Leroy+Jenkins | zh

Nolwenn于1982年9月28日出生于法国西部半岛布列塔尼大区的小镇Saint-Renan 10岁,作为职业足球运动员的父亲抛弃了家庭。Nolwenn开始经历艰难的岁月,由于母亲工作的变动,而经常搬家。从4岁到11岁,她总共换了6所学校,这期间,Nolwenn保持着对大海、布列塔尼和塞尔特传说的热爱。 母亲失业,外祖父得病,两位曾外祖母相继因为癌症去世,这些痛苦的经历造成了Nolwenn性格中忧郁的一面。 她进入法国克莱蒙费朗大学法律系学习,希望以后能在联合国或非政府组织从事外交工作。 16岁,Nolwenn被维希罗特里俱乐部选中作为交换学生去了美国。 Nolwenn在法国就读的维希塞勒斯丹中学(初中)的音乐老师发现了她的音乐天赋,并建议她学习小提琴。Nolwenn的小提琴是由她的曾外祖父传给了她的外祖母,最后传到了她手上。 从美国回到法国以后,Nolwenn开始学习歌剧演唱。事实上,Nolwenn非常喜欢唱歌,而且经常一个人偷偷地唱个不停。 于是报名参加了教授古典唱腔的Armande Altai开办的歌剧学习班。为了攒取学费和往返巴黎的车费,她周末在超市当收银员。 风靡全球50多个国家的“明星学院”(Star Academy)这一电视节目的概念最早源自西班牙,却最先在法国得到实施,并立刻刮起收视热浪。这是一个类似于“美国偶像”的歌手选秀节目,一个真实生活TV秀。从全国各地甄选来的学生集体居住在一个美丽的城堡里,学习声乐、舞蹈、戏剧、形体等课程,并进行排演,每周末做总结演出,并淘汰最弱的学生。为期4个月的学期下来以后,最后唯一的胜利者可以获得100万欧元的奖金和环球公司的一张唱片合约。这一切都由法国电视1台在全国范围内播出,观众看到的不仅仅是歌艺表演,还有学生们的日常生活。参加这样的节目对于性格内向,甚至被学院的老师评价为自闭的Nolwenn来说需要很大的勇气。虽然不习惯面对镜头,Nolwenn沉醉在学院的音乐氛围里,并且借着这个节目使得法国人发现了一个美妙的声音。 .
Karl Jenkins (b. 17 february 1944) is a Welsh musician and composer Jenkins was born in Penclawdd, Gower, Wales. After attending the University of Wales, Cardiff, he began postgraduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music, London. It was in jazz that he initially made his mark. In the days of Jazz Polls he was a prolific poll winner, playing at Ronnie Scott’s club before co-forming Nucleus, which won first prize at the Montreux Jazz Festival. This was followed by a period with Soft Machine. Defying categorisation, the Softs played venues as diverse as the Proms, Carnegie Hall, and the...
Jon Jenkins is primarily a musician in the electronic/ambient genre. "I've always been fascinated by the ability of a good piece of music to stimulate the imagination and transport the listener to another place in their mind without ever leaving their chair. Growing up, I listened to a lot of music like Pink Floyd, Genesis, Marillion, Peter Gabriel, and Tangerine Dream because they always made albums to be experienced rather than just listened to, and they all maintained a nice balance between power and space. I couldn't get enough of that stuff, so I just started to create the music...
Leroy Vinnegar (July 13, 1928 – August 3, 1999) was an American jazz bassist. Born in Indianapolis, the self-taught Vinnegar established his reputation in Los Angeles during the 1950s and 1960s. His trademark was the rhythmic "walking" bass line, a steady series of ascending or descending notes, and it brought him the nickname "The Walker". Besides his jazz work, he also appeared on a number of soundtracks and pop albums, notably Van Morrison's 1972 album, Saint Dominic's Preview. He recorded extensively as both a leader and sideman. He came to public attention in the 1950s as a result of recording...
Billy Jenkins (born 5 July 1956) is an English blues guitarist, composer, and bandleader. Initially Jenkins became famous as a member of Burlesque, then as part of Trimmer & Jenkins. A short period he followed as a member of Ginger Baker's Nutters. For several years, he ran Wood Wharf Studios. He mixed this with work on his own VOTP Records label and leading the Voice Of God Collective, a group which included Iain Ballamy, Django Bates, Steve Watts, Ashley Slater, and other members of the group Loose Tubes. The band released several gramophone records such as Sounds Like Bromley and...