Wagon Christ | zh

There are six artists with this name: 1. A psychedelic pop band from Boston, MA 2. A psychedelic/progsessive rock band from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada 3. A U.K. Folk band 4. A sludge/drone band from Malvern, West Midlands, UK 5. An Indie band from Medicine Hat, Alberta. 6. A rock and roll band from Olympia, WA 1) Christmas were a band who recorded three albums of quirky neo-psychedelic pop in the late 1980s. Based in Boston, MA, the trio of Liz Cox (aka Miss Lily Banquette, vocals and bongos), Michael Cudahy (aka The Millionaire, guitar and vocals), and bassist Dan Salzmann...
克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera),1980年12月18日出生于美国纽约史泰登岛,美国女歌手、演员。 童年时期,克里斯蒂娜加入电视节目“米老鼠俱乐部”后开始演艺生涯。1998年与RCA唱片公司签约,同年为迪士尼电影《Mulan》演唱主题曲《Reflection》,获金球奖最佳原创歌曲提名。1999年发行首张同名专辑《Christina Aguilera》,凭借歌曲《What a Girl Wants》获得第42届格莱美最佳新人奖。2002年发行专辑《Stripped》,凭借歌曲《Beautiful》获得第46届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。 2006年发行第三张专辑《Back to Basics》,凭借歌曲《Ain't No Other Man》获得第49届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。 2010年留名于好莱坞星光大道,同年主演电影歌舞剧《滑稽戏》,自创歌曲《Bound To You》入围金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖。2010年6月4日发行专辑《Bionic》。2012年11月13日发行专辑《Lotus》。2013年为电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》献唱歌曲《We Remain》。 2015年2月与乐队“A Great Big World”合作的歌曲《Say Something》在57届格莱美奖中获得最佳流行组合奖 ;同年回归音乐评论节目《美国好声音》第八季担任导师。 .
Christafari was founded in 1989 by songwriter, producer, and lead vocalist, Mark Mohr. Raised in a Christian family, Mark strayed from his Godly upbringing and, during his teens, became involved in hard drugs and alcohol. As an answer to many prayers, the Lord delivered Mark from his addictions at a Christian camp at the age of 17. After serious prayer, God impressed on his heart to start the first Christian reggae band in America. In 2004, Christafari recieved three awards for Album of the year, Best Artist/Group, and best Producer from the Urban Gospel Industry Awards (July 17th). The band's...
There is more than one artist called Christina. 1. Christina, biduanita remadja dari Surakarta, Indonesia, bintang tiada tara jang muntjul memahkotai angkasa senisuara. Bukan kwalitas suaranja. Bukan tehnik menjanjinja. Buka pula pembawaan lagunja. Tetapi ketiga-tiganjalah jang menempatkan Christina disinggasana senisuara. Recorded "Bintang Tjitaku" with VARIATA led by IDO SIGARLAKI and released in 1966 in Indonesia. 2. Christina Janet Undhjem is from Røros (Norway), but moved to Denmark in 1995. In Denmark she became singer in the pop group Youknowwho. She later joined the girl pop trio Sha Li Mar. She released one album Watching You in 1998. 3. Christina Booth...
在1980年颁发的第23届葛莱美奖上大放异彩一连囊括最受瞩目的『年度唱片』、『年度专辑』、『年度歌曲』、『年度新人』等四项大奖再加上『最佳演唱编曲』奖,记录至今无人能出其右者,他的名字就是克Christopher Cross。Christopher Cross1951年出生于於德州,1973年组团,后来到洛杉矶打天下,1980年发行首张同名专辑叫好又叫座,在榜上待了两年多,至今销售五白金。其中共出现四首单曲∶包括得奖的Sailing(冠军曲),另外是他的首支单曲Ride Like The Wind(亚军曲)和两首前20名排行曲Never Be The Same、Say You'll Be Mine。由于声势如日中天,杜德利.摩尔、丽莎.明妮莉主演的浪漫喜剧【二八佳人花公子】主题曲Arthur's Theme也交由克罗斯演唱,结果为他添得一座奥斯卡『最佳电影歌曲』奖。1983年第二张专辑「Another Page」推出,All Right、Think Of Laura、No Time For Talk是其中单曲。1985年与1988年都分别推出「Every Turn Of The World」及「Back Of My Mind」,不过Christopher Cross已逐渐退出美国流行市场,同时也更换唱片公司。到2000年为止他一共发行有八张专辑,在日本、德国反而比家乡更为走红。 .