Secession+Stand | zh

Hi-Standard are a Japanese punk rock group who formed in 1991. Since then, they have become a popular and influential part of Japanese underground music. The release of their hugely popular "Making the Road" sparked sold-out Japan shows and US/European tours with punk bands such as NOFX, WIZO, and No Use for a Name. Although Hi-Standard were Japanese born, all of their major releases were sung in English. Live footage of the band shows them talking to the crowd in their native Japanese and then immediately changing to English for the songs. Style Although classed as a 'punk rock' band,...
состав группы: Игорь (Кот) - ударные Марко Лилия (Лилу) - клавиши Полторацкий Егор (Игоррр) - вокал, гитара Метеленко Александр (Сашка) - ритм-соло гитара Молчанов Виктор (Басмач) - бас Команда образована в 2004 году. Изначальный состав: Полторацкий Егор -вокал, Молчанов Виктор - бас гитара, Метеленко Александр - соло гитара. Изначальное название команды Rohad. Летом 2005 в команду при гласили ударника Кривошеева Николая. После первого концерта в ДК «КПИ» команда меняет название на Amor Fati. Осенью 2006 года Николай покидает группу в связи с тем, что не справляется со своими обязанностями. Осенью того же года к группе присоединяется ударник Александр Селюк, а...
Standing Egg is an indies Korean acoustic pop band that debuted in 2010 under Von Entertainment. The band is made up of three people, Egg 1, Egg 2, and Egg 3, who produce and compose the music. As they don't have a vocalist or musicians, they feature various guest indies artists like Clover (guitar, vocals), Windy (vocals), Han Gyul (double bass), or Hana (djembe) for their songs and performance. .
stand still is japanese band .
Starting with the circuit-bent toys and keyboards of Kevin C. Smith and running through Maurice Rickard's live processing, the improvised results range from an exploration of a landscape of tense sonic alienation, to abstract IDM, to light comedy. .