHESTRA (E.L.O.),前身为英国伯明罕摇滚乐“MOVE",于1971年正式改名为ELO。 正如其名,ELO是一支庞大的管弦乐编制乐团,团员们最原始的想法是藉以古典音乐乐器的诠释方式来演奏摇滚乐。使他们得以在70至80年代间独树一帜。步入 80年代中期以后,该团的作品便逐渐减少,而在休息了15年的ELO终于2001年重出江湖,发行的新专辑仍旧受到许多乐迷的喜爱。可见ELO在乐迷心中超级摇滚乐团的地位,是永不改变的。精选专辑,收录了15首ELO的名曲,其中又以“SHINE A LITTLE LOVE ",“DON\"T BRING ME DOWN ",“HOLD ON TIGHT"这三首TOP10,最让乐迷耳熟能详,不容错过。 Electric Light Orchestra于1981年发表的Twilight作为日剧《电车男》的开头曲受到广泛欢迎。 .
Speedcore / Terror producer Rico Schwantes. .
Electric Guest is a Los Angeles-based band comprising Asa Taccone, Matthew Compton, and the brothers Todd and Tory Dahlhoff. Until 2011, Electric Guest was a duo with original members Taccone and Compton, before the Dahlhoffs joined to make it a four-member band. Having worked with Danger Mouse as a producer, they were featured on MTV's list of Artists to Watch in 2012. On April 24, 2012, the band released their debut album, Mondo. The band has released two music videos, the first for their single "This Head I Hold", and the second for their song "American Daydream". Electric Guest began...
There are two artists that have used the name Electric Six 1. An alternative rock band from the United States 2. A musical group from South Africa 1. Electric Six is a six-piece Detroit-based rock band consisting of Dick Valentine (vocals), Tait Nucleus? (synthesizers), Johhny Na$hinal (guitar), Da Ve (guitar), Percussion World (drums), and Smorgasboard (bass) who play a mix of rock, funk and disco. The band's first notorious formation comprised Valentine, Rock and Roll Indian (guitar), Surge Joebot (guitar), Disco (bass, former member of Detroit Cobras), and M (drums). Dick Valentine (real name Tyler Spencer) has always been the...
找到了 158 歌曲, 持续时间: 10:35:02
Electric Angels
Electric Angel (Rin & Len Rus Cover) // VOCALOID
Electric Angel
The War Is Over
Postcards From My Heart
New York City Girl
One of the Fallen Angels
Release Your Angels
Electric Angel
Electric Angel
Electric Angel
Electric Angel
Electric Angel
Electric Angels
Send Me an Angel
Electric Angel (Game ver.)
Angel of This Night
Electric Angel (Vocaloid)
Electric Angel [RUS]
full map【happy birthday sam!】
Electric Angels
Electric Fury
Electric Thunder
Electric Angel
Have All the Angels Died
Come With Me
The Electric Underground
Electric angel
Electric Angel
Electric Angel [Live]
I've Been There
Electric Angels - 1990
Tangerine Girl